At Home Phone Operator Jobs

at home phone operator jobs

There are lots of at home operator jobs on the Internet. So, how do you know which company to work for? I am here to tell you that not every phone sex company is the same. I have worked at a few before I found my way to WBMT. I have a chronic health condition that makes it difficult to maintain a normal job. I make far more money talking dirty than I ever would at a retail job. Plus, I am healthier and happier. I have been at companies that never paid on time; one that just never paid; and a couple that had so much drama that it was bad for my health.  I found my way to WBMT and I have been here ever since. I love this company. WBMT is structured differently than many companies, but that is a good thing. For many women, there are too many rules and requirements. I am here to tell you as a woman who has worked at companies with no structure and one with lots of structure, I prefer the structure. For one, all the requirements at WBMT like daily blogging and a committed weekly schedule help you make more money. The pay scale at WBMT is better than any company I worked at before too. The owner is a former PSO and she devised a company that motivates her phone workers and helps them make a livable wage. Join WBMT today and find out for yourself.

How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is a question you should ask yourself. It may not be a question you ever thought you would ask yourself but trust me you will not be sorry you asked. I love being a PSO. I work from home. I set my own hours weekly. I make great money too. I never thought I could make this kind of money from home. I went to college and never thought I would be taking dirty for a living. Life happens. I got sick at a younger age and there was no way I could make enough to support myself on SSDI. I looked for jobs that paid well from home and phone sex came up. It never entered my mind until then. I thought I would do it temporarily until something better came along. After a few months as a phone sex operator, however, I was making more money than I expected. More money than I made as a social worker. I stopped looking for other jobs and knew I found my destiny. It is a stress free job from home. I don’t tax my body or my mind. I do work hard for my money. You will too in the form of daily blogging, but who wouldn’t rather blog than stock shelves, deal with crazy people or do manual labor? Come join our team.

PSO Jobs Pay Well

pso jobs

PSO jobs are easy to find. They are not all the same though. I made the mistake of thinking all the PSO companies were pretty much the same. That is far from the reality. I had to work at some downright awful companies before I found WBMT. I was at companies where drama matter more than a productive and positive workplace. I have worked at companies that never paid me, even after a month of working for them. I worked at companies that did pay on time, but they took 80% of my talk time. Here at WBMT I have found Nirvana. I am at a company with the highest payout in the industry. I work at a drama free company. And I work for a company that pays weekly and on time. I am sure you are thinking what is the catch. The only catch here is that you are a hard worker. You won’t make a competitive per minute rate if you sit on your ass during your shift. You need to blog and commit to a weekly schedule at WBMT to make top dollar. Many of the girls at WBMT make over $1,000 a week. Those girls who make top dollar have certain commonalities. They all work over 40 hours a week, avoid drama and blog several times a day. Join our team and earn great money too.

Being a Phone Sex Operator is Rewarding

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator is rewarding. Maybe not rewarding like a social worker, but it feels good to make good money from home and have time for my family. Before I found this line of work, I was on my feet 12 hours a day dealing with irate people. Now, I work sitting at a desk or even in my bed and I only deal with horny men. Plus, I make way more money. Here at WBMT you are a contractor. You are paid per minute of your talk time. You can go hours without the phone ringing, but there are things you can do to make your phone ring. I blog several times a day throughout my shift. Blogging is the best form of advertising you can do to make your phone ring. Also, the more you work and the more you blog, the more per minute you can earn on that talk time. The pay scale at WBMT is based on effort. Put in zero effort and make .20 cents on the minute. Put in a lot of effort and make up to $1.10 a minute. Most women here, make anywhere from $1.00-$1.10 a minute from the comfort of their homes. Join our team today.

Work from Home as a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator is not what you think. The PSO world has a bad reputation but that is because a few companies are not run legitimately. WBMT, however, is not only a legitimate company it is a great company to work for. WBMT does a lot of things that other phone sex companies don’t do. This is a company built by former PSOs. The owner wanted to avoid the pitfalls of other companies. This kind of work attracts lazy and crazy girls, but not here. WBMT is an elite company. Most women who work here and thrive have been in other jobs before a life change landed them here. Take me for example. I have a doctorate degree in history. I was teaching college. I had a 401K and health insurance, but I got sick with a chronic illness. I was too sick to work anywhere but from home. I didn’t want to do phone sex, but I needed money. I lucked out because this is the only company I have worked at. WBMT requires more work than many other companies, but the pay out is higher. Plus, we are paid weekly on time. This is a blogging driven company. If you can’t see yourself writing 15-20 blogs a week, this is not the place for you. But if you are a hard worker and reliable like me, apply today and see that phone sex is a great work from home job.

PSO Jobs are for Mature Women Too

pso jobs

PSO jobs are great for women of all ages 18 and over. I am a mature woman. A grandma type. I didn’t think I could do phone sex because of my age. I wrongly assumed that only young teen girls were in this business. When I was hired, it was the beginning of the rest of my life. I had tons of jobs before, never sticking with a career for long because of my health. Jobs would work me to death and suck the joy out of my life. Working as a PSO is not a stressful job. I am in control of how many or how little I work. I set my own schedule. This is a great job for mature women because men love talking to mommies and grannies. Now, with that said, this job requires some skills beyond that of having a sexy voice. You need to have some basic computer skills because you are required to blog at WBMT. Blogging is the way to attract callers. Free advertising for yourself is how I look at it. Personally, I want to do whatever I can to make my phone ring. The pay scale is much higher for girls who blog 5 days a week. At WBMT your per minute rate on your talk time is determine by your effort. The more you work, the harder you work, the more you make. If you want the freedom to work at home, apply with us today.

Being a Phone Sex Operator is Better than Retail

phone sex operator

Being a phone sex operator improved my life tenfold. I was working at Walmart and let me tell you, it was hell. I never went to college and I barely graduated high school. I was not qualified for much. Walmart hires anyone. They pay minimum wage and you deal with the dregs of society. I was working when some one pulled a gun on another sales associate. I survived that day and vowed to find a better job. One that was not killing my soul lol. The problem was I had only retail experience and no real skills. A friend of mine told me her sister did phone sex and loved it, so I investigated different companies. The company she worked at wasn’t hiring, so I applied at some others. WBMT hired me on the spot. That was 5 years ago. In fact, my friend’s sister works here now too. I recruited her because she can make more money here. I make in a week what I made in a month at Walmart. I am working safely from home and no one is angry or mean. I also don’t have to stand on my feet! There is no drama at WBMT. Walmart was nothing but drama. I don’t deal with irate customers, just horny men. I don’t stock shelves or clean bathrooms. I just blog daily. I set my own schedule each week too. It is not set for me. I wish I had known about phone sex jobs sooner!

PSO Jobs

pso jobsPSO jobs are not all the same. Some companies keep you busy 24/7. Non stop calls. That seems great in theory, right? But most of those companies pay you pennies on the minute. Trust me, I know. I am a veteran PSO. I have worked at many companies before landing here. Many were just bad. One company, the phone was glued to my ear all day long and I worked like 80 hours a week, but I never made more than $400 a week. That was because I was paid 40 cents a minute on my talk time. Another company never paid me what I was owed and yet another company had so much drama that I was ill most of the time. I have an illness called Lupus and I need a drama free company because stress worsens my health. I had found a good company, but she shut her doors, so I was back to looking for PSO work. Luckily, I found WBMT. There is no drama. I am paid on time. I am paid top dollar on my talk time too. Now, I need to explain that the pay rate at WBMT depends on your effort. The more hours you work, the more blogs you do a week, the more you can earn. The pay scale ranges from 20 cents to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. I make the most I can here, because why wouldn’t I? If you have experience, that is not a problem here. Neither is being a newbie. Apply with WBMT today and start enjoying your PSO life.

Do You Want to Be a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorDo you want to be a phone sex operator? If you want to work from home and make great money, this is the job for you. You need a few things before you get started. You need an old fashioned landline with no voicemail. You need high speed Internet. You need a reliable laptop or desk top computer. And, you need a quiet work area. You also want to work for a good company like WBMT. Having worked at many phone sex companies, I can tell you this is where you want to be. We have the highest pay out in the industry. We have an awesome reputation. We provide training, so you can kick ass doing this. We have flexible scheduling. We are drama free and we support and help each other like a sisterhood. I love working here. I make over $900 a week. I work for that money and you will have to also by blogging daily and voting for our sites on a site called Phone Sex Central. But any work that is necessary here only brings you more calls and ultimately more money. I think once you join our team you will see why we are the best PSO company around.

How To Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not difficult. You need high speed internet, a reliable computer, a land line phone and a quiet place to work.  It doesn’t matter if you have done this kind of work before or not because WBMT will train you to be a kick ass PSO. We are a great company to work for. Unlike other phone sex companies, you are paid by the minute and your pay rate depends on your effort. Not every one makes the same per minute rate here because not everyone works as hard as some do. You can make twenty cents on your talk time for doing nothing but answering your phone or you can make $1.10 a minute on your talk time committing to 50 hours a week, working another 10 hours; working 10 hours on the weekend (part of that 60), blog three times a day five days a week and do some social media promoting. It isn’t hard to make $1.10 a minute here and it is worth the effort to do so because the pay increase is significant. Of course, you can do everything and work 40 hours a week and make $1 a minute too which is a good pay rate in this industry. WBMT does have some requirements, more than many companies, however the reward is the highest per minute pay out in the industry. This is an awesome company to work for. You are treated fairly and paid well. Plus, no drama. Join the best phone sex company around.