Adult phone operator jobs are not all created equally. Some companies hire anyone. They may appear great because they hired you and don’t require anything like a set schedule or blogging. Those companies may seem great, but they rarely pay well and often they are riddled with drama. Here at WBMT we require more from our phone sex operators, but the pay off is far better than the companies that don’t require anything. I have never been afraid of hard work. I applied here because my health was ailing, and my bank account was bare. I was desperate. That was over 5 years ago. Now I am here bragging about the best little phone sex company around. The required work is smart because it helps you make top dollar. The more hours I work, the more blogs I write a week, the more calls I get and the more money I earn. I want to make money, so I don’t have a problem with writing daily and working more than 40 hours a week. In most jobs, the harder you work, the more you are rewarded. If you are tired of living pay check to paycheck and want to work from home, this is the perfect job for you if you aren’t afraid of a little work.
Tag Archives: at home phone operator jobs
Elite Phone Sex Jobs
It is easy to find phone sex jobs. They are everywhere nowadays. However, you don’t want just any phone sex job. There are some companies that thrive on drama, not paying you much or on time and give you no training or support. That is not the case here at WBMT. We are a more elite company. The truth is that this company is not a fit for just anyone. WBMT gives training and has the highest payout in the industry, but they expect more out of their contractors than other companies. You can make pennies on the dollar with companies that require nothing from you, not even a set schedule. Or, you can make $1.10 a minute, earning well over $500 a week by working 60 plus hours a week, blogging daily and working weekends. This job isn’t for the lazy or for girls who don’t like using a computer. But for girls who are motivated to make money, the hard work required at WBMT is nothing like the hard work required at a factory or retail job. We work from home. We set our own weekly schedule. The hard work is simply blogging daily, avoiding drama, voting on a few phone sex sites to help with traffic and committing to 60 plus hours a week. Now, you can still make good money not committing to 60 hours, but I am greedy. I love making $1.10 a minute. Consider applying at the best phone sex company around. We require work, but the reward is great.
Being a Phone Sex Operator Equals Freedom
I don’t think any one wakes up and says, I want to be a phone sex operator. However, if you need a quick paying job and want or need to work from home, this is a great job to have. I have a chronic illness that makes the traditional workforce not ideal for me. I need a job that paid well. I started looking for jobs I could do at home, and this was the first thing that popped up. I had no clue how the business worked, but I needed a job that both paid well and allowed me to work from home. I thought I would apply for SSDI to help supplement my income but turns out I don’t need SSDI because I make more money talking dirty than I thought I even could. I love the freedom to set my own hours weekly and work from home. Because this job doesn’t interfere with my health, I feel like I have a life again. I make enough money to go to concerts and travel with my boyfriend and pay for good medical coverage. This job requires daily writing and certain things to make top dollar on your talk time, but that is nothing in comparison to the sort of work you would do at non work from home job. Other phone sex companies may not require as much work as WBMT does, but I promise you that those companies will take more than half your profits. It is not difficult to make $500 plus a week at this company. In fact, I earned over $600 on July 4th alone. If you need to work from home for family or preference, WBMT may be just what you have been looking for. Apply with us today and start to see your life turn around for the best.
How To be a phone sex operator
Phone Chat Jobs that are real are hard to come by. This is a real work at home contractor position that allows you to make money working from home. Tired of being on your feet, paying for gas to go to a job that leaves you stressed out? Look no further. I know it is a different kind of job, but I tell no one what I really do. I go to church, I have a kid and a spouse. I support them and I just talk dirty, write some blogs that are advertising for me and I get to play a role I have never played before. I make decent money and working overnights I can easily be logged in more hours to make more money. Oh, by the way, this company has no discrimination against any type of woman who wants to work hard. I am gay and I had to do a little research on certain topics but I still have fun. I do what I do and I enjoy getting weekly pay in my bank account. I promise you can make money and give yourself and your family a life that fast food and other jobs can’t. You do not have to chase your money, you get to work with great women, and you make more per min than any PSO company I have seen. Keep reading the other post They all tell you what an amazing company this is. Personally I am able to work again and I am very lucky to work here. I can’t wait to see new faces and welcome you to our PSO family.
Phone Chat Jobs
Phone chat jobs have unlimited weekly earning potential. Did you know that? When you are paid by the minute, you can easily make over $1,000 a week with some effort. I love working for WBMT because they gave me the support and tools needed to succeed in this business. This was my first phone sex job. I had heard horror stories about companies throwing you to the wolves with no guidance on how to succeed then taking more than half your money and creating drama if you succeeded or if you failed. None of that is true with WBMT. This is a family working environment. Veterans help newbies. The bosses give you training on how to be a phone sex operator. You are provided with the tools and knowledge to make good money from home. Of course, you must apply that knowledge to succeed, but your chance of survival in this business is increased tenfold by applying here. WBMT is a family of hard working, drama free women. To succeed in this business, you need to blog daily. It is how you advertise yourself to callers. You get to set your own schedule week to week, so never need to ask for time off. You can work as many hours as you want in a week because you are working from home. If you want to make good money, apply with us!
At home phone operator jobs are Hot Fun
At home phone operator jobs are the best work from home jobs. There are all these piece meal jobs and Amazon jobs that you need to work 100s of hours to even make $100. You can make that in a couple hours in the phone sex business. If you want to work from home, make decent money and set your own schedule from week to week, you should apply with WBMT. Not all phone sex companies are created equally. This is the only phone sex company that you can make 1.10 a minute. We have no hold times. WBMT doesn’t take more than half your earnings. You are paid weekly and on time and there is no drama like at other companies. We are like a sisterhood of dirty talkers. I have been here over 5 years. That is like a 100 years in the regular work force. Girls willing to put in some extra effort like blogging daily and working more than 40 hours a week can easily earn over 1K weekly. Yes weekly, not monthly. The harder you work, the more you make. This may not be the most rewarding job I have ever had, but it is one of the best paying for the work that is required. No work clothes required. No commute. I can sleep until 15 minutes before my shift starts if I want. If you want to make great money from home, your only choice is being a phone sex operator. If you want to work for a company that lets you keep most of your money and treats you like family, WBMT is the only place.
At home phone operator jobs
At home operator jobs are easy to get. Now not all phone sex companies are created equally. Many women come to WBMT because their previous company kept most of their money or didn’t pay them on time. I just lucked out and found this company on the Internet and got hired the next day. This is my first time as a PSO. I love this company, or I wouldn’t still be here almost 6 years later. Why do I love WBMT so much? Six years in the phone sex business is like 20 years at any other job. There is a lot of turnover in this business, but that is because girls don’t work for a legitimate company or they are lazy. You can’t just log in and expect the phone to ring. You need to work to make the phone ring and keep it ringing. I earn over $1,000 a week by consistently blogging, working over 40 hours a week and showing up for my schedule. If I don’t work, I can’t make money. This is not hard work, but it is not a job for lazy girls. If want to make easily over $500 a week, apply to WBMTT today. They will train you and help you make big money like me.
Phone Chat Jobs Keep the Lights On
Phone chat jobs are the best jobs for women who don’t want to do the 9 to 5 grind daily. There is no other work from home job that will bring you this kind of money without a degree. You don’t need a college degree or experience for this kind of work. You need a great voice, a dirty mind, a computer, a land line and a willingness to write and work. I make more money talking dirty than I thought was possible. Never did I think that being an adult operator would net me over a grand a week, but it does. I no longer worry about the electric bill or any bill. Now, I work hard for the money. But hard is not like the heavy labor of many jobs. My hard work consists of daily blog writing, being positive and upbeat and working my schedule which I design from week to week. Where else can you work and change your schedule week to week to fit your life. WBMT has the highest pay out in this business too. You can make a $1.10 a minute. Many companies take 50-70 percent of your hard earned money. Not at WBMT. This is a female owned and operated business, so no casting couch auditions. We are a group of positive and hard working women, a family of sorts. Apply today and join our family.
Wondering How to Be a Phone Sex Operator?
Wondering how to be a phone sex operator? I never did, but I ended up applying to be one because I needed a job quickly that I could work from home. I have been to college. I have had white collar jobs most of my life. I didn’t ever think about adult phone chat as legitimate work. I was wrong. I have a chronic health condition that made my white collar job a bad idea. What was supposed to be a temporary job has turned into a permanent gig, however. Not because of my health either, but because of the great money I make and the fact that I make it from home. I can set my own hours from week to week, which allows me the flexibility I need to schedule doctor appointments and have a life with my boyfriend. I have money and freedom, plus I love my job and I work with great people. The bosses aren’t bad either. In fact, they are great. Not like other bosses. I am treated with respect. I get paid based on my effort. I am a hard worker, which bodes well in this business. So, does being consistent with a schedule. This is not a job for people who are lazy and unmotivated. But if you have drive to make money, you can succeed as a phone sex operator.
Phone Sex Jobs
When I lost my nurse aide job, I had no idea how I would take care of my son. I had a box full of bills and my car was about to be repossessed. I read an article about phone sex jobs and it sounded like an easy way to make money. I applied for several different phone sex companies and luckily WBMT,LLC called me first. This company feels more like a family than a business with it’s friendly atmosphere. WBMT, LLC taught me everthing I needed to know to make good money like blogging and editing pictures for those blogs. They were patient and I never felt overwhelmed. Now, I make way more than I ever did as a nurse aide and my quality of life has greatly improved. I can care for my son without any help from the government. And I can now afford nicer clothes and fun excursions with my son. No more crying into my pillow worrying about putting food on the table. Plus, it’s sexy and exciting talking to all types of men with many different fetishes. Being a phone sex operator makes me feel sexy and has boosted my self esteem. I feel like I should have a PhD in sex education because I’ve learned so many new things about sex. Come and apply for position with WBMT, LLC. You won’t regret it!