At home phone operator jobs are everywhere, but only a few companies offer you top dollar for your work. If you asked me a few years ago what kind of work I saw myself doing, it wouldn’t have been this. Circumstances beyond my control, altered my outlook on types of work I was willing to do. I was desperate for a job I could do from home. I could have been homeless or talk dirty for a living. I chose option B. I was green about the business, even nervous, but WBMT Is the best phone sex company around. This company is owned by a former phone sex operator. She knew what working for a bad company was all about. She started a great company based on her experiences. This is a drama free company. The women working here are a team. We support and help each other. This company offers the highest payout per minute too. It is not based on hold times, but your effort. If you can blog daily, promote the company on outside advertising sites and work a set number of hours per week, you can earn up to $1.10 a minute at WBMT. Plus, there are often other bonus opportunities. I make more money a week here than I ever did in a month of a retail job. Plus, I work from home. This is a great job for a stay at home mother, college coed, a woman with health issues or anyone who just doesn’t like the typical 9-5 grind. Join our team today. I promise you that you won’t be disappointed.
Tag Archives: at home phone operator jobs
Adult phone operator jobs equal financial freedom
Adult phone operator jobs may be what you need for financial freedom. I am not bullshitting you. A few years ago, I found myself out of work and in debt. My life had made a 180 turn. I had gone through my savings and I was finding nothing but dead-end jobs. A friend suggested phone sex. I thought she was joking, but when I did some research, I discovered how lucrative this business could be. Sure, it was not what I went to college for, but I had a choice. Talk dirty for a living or go bankrupt. I applied to a few places and luckily WBMT called me first. I had no experience, but I was willing to work hard and learn. Several years later, I am still here. I make over $1,000 a week. I work from home with a schedule that I selected. My bosses are female and awesome. I make top dollar on my minutes. I get bonuses. I am paid on time weekly. And, I work with great women in a drama free zone. All I do is answer my phones in a good mood, work my schedule and blog daily. Writing is a major part of success in this field, so you need to be able to write daily to make good money. It is not a cake walk job, but in comparison to most jobs, this is as easy money as it comes.
Being A Phone Sex Operator is a Great Job
Have you thought about being a phone sex operator? Many women do, but they don’t think about it as a serious job. I am here to tell you that you can make a lot more money a week than you would imagine. I always thought that phone sex would be a nice part time job. I really didn’t think it would provide a decent living for me. I was wrong. Several year ago, I was caught in between a rock and a hard place. I needed quick money. I applied to a few phone sex companies and waited for responses. WBMT called me first and hired me on the spot. I was making money two days later. More money than I thought. It took me several months to build my caller base, but I make over a grand a week consistently. That was way more than I thought pso jobs could bring me. I don’t want to make it sound like easy money. I work hard to bring in that kind of weekly income, but WBMT makes it easier than any other company to have a high earning potential because of the way they are structured. I am paid based on effort. The more I work, the more I blog, the more I make. If you can be drama free, commit to a weekly schedule and blog daily, this is the place for you to make great money.
A Job That Gives You back what you put in
I am in my 30’s and never had a phone sex job before. I am a woman who you pass on the streets and would never think I work in the sex industry. I was blessed to get with WBMT a company that pays me for the work I put in behind the scenes. I was struggling and was applying for disability because of health problems. I lived in the country and had worked from home before, so I was looking online and had checked a box for something that said phone actress. I made a joke and my family said Do It! So, I started researching PSO jobs and found WBMT as one of the ones that had great reviews. I came to this very page and had a callback and got the job quickly. I am proof that when I slack my money falls.But when I bust my butt I make decent money. What that means to you is that is you do everything your money will grow. Yes, it takes time and energy but I Still am able to support my self and have nice things. WBMT empowers me as a woman on my own to be able to do a job I can handle. A quiet space, A computer and a phone line and you can be working without even leaving home. If you can write even a little bit you can research and find what you need to be making good money. I warn you though, if you think this is easy and not a real job that involves work, you won’t make money. It is a very real job, just the work involved is a little different. It really is a great company with women who care for each other and push each other. What are you waiting for?
Phone chat jobs
Phone chat jobs can earn the right woman great money. Do you think you might be the right woman? I was not sure about this line of work to be honest. I saw myself as over educated and frankly too good for this line of work. I was dumb, and I was wrong. I had some life changes and I needed to make money from home. I needed to make good money. When I got diagnosed with a chronic health condition, my white-collar job became too dangerous to my health. What good was money if I was too sick to enjoy it? I wasn’t sure about a phone sex operator job, but I had a friend in the business. She had a part time PSO job while she was in grad school. The company she used to work for was no longer in business, so I did some searching and found WBMT. I applied to a few companies. I was lucky that WBMT called me first. I couldn’t believe my luck. I needed a good. I found one. One from the comfort of my home. I have been here over 4 years now. I consistently make over $1,000 a week. I work hard for my money. This type of work may seem like a cake walk, but it takes daily writing, a friendly disposition and a good work ethic to be successful. If you need a solid, steady income from home, apply today and work tomorrow.
At home phone operator jobs are legitimate work from home opportunities
At home phone operator jobs are legitimate work from home opportunities. You may not consider yourself the type of woman to talk dirty for a living. Guess what? Neither did I, but I found myself in a pickle. I was killing myself with two jobs and still in debt. I was driving all over kingdom come with a pet sitting business that was profitable, but exhausting. And, I still needed another job to keep a roof over my head. I was killing myself to just get by; to barely just get by. I needed a change. I started researching work from home jobs. Phone sex operator was the job I kept seeing repeatedly. Further investigation showed that talking dirty for a living could be very profitable for a hard worker, which I was. I applied here at WBMTT but kept my other two jobs to see how things went. Within a month this was my only job. I was making three times what I was with two jobs with less hours and no commute. I never had to leave the house. This is a stress free job too. I do work to make good money, but a little hard work in this line of work is nothing compared to what I did at other jobs. I blog daily. I answer the phones friendly and eager to make men’s sexual fantasies come true. Plus, I commit to a set schedule. If you are tired of killing yourself to barely make ends meet, apply here today and see how much money you can earn from the comfort of your home.
Make lots of money while having fun!
Adult phone operator jobs with an amazing company are few and far between and WBMTT is a diamond in the rough! There is a lot of decision making that goes into choosing not only the proper job for yourself but also deciding on the employer that you want to work for. Being an operator for this wonderful company has been one of the best and most lucrative decisions that I have ever made! Not only is the owner amazing and a wonderful administration team as well, but all of the employees are like a family unit. We are here to help and uplift one another, answer any questions or concerns that may arise and we always stay drama-free. Being surrounded by positive co-workers and an ambitious atmosphere creates an amazing platform to be successful on with your work. It can be a little intimidating to start working phone sex jobs, especially when you really do not have that much experience under your belt with doing so. The great thing about WBMT though is that inexperience is not an issue whatsoever. Upon being hired on as an employee, you are taken through a very thorough training process and you immediately become apart of the WBMT team. We all want to see one another succeed as much as possible, the more that we help one another, the more money that we are all bringing in! Do you need some unexpected time off? No problem at all, we are all here to help each other out with coverage issues as well. We truly work together and have each other’s backs always which is really refreshing because not a lot of companies, let alone PSO companies operate in such a positive manner. Being able to work from the comfort of your own home and stay in your pajamas all day is definitely all that it is cracked out to be! I can cook dinner and have fun with a caller all at the same time! Yes there is a lot of hard work and effort that is needed to be put forth in order to really be successful and reach your true potential, but with dedication and drive, it’s easy to do!
Talk dirty and have fun for a living!
Becoming a phone sex operator has changed my life for the better in so many ways! At every job that I have ever had in the past, I was overworked, underpaid and overall not happy with my daily routine or my financial situation whatsoever. I always had my eyes and ears open to see if there was a better opportunity out there for me to actually enjoy my work and look forward to waking up in the morning to go to my job. One night I came across a listing to become a phone sex operator, I had seen these listings in the past but had absolutely zero experience doing anything of the sort and didn’t really have the confidence in myself to think that that was something that I could do for income and actually be successful with. Boy was I wrong! Not only am I happy to wake up now and have fun with a great group of kind and successful ladies, but I have also been able to dig myself out of the financial rut that I was in. All of the employees here at WBMT are like family, there is absolutely no drama, no judgement and no need to feel insecure. We are all here to help one another be as successful as possible, which is so refreshing! It’s hard to come across a company where everyone gets along great and we all want to see one another succeed as much as possible! The sky is the limit and it’s so much fun to let your imagination soar! I have become a lot more confident and comfortable in my own skin which has helped me all around in my life! Working pso jobs requires a lot of effort but the payoff is great and you get to work from the comfort of your home, what could be better!
Pso jobs are fun and easy
Pso jobs are more fun than you might think, and they really aren’t hard to do either! As long as you do all of the work you need to do you can seriously make good money here and you get to do it from home too. Anyone can learn to do this, you can too! I’ve been supporting myself this way for about seven years now and I love it, my schedule stays the same every week and I can work as many extra hours as I want to. Plus I’m not tied to my computer all day, I can do whatever I need to do at home in between taking calls and writing blogs, it’s definitely a perk of working from my bedroom. The women I work with are the best part of this job tho, everyone here is really supportive there’s just a bunch of women looking out for other women, what could be better than that? There is never any catty backstabbing bullshit here, we’re like a family and I just know that you will fit right in. There is no better phone sex company to work for, and I know that because I have worked at several. Join us, you won’t regret it!
Phone Sex Jobs Bring You Money from Home!
Phone Sex jobs can earn the right woman big money. Let’s face it; many work from home jobs are either scams or pyramid schemes. Some might even require over a hundred hours a week to make a couple hundred dollars. Phone sex is a legitimate work from home job that can earn a hard worker over $1,000 a week. I know, because I make over $1,000 a week. I have made that consistently for over 2 of the 3 years I have been employed at WBMT. My story is not unlike others in this business. I had a normal white collar job teaching, but a chronic health condition got the better of me. I never thought this would be the career path I took, but once I realized how much money I could make, I stopped looking for “real” jobs. This is a real job. Just a real job I can work in my pajamas while watching TV! Now, this job isn’t for everyone. You only have success like me by doing more than minimal work. I work more hours than my schedule. I blog daily and above the minimum weekly requirement and I show up regularly for my schedule. Not to say I don’t take off time and have a life, because I do, but I understand that it takes hard work and consistency to build a regular client base. If you put in more than the bare minimum requirements, the sky is the limit for your earning potential. This is a female owned and operated company with a no drama policy. We are a family. There are plenty of companies with no requirements, but I promise you that you will not make a $1.10 a minute or earn over $1,000 a week at those companies. Join the best phone sex company, put in the work and watch your bank account grow.