Why I love my Pso jobs with WBMT

PSO jobs are really hard to find. If you are looking for a good company. I know I bounced around looking for a “good company” for years. I just couldn’t seem to make that big money all the companies claimed girls were making. I am very dedicated and hard worker and I just couldn’t pull any pay. Then I found WBMT. I have been here for over 4 years now and I will not ever leave. Not only is this the best company I have ever worked for. It is also the most money I have ever made in my life. I am so thankful I found this job. I needed it so bad. So if you are willing to “work” for a company. Actually work then this is the company you want. It is an actual job from home. Where you can actually make lots of money. I am so very happy here!


Real Pso jobs testimonials!

I am a real PSO.  I am not being paid for my testimonial. I want to tell ladies looking for a good job that this is it. WBMT is the best company I have ever worked for. And I have been here over 4 years. We do not hire very often so if you are lucky enough to get hired, you will love the job! I really do like all the ladies I work with. I really do think this is the best company I have ever worked for. But this is a real job. You need to REALLY work like 2 or 3 hours a day to make good money.  What I mean is you are scheduled 8 hours but you need to put in 2 or 3 hours of working to make a good pay check. I love that! Wbmt is a really good company. I know I dont even think about trying to find someplace else.


I love my job!

I love my job! Yes being a phone sex operator is difficult. I thought I would get to just indulgence in every fantastic fantasy I have every had. And I do love that part of my job. But this job is more. Getting to explore every guys fantasy is more than I could imagine. The main reason I love my job is the company. I love this company. WBMT is the best company I have ever worked for. I make more a minute than any other company I have ever worked for. But it is much more than that. The company is fantastic. The ladies I work with are so much fun. My pay is always on time. The training is great. Everything is so much more than I expected! I will never ever leave WBMT. And I can not say that about any other company I have ever worked for.  I would work for WBMT even if they paid less. So the extra money is a bonus for me!


PSO jobs with WBMTT

Honestly, I never imagined my life to be the way it is right now. I am a country girl from a scummy trailer park in Florida and I have accomplished so much in my two and a half years with WBMTT. I work my ass off to have a great life and working here has given me the opportunities to get somewhere in life. Four years ago I had nothing, my then boyfriend and I had a mattress, a computer and a desk. We struggled and continued to struggle until I saw an episode of Family guy where Louis tried pso jobs. I didn’t really think I would last, but I can’t imagine working anywhere else. I work hard to get my paycheck and I work my ass off for it. If you want to have a paycheck that can pay your bills and still have money to save or have fun with, this is the place to be. If you are ready to work and put your all into your life then do it. Apply but know you don’t sit and wait for the phone to ring. We have a minimum of blogs to post but if you go above and beyond for yourself you can make some real money. Work hard to play hard. Blogging is the key to this job. The more you blog and post your girls, the more you are advertising you girl. It’s a sale job. Make your blogs hot and sexy but leaving them wanting more. They will call and you’ll be seeing the efforts of your hard work.


Phone sex jobs are fun and profitable!

Phone sex jobs are fun and profitable, I have been working as a pso for 6 years now and I fully support myself on this job alone. All it takes to succeed at this is an open, creative mind and a willingness to work hard, that’s it. Now, this job isn’t just sitting around, watching TV waiting for the phone to ring, it takes hard work! You need to blog regularly, vote our site regularly and respond to every email, guys like to be catered to if they wanted to be ignored they would be talking to their wives. We’re here to make them feel good, make them feel special and most importantly, we are here to make them a very satisfied caller! If you can do that, you will see just how great this job can really be. Seriously, where else could you make this kind of money while you’re sitting at home in your pajamas? Plus this company really takes care of their workers, we’re like a family here. We all boost each other up and help each other be the best we can be. The pay here is much higher than anywhere else and the employees that work hard are rewarded for their hard work in many ways, they definitely make you feel appreciated!



Phone sex operator job applications!!

Being a Phone Sex Operator is all about good customer service. If you like talking about sex and are willing to talk about everything under the sun and I mean everything, then this might be a good job for you. However it’s not all fun and games. There are things that you will talk about that make you want to shower after, but its apart of the job. Being a pso is acting, just with some weird roles. You won’t please every caller but there are some who will call you every week if they like you. Call’s are not the only thing that matters. Here at WBMT we blog for our money. Each blog you write is a way to promote your character and a way to make more money. Blog about your call’s, guys love reading about what they have done to you or with you. There are so many ways to make good money as a pso you just have to be willing to work for it. Starting out is hard, you are new to the site and some guys like to call the new girls. If you really want to have a awesome first week, blog! The more you blog and the more often you work the better your paycheck is going to be. Working from home is a challenge in itself. You need discipline! Wbmt has so much to offer and it is so easy to make the most money for your minutes! You just have to want your money and if you want it you are going to work for it!


Why not work from home?

As I write this I am headed to our annual company vacation! That’s right I am headed to the beach, a nice big house and of course I’ll be working! Why would I work on vacation? Well why not? I can drink my fancy beverages and take phone calls. What on earth kind of job can you do that at? I can’t think of a single one! That’s why I plan to keep my job as a phone sex operator, forever. This is the ultimate job! While no job is PERFECT mine sure does come pretty damn close. I have no true ‘cons’ to this job, the only cons are that I have to motivate myself! But that’s not even hard when my motivation produces the money that I earn. I have been solely supporting my family for over a year now. We have a lot of bills and while sometimes it is hard to make ends meet, I can do so in the convenience of my home. I get to wear pjs and no makeup. I can do my house chores and take phone calls…it’s awesome. Here is what this job is: Acting and Blogging. It takes your dedication to write blogs and make pictures, then all you do after that is pick up the phone and act just like an actress on TV! It’s not as hard as people think but then again it isn’t as easy either. You CANNOT be lazy with this job. You work 50 hours a week, minimum. More if you want to bring in a THOUSAND dollars for the WEEK. This is a real job but you’ll get more money here than any other job…and you’ll love your coworkers. The ladies I work with are sweet and funny and amazing. We are a family and I will forever be a part of it!


At home phone operator jobs

Ever since I started working for WBMT as a PSO, my life has significantly changed for the better. I am able to be available for my children during the day, when they need me. I can run errands, go shopping, personal care and work as many hours per day as I would like. In other words, I can make as much money as I want. AND I can do so from the comfort of my home, I don’t even have to get dressed to go to work! I save a ton of money by not paying for gas to get back and forth to work. I used to pay $200 a week in gas to get to work, so the savings for me is significant. I enjoy the job too, talking to people has always come easy for me, and I find it very interesting to hear about what makes people tick, what gets them off, everyday is different and you never know what to expect. You meet some really great people too. This includes co-workers, whom are more like family. Everyone gets along here and it is a no drama atmosphere. It makes for a very relaxed environment, one that is supportive and functional. Again, you can make as much as you want, enabling you to support your family, work hard and live a quality family life in which you can be there for the members of your family during the hours of the day where you are needed most.

Phone Sex Jobs ~ Apply here for phone sex operator jobs!

PSO Job Testimonial

I know you are searching for a way to make money and be able to work from home. You hate your job? Is your car breaking down? Are you a one car family? I had all of those! No this is not a let me help you make money thing. This is a Job. This is a place wee you log into work and out of work every single day! We work hard here and there is no doubt about it! We put in the hours to help out each other, our company and our own pockets! This company is amazing to work for! Our owner gives us every opportunity to make as much money as we can!! We have the best training I have ever seen! Our managers are there to help us when ever we need it! Plus we have a great group of women! We all work hard together and we push each other to work harder! We come together to help each other all the time! We have great staff! Amazing Managers and One awesome owner! We work hard to make our customer service the best out there! I am not going to lie there was more work than I expected but at the end of the day I feel like I did a job. I did work and I put in a effort to make myself some extra money. When I started here at WBMT I was working as a receptionist in a salon. I was working 60 hours a week doing everything from ordering to cleaning the toilets. I was paid minimum wage and I was running the salon. Now I get to hang out in my P.j’s everyday with my animals around me hanging out while I sit and work on my laptop! Every hour I put into my job I see the money! I see the money with every blog I post!  I love my job and I know you will too!! I hope to see you soon!!

Phone Sex Jobs ~ Apply here for phone sex operator jobs!

Livin the Life

Well I can honestly say I’ve been in my pjs ALL day! Yeah that’s just one of many perks of this job. Today was my day off, actually. But I decided to work to make some extra money! That’s the great thing about this job. There is ALWAYS room to make more money. You can always work more hours, or blog more blogs…or do the blog contest to get more money. There is even Girlie of the month/ Girlies of the week contests! It makes it easy for you to blog, and earn money. It’s not all about money…we’re a family here and we support each other. We understand if you don’t know how to do every little thing…we all were there! We all learned and then we all started making money. We all even go on vacation together! A working vacay so you don’t gotta worry about missing out big! You talk about some seriously crazy stuff but you are an actress and a therapist all in one! That’s how I see it at least. And I see paychecks that pay my MANY bills, and I get to see my son when I am away from my phone and computer. What could be better? What job lets you run to get groceries and come back? MINE DOES!!! It’s not an easy job…please don’t get that confused with it being a convenient job! The things you say can be quite disturbing even but if you’re open minded and dedicated. You have to think is this the job for you? Can you motivate yourself to blog and make pictures and take phone calls for 10 hours a day? You won’t be glued to your computer, you’ll certainly be able to do some chores around the house or relax with your significant other while you watch a movie. But you do have to be SELF MOTIVATED.

Phone Sex Jobs ~ Apply here for phone sex operator jobs!