Phone Chat Jobs are Not All the Same

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs pop up all the time, so it can be overwhelming to decide where to apply. When I first started in this industry, I thought all phone sex companies were the same. But I quickly found out they can vary greatly. Some companies pay their contractors literally pennies on their talk time. The best paying phone companies are direct dial companies like WBMT.

Direct dial means you answer the phone and process your caller. There is no dispatch person in the middle taking care of the billing part. Those kinds of companies usually do not require much from you. Woman just answer the phone all day. Now, a direct dial company pays you more, usually at least half of what the per minute rate is for the callers. But because they pay more, they expect more like blogging and set schedules.

The first company I worked for paid us $30 cents a minute. The phone felt like it was always attached to my head. And even working a shit ton of hours, I never made more than $400 a week. I could not pay my bills like that. But I thought that was standard until I saw an ad for WBMT offering up to a $1.10 a minute on my talk time. I applied and I have been here ever since. And I did not mind the extra work like blogging. I did not even mind a set schedule.

Even when I was in my first weeks of training, I still made more money than I did at the first pso company. Now my paychecks average $1500 a week. I work for that money by blogging my ass off and working 60 hours a week. But I used to work 80 to 100 hours a week, have no life and still not be able to pay my bills. If you are being paid pennies on your talk time or not making more than $400 a week, you are at the wrong PSO company.

Phone Sex Operator Jobs: Work Smarter Not Harder

phone sex operatorI love being a phone sex operator. My generation learned to work smarter not harder. Why would I work at Walmart or fast food when I can work from home and make more money. Plus, I can set my own hours. I grew up in Eastern Kentucky. Not many job options that pay decently. Almost no one goes to college where I am from.

Either you have a skilled job, or you work retail or in the food industry. I wanted to get out of my dead-end town, so I took a phone sex job. I knew I could make more money than any job in my town I was qualified to do. But I had no clue how much money I could make.

I left Eastern Kentucky two years ago. Now, I have a nice 2-bedroom apartment in a city with options. I love working from home. I even enjoy blogging. It took me a bit to master blogging, but now I can do it in my sleep. All my girlfriends back home barely make ends meet. Although I tell them how much I make, they think I am lying.

I don’t think any young woman who has not been to college needs to wear a uniform and ask folks if they want fries with that. Not when they can talk dirty from home and make so much more money.

Phone Sex Jobs Can Help You Get on Your Feet

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs can help you get on your feet if you are struggling financially. If you work hard at this, phone sex can support you and your family too. I was a stay-at-home mom for years. But when my husband got injured in a car accident, I needed to work again because his disability was a fraction of his pay.

The problem, however, was that I had not used my degree ever. I got married out of college and started a family. But now I needed to step up and help. I took a part-time waitress job and started doing phone sex too at WBMT. However, I quit the waitress job a few months later because I could make more money with phone sex if I could put more hours in. Plus, I could do this from home. I wanted to be with my husband to help him as he recovered.

My husband recovered and went back to work a little over a year after the accident. But I stayed working at WBMT. I liked contributing to the family income. I enjoyed having a job. My kids are in college now, and I am still at WBMT. Once I learned how to blog and found a schedule that worked for my life, I started making more money than I ever thought I could.

Phone sex is a legitimate job. You need no experience, and you will receive some training. You need good writing skills because you are required to blog at WBMT. It will take a few weeks to learn the ropes and find your groove. But once you do, you will discover like I did, that phone sex allows you to support yourself and your family.

PSO Jobs Can Save Your Life

pso jobsPSO jobs are great work from home jobs. I knew I needed to work from home. When I got diagnosed with an auto-immune disease, I thought I would need to go on social security disability, but I could not afford to support myself on what I would make. So, I started looking for jobs that I could supplement my income with. I was permitted to make a certain amount on disability without losing my SSDI.

When I started at WBMT, it took me awhile to start making serious money. But every week my pay checks got larger. The more comfortable I got talking dirty and the better I got at blogging, the bigger my checks got. After about 4 months here, I stopped my SSDI checks because I was making more than double what my monthly payment was.

That was in 2018. I am still at WBMT and doing better health wise and making a livable wage. Life threw me a curve ball. I was in my 30s when I got sick. I had to quit the job I had for a decade. I was not sure what was going to happen. And I felt scared about the unknown. But becoming a phone sex operator saved me. I can support myself very well and I am healthier than I was too. Maybe phone sex work can change your life for the better too?

PSO Jobs Rock and You Get To Stay at Home

pso jobsPSO jobs rock. Before I discovered phone sex, I worked retail. And not fancy retail either. I worked at Walmart. Although I tried to quit so many times, I needed a job. I grew up in rural WV. Never even finished high school. Honestly, I thought Walmart was the best I could do. I had a chance encounter with a woman who was in town visiting family and she told me I had a great voice. She called it a phone sex voice. We both laughed.

But her words resonated with me, and I Googled phone sex when I got home. I guess I knew it existed, but I had no clue how it worked. And I thought it was a bunch of women crammed into a cubicle in some factory. I had no clue that phone sex was now done at home. I looked up phone sex jobs and found a site that listed the pros and cons, and some reputable companies to try. The pros seemed good like work from home, set your own hours, and good pay.

And I have been at WBMT ever since. I made over 90,0000 last year. I could not make that in 4 years at Walmart. And the cost of living is low where I live, so I live better than any of my friends. And to think I would still be at Walmart if some chance encounter with a customer had not got me thinking.

I Love Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorI love being a phone sex operator. Although I was hesitant in the beginning, I needed a job that I could make a living doing from home. I tried countless at home jobs, but I would need to have like 4 different gigs going at once to survive. And I barely slept or ate. I was driving myself crazy and making myself sick too. One day, I saw an article on phone sex. Even though I was not sure I could talk dirty, I needed to change my situation before I ended up in the hospital.

I applied to a few places, but WBMT hired me first. And I lucked out because I have been here since. My one and only phone sex job. Other girls come here from other companies with horror stories. And I cannot say anything negative about this company. Now, it does require a lot of work in the form of blogging. But I need no other job now but WBMT.

I blog a few times a shift, and I prep my blogs for the next day on my shift if I can. Although blogging may be daunting for some who are not used to writing, I love to write. And I discovered the more I blog, the more my phone rings. I set my own hours. And I feel like I have a life again. One job instead of 4. Plus, I make more money with one than I did with 4 combined. And I am happy now too.

Phone Chat Jobs are Not All the Same

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs are not all the same. So, do your research online before you apply to a company. That was solid advice a friend of mine told me. She did phone sex while she was in college, but that was 20 years ago, and a lot has changed in the industry since then. But she knew that platforms like Glass Door and the Better Business Bureau would have negative stuff about a company if they were truly awful places. Even if a contractor did not speak out a caller would. Why? Because companies who do not treat their contractors well often do not treat their callers well either.

I was in between a few companies when I applied here. My friend who did phone sex work 20 years ago, had a friend at a company. And I thought I would apply there. That was the plan. But then suddenly my friend told me her friend was looking for a new company because of some drama. I dodged a bullet. I suggested my friend tell her friend about WBMT as I did my research, and everything looked good. Plus, I had a good feeling about management.

That was all over 3 years ago. I applied right before Covid, but I still made good money. And I saw my paycheck steadily increase week to week. You need patience. Phone sex is not a get rich quick job. You need to blog and work a lot of hours initially to watch your paycheck grow. But once you get the hang of stuff, you will start to make great money too.

I Wished I Had Asked How to be a Phone Sex Operator sooner

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is a question I wished I had asked myself many years ago. I have not been at WBMT very long. My year anniversary is coming up soon though. And there are many girls at this company who have been here longer than two years. Several girls have even been here for a decade. Women do not stay in this business long if the company is not good.

I learned from a friend of mine who does phone sex at a different company that girls stay at a company for a few different reasons, but no one stays long regardless of how much they may love a company if they are not making money. Now, my friend advised me to not quit too soon because it takes even the best PSOs a few months to make real money. And I am glad I listened to her. She was right. I needed to learn how to blog. And I needed to get a good blogging habit going.

And once I got the hang of blogging and started doing it regularly, I watched my minutes soar. And now, my friend who told me about this industry is here at WBMT too. Although she made decent money at her company and loved her bosses, she was flabbergasted when I told her how much I started making after my first month here. And I make even more now.

There are lots of good pso companies out there, but I do think the earning potential is the highest here. You can earn up to $1.10 a minute on your pay time with 60 hrs. a week. Pay here is based on how much you blog and how many hours you work in a week, not how many minutes you make. And that is almost non-existent in the industry.
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Phone Chat Jobs Pay Women a Livable Wage

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs pay women well and allow women to work from home. This is not a gimmick or a pyramid scheme. It is legitimate, legal work and not a get rich quick scheme. Phone sex requires work. But it is nothing compared to the work I did doing retail. I stood on my feet all day long. And I had to lift things way too heavy for me. Plus, I got exposed to all the nasty germs out there. The work I do for WBMT is nothing compared to what I did at my last job though.

Blogging is required at WBMT. Several blogs a day too. So, if you cannot see yourself writing two-three blogs a day at least 5 days a week, you will not succeed here. We use Word Press for our blogging. But if you do not have experience, do not worry. You get trained on how we do things at WBMT. Although we do have many rules and requirements, they all help us make money.

What I like about WBMT is this company was created by a former PSO who wanted to make a company that provided women with livable wages. So, she used her knowledge of the industry to do that. If you cannot make good money here, you are not trying. You are not blogging or answering your phones and chats. And you are not showing up to work.

But if you blog daily. If you work 40 plus hours a week and show up when scheduled. If you answer your phones and your client chats, you will make great money at WBMT with time and consistency. Apply now and see what you can make too.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator Begins with An Application

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator begins with an application and an interview. Honestly, I was not sure phone sex was for me. But I needed a job I could do from home. I suffer from social anxiety. And working in the traditional workforce proved detrimental to my health. But I did not want to go on disability. It seemed like phone sex might be the only shot I had for making real money from home. When I applied, I was told that if after a few weeks it turned out it was not something I could do, there would be no hard feelings.

So, I decided to try it. At that point, I had lost my last job over one too many panic attacks, and I would soon face eviction if I did not start making money. Talking to strangers turned out to be easier for me than talking to people face to face. Each day, I gained more confidence and got better talking dirty. Perhaps I was a little green on some of the more taboo fantasies, but I Googled what I did not know.

I have now been here over a year, and I love it. This is the longest I have had a job too. I make good money. More money than retail or fast food ever paid me. And my bosses seem way nicer about my mental health issues than anyone ever has. It took me several months to get the hand of everything. But now I am a phone sex pro. And I blog much better and more frequently too which helps make my phone ring.

If you suffer from anxiety or any mental or health issues that make it challenging to work with others, phone sex jobs may help you too. You design your own hours and work from home. Training is provided at WBMT. Plus, you have a team of vets like me to help you learn the ropes too.