How to be a phone sex operator

how to be a phone sex operatorYou may be wondering how to be a phone sex operator. All you need for equipment is a laptop or PC a landline and phone line and phone. Now for attitude, a pleasant speaking voice and customer service skills and a quiet place to work are a must. This is a real job with full-time hours and the ability to make your own schedule. We do blog our own naughty stories. I have always been open-minded, and I can tell you I truly love my job. I get to express myself through my calls and blogs like never before! Now to the nitty-gritty. The company is run by women for women. Phone sex jobs do not compare to WBMT. I got lucky and WBMT was the first place who called me. I work hard and I make 1.10 a min. No matter why you are looking for at home work, this is a place you can support yourself and your family. My little family flourishes and I am so proud that I am able to support us now! There is an application here and make sure you fill it all the way out. That little naughty paragraph isn’t hard. And That is how you let your callers know you are worth their money. Don’t worry all training is walked through by the experts!

We Have Phone Chat Jobs

phone chat jojbsWe have phone chat jobs open here at WBMT. Let me tell you why you should apply too. One, we are a no drama company. That means you don’t have to worry about being bullied or stressed over catty girls. Drama is rampant in this industry, but WBMT will fire anyone for drama, no matter how much they make. Two, we have the highest earning potential in the industry and it is not based on how many minutes you make. Many companies will pay up to a $1.05 a minute on your talk time if you talk over 1000 minutes in a week. We are structured differently. WBMT pays you based on effort. The pay scale goes up the more hours you work and the more days you blog. You can get paid $1.10 a minute at WBMT regardless is you have 100 minutes or over 1000. Third, WBMT pays for your 800 number, which is almost unheard of in the industry. That can be a big chunk of your pay. Finally, this company is run by females who were in the business themselves. They have created a family. We support one another and help you be the best PSO you can be. Join our team today.

Are Phone Sex Jobs for You?

phone sex jobs Are phone sex jobs for you? Ask yourself if you like the idea of working from home. Ask yourself if you like making great money? Two yeses and this is a job for you. We get a bad rap for being in this industry. People think we do phone sex because we can’t do anything else or because we are lazy. People look down on us I think because they are not open-minded. Sure, we talk about taboo subjects, but what we do is legal. What we do is provide some sexual relief for men in a fantasy context. We sell fantasies. It is easy money in comparison to working say at Walmart or Taco Bell. The money is much better too. I know for me, I had negative thoughts about this industry. I have a Ph.D. I thought I was too smart to do this sort of work, but it is smart to make good money from home. I was in a car accident then I got diagnosed with a chronic health condition. This was something I did for necessity but I kept doing it because I was making great money and making new friends. Join our team of smart, hard-working women and see that what I mean for yourself.

Do you want to earn money from home?

phone sex jobs

Do you want to earn money working from home without having to pester all of your friends to buy crap? Then you need to try phone sex jobs. There is no money upfront, no having to bore your friends with your jewelry or nails or leggings or whatever, you probably have friends selling all that stuff right now clogging up your facebook with endless requests to have a party or buy stuff right? Well this is nothing like that at all. You just need to write blogs and answer your phone and messages, that’s it! Get guys to like you and they will call you over and over and you will see the benefits in your weekly paychecks. They pay here is higher than at any other company and the owner is always having contests to allow you to make even more money. You’ll be working with a bunch of great women too, we all help each other and make each others lives easier it’s great! Come join our family today, you are going to love working here, you will love the paychecks too. I support my whole family on just my pay here, if I can do it you can too!

This is the place to be a phone sex operator

phone sex operatorI have worked as a phone sex operator here for over five years now and I love it. I’ve worked at other companies and the pay is less and the bosses are nothing like the bosses here, this company is by far the best. Last year I had major heart surgery and I was hospitalized for a few weeks in total. I was out of work for three months or more and even when I did come back it took me a while to get back into the swing of things because I was in so much pain and so weak from my issues. Any other company would have let me go but they not only held my job here thru all of that, they supported me thru it too. My coworkers pitched in to donate money to me so that I could continue to pay bills while I was unable to work, none of them had to do it, they are just kind and generous souls that wanted to help me out. They encouraged me every single day and let me know in so many ways that they had my back thru the hardest time of my life. They have earned my loyalty in so many ways, there is no other company like this anywhere, you will love working here I can promise you that!

We Have the Best Phone Chat Jobs

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs can change your life. My job at WBMT changed mine. Before I got hired here, I was over worked and under paid. My job was taking a toll on me mentally and physically. I broke my leg in a car accident and couldn’t work for a month. My job would still be there, however, I would only get paid for 1 week. I couldn’t not be paid for 3 weeks, so I looked for jobs from home. Phone sex came up as one of the best money making jobs for women that could be done form home. I applied at a few companies, but WBMT called first. The rest is history. I never went back to my job. I work hard here at WBMT but I am not on my feet all day long. I have traded stocking shelves for blogging. Phone sex is a job like any other job. You need to have a good work ethic. You need to do your job. If you are reliable and dedicated to this job at our company, you are rewarded with a higher pay rate and more minutes. Unlike many jobs, your weekly paycheck will vary. The harder you work, the more hours you commit to, the better your paycheck will be. Say goodbye to dead-end jobs and work at home with us.

Phone Chat Jobs

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs are every where on the Internet. It can be difficult to chose between a company. I made the mistake of picking a company that I saw everywhere. That company was only all over phone sex advertising sites and leaderboards because they were a cheat company. They never paid me. They frauded callers and they were high drama. I didn’t last long there. What I did the second time I was looking for PSO work was research. I looked at the company’s reputation with the Better Business Bureau. Trust me, if a company is not paying its girls, you will find out there. WBMT has been a godsend to me. I can design my own schedule from week to week, no graved in stone 9-5 hrs. I can work days. I can work nights or I can do a split shift. I can choose my own days off too. The more hours I work a week the higher my pay grade. If I commit to 50 hours a week and work another 10 hours, I can make up to $1.10 a minute on my talk time. I have never heard of a company paying that much in this industry. Sixty hours is not that much when you consider you are working from home and have no commute. I wake up 15 minutes before I go to work. Can you say that? This company has requirements that others don’t, but they are all structured to help you make more money. Join the best pso company today!

At Home Phone Operator Jobs

at home phone operator jobs

There are lots of at home operator jobs on the Internet. So, how do you know which company to work for? I am here to tell you that not every phone sex company is the same. I have worked at a few before I found my way to WBMT. I have a chronic health condition that makes it difficult to maintain a normal job. I make far more money talking dirty than I ever would at a retail job. Plus, I am healthier and happier. I have been at companies that never paid on time; one that just never paid; and a couple that had so much drama that it was bad for my health.  I found my way to WBMT and I have been here ever since. I love this company. WBMT is structured differently than many companies, but that is a good thing. For many women, there are too many rules and requirements. I am here to tell you as a woman who has worked at companies with no structure and one with lots of structure, I prefer the structure. For one, all the requirements at WBMT like daily blogging and a committed weekly schedule help you make more money. The pay scale at WBMT is better than any company I worked at before too. The owner is a former PSO and she devised a company that motivates her phone workers and helps them make a livable wage. Join WBMT today and find out for yourself.

How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is a question you should ask yourself. It may not be a question you ever thought you would ask yourself but trust me you will not be sorry you asked. I love being a PSO. I work from home. I set my own hours weekly. I make great money too. I never thought I could make this kind of money from home. I went to college and never thought I would be taking dirty for a living. Life happens. I got sick at a younger age and there was no way I could make enough to support myself on SSDI. I looked for jobs that paid well from home and phone sex came up. It never entered my mind until then. I thought I would do it temporarily until something better came along. After a few months as a phone sex operator, however, I was making more money than I expected. More money than I made as a social worker. I stopped looking for other jobs and knew I found my destiny. It is a stress free job from home. I don’t tax my body or my mind. I do work hard for my money. You will too in the form of daily blogging, but who wouldn’t rather blog than stock shelves, deal with crazy people or do manual labor? Come join our team.

PSO Jobs Pay Well

pso jobs

PSO jobs are easy to find. They are not all the same though. I made the mistake of thinking all the PSO companies were pretty much the same. That is far from the reality. I had to work at some downright awful companies before I found WBMT. I was at companies where drama matter more than a productive and positive workplace. I have worked at companies that never paid me, even after a month of working for them. I worked at companies that did pay on time, but they took 80% of my talk time. Here at WBMT I have found Nirvana. I am at a company with the highest payout in the industry. I work at a drama free company. And I work for a company that pays weekly and on time. I am sure you are thinking what is the catch. The only catch here is that you are a hard worker. You won’t make a competitive per minute rate if you sit on your ass during your shift. You need to blog and commit to a weekly schedule at WBMT to make top dollar. Many of the girls at WBMT make over $1,000 a week. Those girls who make top dollar have certain commonalities. They all work over 40 hours a week, avoid drama and blog several times a day. Join our team and earn great money too.