Phone Chat Jobs Let You Work From Home

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs pay you to work in your home. No commute. Low stress. And high pay. The earning potential in this business can be unlimited. The harder you work and the more hours you work the better your pay. WBMT pays up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. Phone sex is not an hourly wage or even a salaried job. You only get paid for the time you talk on the phone. And the rate you make on your talk time depends on how many hours you work in a week and how many days you blog in a week.

WBMT pay structure is based on individual effort not the number of minutes you talk in pay period. Most companies only pay you a higher rate if you make over 1000 minutes in a week. Everyone at WBMT has the chance to make the same pay rate up to $1.10 a minute. This is a great company to work for too. You get trained and you have the support of all the other women who work here too. We work as a team.

You just need high speed Internet, a computer or laptop, and a cell phone to get working here. But trust me, you will love it here. The women are great. And the pay is better.

Phone Chat Jobs Are Not All the Same

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs should be researched before you apply to a company. My first company I worked at I did not know that. I applied, got hired and it was hell. Not only chaotic but very low pay. After 6 months there, I quit. Thought about going back to my waitress job, but then I found this page. And I read through testimonials. I learned a lot about the company from reading them. I learned that I could make up to $1.10 on my talk time. My old job paid me 40 cents a minute. No one could make ends meet on that low of an income.

I also learned that this company required a lot of blogging, likely more than I was used to. But blogging was the way to make my phone ring. I learned that I could design my own schedule, but I did need a set schedule. But I could work any shift I wanted. And I could schedule myself for 40 or 50 hours, but the more I worked the higher my pay rate.

And I learned that this was a small company that treats its contractors like family. No drama is allowed. So, I did not need to worry about catty operators. I just wish I had seen this page before my first company. So, trust me, there are not many companies like WBMT out there. So, if you are somewhere you hate, give us a try.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is a good question to ask yourself. Especially if you are in a dead end job or unemployed, or needing more money. Because phone sex pays well and keeps you at home. And its flexible scheduling. We design our own schedules here at WBMT. That allows us to work around our lives. So, I work around my children’s school and sleep schedule.

I love working from home. As a single mom, sure I was nervous about this sort of work, but I have a quiet place to work. And I work when my kids are at school or asleep. They think mommy has a customer service job. And that’s not a lie. We are part customer service, part fantasy provider and part therapist.

Phone sex is fun work too. I mean it’s the sort of job you can tune out when not working. Not stressful. It can be daunting at times, especially when you are learning the ropes. But everyone helps you here. It’s a small family feel. Like any job it does require some work. You must blog at this company. It is how you get your phone to ring. The more you blog the more calls you get.

So, if you want a job with some freedom that you can make real money doing, apply with us today.

Phone Sex Operator Jobs Just Require an Open Mind

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator does not require any specific skill set. You do not need special job training, or a college degree, or even a high school degree. You do need good computer skills, a friendly voice, good writing skills for blogging and good record keeping. And to get started you just need a cell phone with a good signal, high speed Internet, and fast computer. You need a laptop or a desktop computer. iPads do not work with our programs.

For me with only a GED, I had zero job prospects that paid above minimum wage. And I could not support myself on that. So, I looked for something better. I met a girl on an online forum who suggested phone sex. I investigated it, and here I am three years later. I can support myself. And I have fun money. I never had fun money before.

It took me a while to learn the basics. Having never really worked with a computer before, took me longer to master. But I was patient with myself. And everyone here at WBMT is very nice, patient and helpful too. So, do not worry if you have no phone sex experience or little computer skills. If you know how to check email and use the Internet, you can learn the rest.

If you want to make great money and work from home, apply with us today.

Not All Phone Sex Jobs Pay the Same

phone sex jobsNot all phone sex jobs are the same. And it is important that when you apply for one, you ask what the pay scale is like. If you cannot make at least $1.00 a minute on your talk time, pass on that one. We do our pay structure on a scale. You can make up to $1.10 a minute. But you can make as little as .20 cents a minute too.

The pay bumps up each day you work and do at least 2-3 blogs on that day. Your pay goes up working 8-10 hours on the weekends. It goes up doing some social media promotion too. And pay is tied to how many hours you commit to work to in a week. You can work 30 hours a week and make .90 cents a minute max on your talk time. Or you can work 40 hours a week and make $1.00 a minute max. And if you commit to 50 hours a week you can make $1.05 a minute. The highest pay is $1.10 a minute. For that you need to commit to working 50 hours a week plus work another ten hours whenever you want.

We operate on transparency here. So, any company that gets shady about their pay scale when you ask, you should run for the hills. You can find great companies like WBMT that will pay you a living wage.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator Begins By Reading Our Testimonal

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator begins here. Read through these testimonials and you will see how happy we all are here. I never thought phone sex would be my job. But when I got diagnosed with an auto immune disorder, I needed to not work in the public sector anymore.

However, I also needed to make money. Real money. I had student loan debt, and medical bills. So, I searched the Internet for job opportunities at home. Most of them seemed like scams. Pyramid type schemes and multi marketing companies. Then I happened to find a site called Sexy Jobs. And it was a hiring board for adult oriented jobs.

Phone sex would be the only adult job I would ever consider. And when I read through the requirements and the earning potential, I sold myself on the idea. I applied to a few companies, but WBMT hired me first. And I have been here ever since. I make good money. But I do work hard for my money too. You will too once you see that your hard work is rewarded with more money on your paycheck.

And by work, I mean blogging, answering your phone when it rings and responding to client emails and instant messages promptly. Like any job, you need to work hard to get paid. You do need to be good at record keeping and time management. But if blogging doesn’t scare you, I bet you can excel here too.

Phone Chat Jobs Seem Abundant But Pick the Right One

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs seem abundant. So, how do you know which one to apply to. Let me give you some pointers I wish someone had told me before I got to WBMT. One, do not go for companies with a dispatcher. They pay their contractors less because the money gets split in three ways. Two, do not settle for less than $1.00 a minute on your talk time. If you can earn $1.00 a minute at a PSO company, why would you want to work somewhere that pays you significantly less?

Three, do not go to a company that’s brand new. Apply to a company that’s been in business for at least 1 year or longer. This way you know they are legit. Some PSO companies pop up and scam women by never paying them. But those companies rarely last longer than a year. And fourth, apply to a company with a blog roll. The world is changing. A phone sex company gets it traffic through SEO. And that happens with blogging. A company with no blogging, has far less traffic. And that means less earning potential.

WBMT has been in operation for over a decade now. We have a blog roll on all our sites with daily blogging requirements. We pay up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. The more you work and the more you blog in a week, the higher the pay per minute goes. And we are a direct dial company. No middle person to take away from your profit.

If you are at a company with low pay or low call volume, jump ships. Maximize your earning potential with WBMT

At Home Phone Sex Operator Jobs Pay Well

at home phone operator jobsAt home phone operator jobs pay well. Better than fast food, restaurant/bar work, or retail. Hell, better than some white-collar jobs too. And for a woman with no formal education, I do not think I could make this much money legally anywhere else. When I started 5 years ago, I thought this might be a part time gig for me. Just extra money to make ends meet. However, I quickly began seeing from my paychecks that I could make this my only job.

And after 6 months here, I cut the cord on the other jobs I had. Now, I work at home. No more 12-hour days on my feet with little to show for it. I make about $5000 a month here. And that’s more than I made with two minimum wage jobs combined in a month. Plus, I do it all from home.

Finally, I have a life. I am not stressed or tired. I never worry anymore about paying my bills or if I have enough money to buy groceries. Life is good, finally. But I do work hard for my paychecks. I look at this as a sales job. I write blogs to sell myself to prospective callers. And the more I blog, the more money I make. This is a great team to work for. No matter your reasons for wanting to work at home, consider applying with us so you can do more than barely survive. Let yourself thrive with WBMT.

Adult Phone Operator Jobs Make Your Life Better

adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs can make your life better. When I started here, I was fresh out of an abusive relationship that I stayed in way too long. I let my ex control everything. So, when I left, I had no money. And I had not worked in a decade. I stayed with a friend until I could get on my feet. Her sister suggested phone sex. But I was uncertain if I could do it. However, I needed money.

My friend set me up with a computer and a cell phone and let me work at her place. And eventually, I earned enough money to get my own apartment. I moved to a different state to get away from my ex. Honestly, I did not think I could do this sort of thing. But when you are desperate for money, you will be amazed at what you can do.

I moved to Arizona two years ago. Although I am not dating yet again, I have an apartment. And I have my own car and my own bank account. Plus, I have made friends too. I work hard for the money I make. You need to hustle to make your phone ring. I blog my ass off. It is like free advertising.

This is a job. And you need to treat it like a job. But whatever your situation might be, consider working at home and making great money too.

Our Phone Chat Jobs Might Be the Best Around

phone chat jobsOur phone chat jobs might be the best around. I have worked at a couple places before. But neither place paid well. And they both had low call volume. It was impossible to make more than a couple hundred a week. But no one can live on a couple hundred a week. So, I went looking for a better job. I think I applied to 5 other companies, but never joined any of them because they did not pay anymore than my current company.

One day, I came across WBMT, and it sounded too good to be true. I almost didn’t apply because I thought it was a scam. The company I worked for paid me .50 cents a minute. However, WBMT promised that I could earn up to $1.10 a minute. Now, I would have to work harder than I ever did at my previous two companies before. But I did not mind working hard if I could pay my bills and eat.

I have been here a year now. And for the first time, I can pay my bills, eat and have fun money too. I bought my first car over the summer. WBMT requires blogging. Perhaps, more blogging than you are accustomed to, but trust me, you will want to blog because it makes your money.

If you are tired of living paycheck to paycheck, apply with us today.