Adult phone operator jobs are perfect

Adult phone operator jobs Adult phone operator jobs are perfect for women who want to work from home for any reason. For me that reason was a health concern. I was in a bad car accident a decade ago. I was not going to be permanently disabled but I was going to be out 9 months, which was one month shy of what I would need to get disability. My work couldn’t hold my job that long and I needed some form of job to support myself. When I Googled “Work from home jobs,” phone sex came up. I have not left the industry since then. I discovered that I could make great money and set my own hours which gave me a certain amount of freedom. Now, I won’t feed you some bullshit about this being easy money because it isn’t. But, if you put in daily effort and work 60 plus hours a week, you can support yourself and your family well. I blog daily. I work ten plus hour days. I work weekends. I vote on phone sex leaderboards. I only work when I am in a good mood. I do all that, and the zeros are added to my paycheck. I love working at WBMT. I have been here 8 years and would love for you join us and make money too.

You will Love Being a Phone Sex Operator at WBMT

phone sex operatorI think you will love being a phone sex operator as much as I do. I set my own schedule week too week. I can select anywhere from 20-50 hours a week. My pay goes up if I select more, however. I never have to ask for time off. If I am already scheduled, I find some one to work for me, if not I don’t select those times. I have a complicated life because of a chronic health condition. I often got in trouble at other jobs for needing time off for medical appointments. That is not the case at WBMT. I like the freedom of setting my own schedule week to week. I make good money as a PSO too. More money than I thought I would, but that is because I work hard and WBMT pays me for my effort. At most companies all girls are paid the same, so girls who do nothing get paid the same as the girls doing all the work. WBMT may require more work than many companies, but we are treated with respect. We are paid weekly and on time. We have a chance to voice concerns or problems and be heard. WBMT is a work family. Join our family today.

Working for a Great Company Makes How to Be a Phone Sex Operator Easy

how  to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not difficult, but how to be a successful one takes some work and dedication. Adult chat jobs aren’t easy money. Top earners in the business blog daily. They also work more than 40 hours a week. Since we work from home, working 40-60 hrs a week or more, is not hard to do. If I am home and awake, I am usually working. It took me awhile to find the right combination of blogging and hours to make what I could live comfortably on. Having a company like WBMT helps too. It is important to have a company that pays you half or more of your talk time. Some companies regardless of how hard you work, pay you like 30% of your talk time. WBMT is structured differently. Pay is best on your work effort and ethic. The more you blog, the more often you blog, the more hours you work, the higher rate you earn on your talk time. You can earn up to $1.10 a minute or as low as 20 cents a minute if you do absolutely nothing all week. Phone sex is lucrative, but only with a good company and only if a little hard work doesn’t scare you.

Phone Sex Jobs are Awesome

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs are awesome. Think about it. You can work from home and set your own hours. You can work as much or as little as you want, but the more you work, the more you make. You don’t have to wear make-up and you have no commute. I love the freedom of working from home. In between calls, I can clean the house, do laundry and read a book if I want. I don’t want to make phone sex seem like a cake walk because it does require work to make money. WBMT is a blogging company. Blogging is required five days a week to make top dollar on your talk time. You shouldn’t be afraid to blog, however, because it is the best way to make your phone ring. The more naughty stories you share, the more guys call you. This is a great industry for any woman who doesn’t want a typical 9-5 job. I have been here for many years and I usually always make over $1,000 a week. I never made that kind of money when I worked retail. Plus, I was on my feet dealing with angry people. Now, I just deal with horny men. Do you want a kick ass job? Apply with us today.

The Best Phone Sex Jobs

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs pop up daily these days. When I started off in this business a few decades ago, there were only about 100 companies, and more or less, they were all the same. Now there are thousands of phone sex companies, and most are crap to work for. When my company folded, I wanted to stay in the industry. I went through several bad companies before I landed at WBMT 7 years ago. I was at companies that didn’t pay much or at all. I was at a company that was so poorly managed, the owner had no clue who was working for her or what they were making. I was at companies where girls were very bitchy to me and stole my callers by bad mouthing me. None of that goes on at WBMT. This company has the highest payout in the industry. The company is very well operated and managed. Plus, there is a zero drama policy. Girls who try to steel your callers or make your work environment not a happy place are fired. We are a family here. We support each other. WBMT is a female owned company and the owner and manager are former PSOs, so they know the pitfalls to avoid. If you are unhappy at your current company, jump ships and apply with us. Your experience is not a strike against you here like many other companies. Even if you have no experience, WBMT will train you to make good money. We are a great company.

How To Be a Phone Sex Operator for Mature Women

how to be a phone sex operatorAsk yourself how to be a phone sex operator. Trust me, you will not regret it. A few years ago, I wondered if I could do this sort of work for a living. I have no hang ups about sex. I just wasn’t sure how much money I could make. I am in my 50s. Honestly, I thought phone sex girls were like strippers, mostly under 35.  As it turns out, mature women are in high demand in this industry. I make good money as a phone sex mommy / milf. Now, guys won’t just call me if I sit on my ass and wait for the phone to ring. I work to make over $800 a week. I blog daily and I work a lot of hours. Now, I don’t want you to think you have to work over 80 hours a week like me to make good money, because you don’t.  I am divorced and my son and daughter are grown and living away from home, so I have a lot of free time. You can work anywhere from 30-60 hours a week here or more. Your pay rate goes up when you commit to more hours per week, but they are hours you set. I love the freedom to set my own hours week to week. If you are a mature woman wondering if you could compete with barely legal girls, I will tell you if I can, you can too.

PSO Jobs that Encourage Blogging Pay More

pso jobsPSO jobs are financially rewarding only if you are a hard worker. Many women get into the industry and think the phone will just ring non-stop. Now, it may at some companies with super cheap prices, but you won’t make much money at those companies. WBMT is a cut above the rest. I have been in this industry for decades, and this is the best company I have worked for yet. I make very good money. In fact, I make more than my boyfriend and he is the one with the college degree. Here at WBMT, I blog daily to make the phone ring. The phone doesn’t ring if I don’t. Well, it doesn’t ring as much. I have been at companies that didn’t require blogging and ones that do and trust me, blogging is the best way to bring guys to you. If you can’t see yourself writing a few blogs a day, this is not the company for you. You will make money, but not as much as other girls who blog daily.WBMT has a higher earning potential than other companies and because of that, they require more work. But all the things we are asked to do here, make the phone ring, so you won’t mind!

WBMT is the Best

how to be a phone sex operator

Ask yourself how to be a phone sex operator with WBMT. Trust me, it will be the best question you ever asked yourself. When I decided to be a PSO, I didn’t know where to apply. I just applied to the first sites that came up when I googled phone sex. That was a mistake. I have worked for 5 other companies before I found a good one and stayed. I was at companies that had hold times. One company never paid me after a full month, then bullied me when I demanded my money. I never got it either. I worked at another company that the women and owner were so caddy, it made me sick. I have a chronic health condition, so I needed a work from home job. I knew that there were good phone sex companies out there, so I applied one more time. That was the charm. I have been here 5 years. I’m paid weekly. This is a no drama company. The other girls that work here are nice and helpful, which is not like any other company I worked for before. This is an honest living. Not all companies are created equally. Trust me, I know. I worked at bad companies before I lucked out at WBMT.

Kick Ass Phone Sex Jobs Here

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs are easy to find. New companies pop up ever day, but I am here to tell you from experience not all companies are equal. I’m sure if you have never worked in this business, you might think phone sex companies are all the same. I have been in this industry for decades. I have never worked for a better company than WBMT. I have worked for some awful companies as well as just okay ones, but WBMT is a cut above the rest. I have been here over 5 years, which is the longest I have stayed at any phone sex job. The reason is because I am paid more here and treated like a human. At many companies, the owners were my competition and if I made more then them, they found a way to punish me for succeeding. Not here. In fact, the owner doesn’t work the phone like us. She is busy building a kick ass company that has the highest pay rate in the industry. This is a drama free company too, which is great. No bickering, no cattiness, no bitch attitudes. This company requires work. To make top dollar you need to blog every day you work, commit to a weekly schedule and work some weekend hours. Trust me, I have been at other companies, and the work is worth it and reflects every week in your pay check.

Be a Phone Sex Operator Today

phone sex operatorI love being a phone sex operator. I work from home and set my own hours weekly. Seriously, this is a great gig for women good with unstructured time. I have always had traditional jobs, so working hard is not foreign to me. I think some women have a misconception about this type of work. It is not about sitting around all day waiting for the phone to ring. You need to do things to make your phone ring. You need to blog several times a day. That is not hard to do. I post my blogs at the start of my shift, and the phone starts to ring. I don’t want to make it sound like a cake walk job because it isn’t. The women in this industry that make good money, money to sustain themselves, work a lot of hours a week, blog and always answer the phone happy and alert. It takes a while to build regular callers. I almost gave up after a week because I didn’t make much. I am so glad I didn’t give up. It just takes a month or so to really see your bank account grow. And if you don’t like your pay check, the next week you blog more and work more. This is a job with a lot of room to grow. Join our team of hardworking women.