Phone Chat Jobs are Fun Jobs

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs are fun jobs. Not only do you get to make decent money, like a real livable wage, you get to have fun too. Phone sex is not a stressful job. So, you can turn it off when your shift is over. And even when your shift is over, you can work as much as you want, giving you the chance to make more money.

One of the many things I love about my gig with WBMT is the flexibility in scheduling. Although we do require set schedules here, we chose the hours we want. And we can change them up every three months. If we show up for our set hours, we can work as many hours as we want in a week. So, some weeks I may work 40 hours, but another week I might work 60. Just depends on what is going on in my life.

I work hard to make my phone ring. Initially, I put in a lot of hours building up my fan base. And I blog a lot too. We have a daily blogging requirement here. The more days you blog 2-3 blogs a shift, the more you earn per minute on your talk time. The pay scale ranges from 20 cents a minute to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. Since I want the most that I can get, I blog 15 blogs a week over 5 days. Some weeks I blog more.

Don’t let blogging scare you off because the more you blog, the more you make. This is a great job, but only girls who can stick to their schedule and blog make any money here. You will get trained here. So, don’t worry if you have never blogged before. Take a gamble with us and improve your life.

How to be a phone sex operator is a smart question to ask yourself

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is a smart question to ask yourself. In fact, I wish I had asked myself this question when I was younger. I could have saved my body a lot of wear and tear from standing on my feet for 20 years at work. And a lot of mental anguish from working with the public. The service industry changed a lot after COVID. People got ruder and more aggressive.

I started looking for at home jobs and came across an adult staffing place. It only listed jobs in the adult industry. The site caught my eye. And my curiosity got the better of me when I saw phone sex ads on this site. Next thing I knew, I was applying to a lot of PSO companies. But I got lucky and WBMT called me first.

And I have been here almost 3 years now. And I love it. I get to work from home. No more commuting to work. No more work outfits. And no wear and tear on my body or my car. Plus, I make more money and work less than I ever did at my old job. Now, I still work hard, but it is a different kind of work. I traded lifting heavy boxes and dealing with the public for blogging daily. But once I saw how much more money I could make from blogging, I kept blogging more and more.

I am so glad I took a leap and tried a new job field. Just wish I had discovered this sooner.

At home phone operator jobs are great jobs to have as women

at home phone operator jobsAt home phone operator jobs are great jobs to have as women. You get to work from home. And you get to set your own hours. This is the sort of job that employs women 24/7. So, if you like over night shift, you can work it. Or you can do split shifts too. We do only hire women who can commit to at least 40 hours a week though.

You will find that it is easier to find the time to work when you can work at home. We have stay at home moms, college girls and women who just like working at home. It doesn’t matter why you want to work from home. And trust me, as a woman who always has needed a side hustle to make ends meet, I no longer need to hustle. I make enough money at WBMT to only need one job.

But with that said, I will add that I hustle at work to make my phone ring. I keep good information on callers, so I remember them and their kinks. Good record keeping is a must here. And I blog several times a day. Blogging is required here. We get a boost in pay for each day we blog. So, you will want to blog because of that and because it makes men call you.

I love the freedom of working from home and making more money than I ever did in retail or any other job I had to commute to. Give us a try and you might find that you thrive working from home.

Adult phone operator jobs pay women to work from home

adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs pay women to work from home. And it is not a gimmick. It’s not a get rich quick scheme either. Phone sex requires work like any job. But not all companies require the same amount of work. I have worked for a few different companies and the most work required from me as a PSO is here at WBMT.

But don’t run off yet. I want to be honest. And I want to explain myself too. Any PSO job that requires blogging you have a better chance of earning good money. Companies that do not require blogging take a huge chunk of your money because they need to pay for advertising if they want folks to find their site and their girls.

However, blogging companies let you be your own advertisement. Blogging lets guys find you through keyword searches related to phone sex. I’ve discovered the more I blog the more money I make. Thus, I never mind blogging. I did okay at other companies I thought. But in hindsight I had to work 100 hours a week to make at best $800 a week. I can work 40-60 hours here and make $1700-$2100 in a week.
So, no I was not doing as well as I thought. Now, I can pay my bills and enjoy life too. Give us a try and find out for yourself.

PSO Jobs Can Help Women Live Their Best Lives

pso jobsPSO jobs can help women live their best lives. I was skeptical when I started here. I had no experience with phone sex. So, I did not know if it was legit or a scam. And I did not know if I could make a little money or a lot of money. All I knew was I needed to give it a try because I was desperate to work. I lost a great job because Covid hit. Last one hired, last one fired sort of thing.

And no one was really hiring. I was fresh out of college and that would have been my first real job. Now, the world opened back up and I got another job. However, I still do this. I am not married, and I do not have a boyfriend. So, I have a lot of spare time. I am trying to save to buy a house. So, I want to keep doing phone sex as long as I can. Why? The money is that good.

Now, I want to be honest. This is not a get rich quick type of job. You must work hard and treat it like a real job because it is a real job. Blogging is required here. And you need to show up when scheduled. I do not use my college degree here, so no worries. We have some girls with no college education and some with. And some working on a degree. You just need good writing skills and basic computer skills. You get trained on the rest.

If you want to take control of your life, join our team too.

Phone Chat Jobs Allow Women to Thrive From Home

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs allow women to thrive. Before I started this job, I lived paycheck to paycheck and still could not pay all my expenses each month. I was always tired and stressed out. Now, I own a car. And a nice one too. Well, nice for me. Before I only owned beater cars I got as hand me down cars or for a few hundred dollars off Craigs List. I even have a little money in savings. For once, I feel like I can breathe and enjoy life.

Honestly, I did not know that this industry could allow women to make decent money. When I started, I thought I might make a few extra hundred a week. Which would be a good side hustle and help me better pay all my bills in a month.

It is my only job now. Now, this job may be easier than my retail job, however, it still requires hard work. Just a different kind of work. At this company blogging is key. If you cannot write a few blogs each day you work, you will not last here. Why? Because you will not make any money if you do not blog. WBMT has high SEO ranking and callers find us through our blogs by doing keyword searches.

I am not trying to scare you off, but I think you should know what is expected of you when you join our team. Personally, I love blogging. If I am having a slow week, I blog a bit more and my phone rings. If I have not scared you off yet, apply today and see how much you can make too.

You Should Consider PSO Jobs Because They Can Change Your Life

pso jobsHave you ever looked into pso jobs. I did when Covid hit, and I lost my waitress job. I thought I would go back to it when the place I worked at opened for business again. But I was enjoying working from home too much. Honestly, why did I not realize this was a legitimate work from home job for women sooner?

Sure, I made decent money in tips and had cash every day. But the job was physically demanding. And fast paced too. It sort of emotionally drained me. And customers could be rude and demanding. And heaven forbid I messed up an order. Phone sex was meant to be a temporary job. However, I soon discovered phone sex paid more and was less demanding on my body.

I am too spoiled now. Working from home saves me on gas and clothes. Plus, I get more time with my pups. And no more soaking my feet every night. I really love this job. But you still need to treat it like a job. So, you do have to work. You will be an independent contractor, so you should have good time management skills. And writing and computer skills too. But once you get used to what you need to do to make money, it becomes second nature. Join our team!

Being a Phone Sex Operator Requires Work

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator requires work. Not all women last here because of the work load. However, if you have had an outside of the home job you will think this is easier. The work is not stressful or demanding physically. We need to blog daily. Like 2-3 blogs that are about 200-300 words each day you work, or at least 5 days a week. Blogging is what makes your phone ring.

I consider blogging like free advertising. It helps men find you on Google who do not know our sites exist. Blogging companies pay girls better and have higher traffic than most companies that do not require it. I usually prep my blogs before my shift, so they are ready to go as soon as I sign on.

We do require that you design a set schedule too. You can work 40-50 hours here a week. And we can change our schedules every 3 months. This gives us flexibility. I do split shifts. I work 4 hours in the morning after my kids go to school and come back for 4 more hours in the evening. This gives me time to help my kids with homework and feed them and stuff.
WBMT pays well on your talk time and trains you every step of the way.

Phone Sex Jobs For Any Women Over 18

phone sex jobsWe have phone sex jobs for any woman 18 and older who wants to make a decent living without needing to leave the house. Think about it. You can roll right of bed and start working. No more driving to and from work. No more work clothes. And dead end jobs. I happily quit my 9-5 job for WBMT.

Before I started here, my bills were piled high. I never could pay everything every month. I never saw my boyfriend because he worked third shift and I worked day shift. Now, I work third shift while he is at work. We go to bed together and have evening hours to spend together too. We only had one car to share, but now it does not matter. I don’t need the car for work.

I finally feel like I can breathe. My bills get paid each month and I have time with my boyfriend finally. We can even take weekend getaways and go to movies and out to eat. This job is not hard on my body or my mental health. The company is drama free and the women behind the scenes are supportive and helpful. I love WBMT. My only problem is I wished I had discovered this company and phone sex sooner.

Phone Chat Jobs Can Change Your Life

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs can change your lives. Hear me out. I never went to college. So, I never had the best job opportunities. I went from fast food to retail and back and forth for years. Never making much money. Never able to pay all my bills in a month either. Plus, I felt exhausted all the time. Standing on your feet for 8-10 hours a day or working 16-hour days with two jobs and still not able to pay all your bills or have any fun money sucks.

So, I went job hunting and found an ad for phone sex. I have been with WBMT since 2020. And I doubt I will ever need another job. I no longer stand on my feet all day. And I do not need two jobs to make ends meet. I have fun money. And I get to enjoy life too. That is all thanks to WBMT.

I still work hard, but from my home in a comfy office chair or even on my bed. I put on some weight. So, you do want to figure out a balance of working and getting some exercise because phone sex is a sedentary job. But it is a great job that pays well and goes easy on your body. Plus you can enjoy life too.