To days is the day to change your life for the better. I’m still learning, but one thing is for sure, I know this is the company for me. This is not a job for a lazy body. There is work to be done, I’m not going to lie. You can work as much or as little (at least 20 hours a week) as you want to. Just remember the more you put in the more you get back. This is like any other job. You have to be on time and do your work, but I haven’t found any other company that pays the money WBMT pays for the work you do. You must promote yourself and be patient the first few weeks. Once you start taking calls and get familiar with the system, it’s like riding a bike. Once you’ve been here a while like me, you’ll wonder why you thought it was so hard at the beginning. I still make mistakes once in a while, but there’s always someone ready to help and get you back on track. So, if you want to make the money you and your hard work are worth come join the best little PSO company around, you and your pocket will be glad you did.
Tag Archives: at home phone operator jobs
Sink of Swim
This place is amazing. I’m not exactly sure how to put it into words, but this company gave me the opportunity to pay off all my vet bills in 2 months! That’s something I never could’ve done with a typical 9-5 job. You get what you put in with WBMTT. It’s like the unicorn of phone sex companies LOL. Don’t believe me? Try it for a month or two. You’ll see the increase in your bank account rather quickly. They’re fair and encouraging. It’s the only PSO company I’ve ever worked for that makes less than you do per min. It’s one of the best at home operator jobs I’ve ever encountered. I’m a 53-year-old woman and I have worked for my fair share. As a 53 year old widow, you can imagine that it’s difficult for me to find decent work. I live in Southern California and this place is expensive. I am financially stress free for the first time since my husband died. The only reason I’m writing this testimonial is because I know that many struggling women can truly benefit from an opportunity like this. It’s rough out there. It’s either sink or swim in this world. This company let’s you swim and thrive.
I Love This Place
This is one of the best pso jobs that ever existed. So many of them are too greedy to pay you for your time and efforts. I’m here to tell you that this team of women work so well together. I couldn’t be happier. I make great money, I set my own schedule and I don’t have any pesky managers or colleagues to deal with. This place is for women of integrity and great work ethic. Don’t waste your time if you don’t fit that description. But if you’re willing to put in the hours and are passionate about being a great operator, then please come join us. I used to work for a company that didn’t allow us to have regulars. They just got who they got, and it really limited our opportunities of success and great pay. I had callers tell me that they’d just scroll for girls and waste minutes just to find me, only to realize they had not much more than 5 to 10 minutes left. I was so pleased when I came across WBMTT to find that they truly support you building your clientele. I couldn’t be happier with a company. Come join the team here.
WBMT is a Great Place to Work for a Busy Mom
WBMT is my first PSO job and I absolutely love it. The management is so helpful and always available. My co-workers are friendly and supportive of one another and always willing to answer any questions I have. Management takes the time to call you for training and explain how to set up your phones and computer. They even supply you with a manual for quick reference in case you forget. I had always worked in the corporate world and after working here I wish I had changed careers many years ago. This job not only allows me the freedom to schedule my own hours around my young ones schedule but the flexibility to break up my hours throughout the day. I was nervous at first but after listening to a few of the training phone calls I easily was able to take phone calls on my own. The pay scale is lucrative with incentive for more pay per minute as you do more tasks, which are easy to complete. The more work you put into your job at WBMT the more money you can make. Between phone calls I can tidy my house, prepare dinner and make appointments. I am so happy to be here and would highly recommend WBMT to anyone interested in a PSO job.
Being a Phone Sex Operator is Rewarding
Being a phone sex operator is very rewarding. Don’t get me wrong. It is not rewarding like being a social worker or a nurse. We are getting men off not saving lives. However, we are putting food on our tables. We are caring for our sons and daughters. We are paying our bills and not on welfare. I work a lot of hours. More hours than my girlfriends do, but I am working from home. Don’t think that because you work from home it means it is cake walk. I work my ass off to make great money. I make over $1,000 a week. I have been consistently been making that after my first several months. But I didn’t just sit there and wait for the phones to ring. I blogged daily. It took me awhile to find the right groove in blogging but once I did, my paycheck increased. This is not the company for you if you cannot see yourself blogging. To be successful at WBMT requires a few things. You must be computer literate. You will be trained how to blog in Word Press, but basic picture editing, setting up and checking emails, and surfing the Internet is necessary. You most be able to blog. You also need to commit to a weekly schedule of your selection, and you need an open mind, not just a sexy voice. This is not a dispatch company. It is a direct dial company, but those are the companies that pay the most. Apply with us today and you can be an independent, financially secure woman too.
More Money Creates More Opportunities
This is my third PSO company experience. It didn’t take long for me to realize that this industry can either make or break you. This company is full of strong, independent, supportive and career minded women. It’s absolutely drama free and full of opportunities for true financial independence. I can’t say this enough and I hate to brag to some of my friends, but I absolutely love being able to be my own boss in a way. To work from the comfort of my own lady cave. I love not having to deal with traffic or gas prices or prepping a to-go lunch. The management team here is incredibly nice as well as organized. I love their business model and I truly appreciate that they do their best to teach you all the tools to thrive as a successful phone sex operator. There is always somebody available and willing to answer any questions you may have. I guarantee this is going to be one of the best PSO jobs you’ve ever experienced. I just wish I had been lucky enough to find this company before the two prior to this one. Come join our team and good luck on all your business endeavors.
Phone Sex Jobs Are Very Lucrative
When one thinks of phone sex jobs they often think that this is an outdated thing, and not lucrative. I am here to say that having been working a decade in this field that is not so. Truth is, the pso field is as important as ever, even with cam girl sites we still do a kick ass business. Working at WBMTLLC has been a serious improvement in my quality of life. I love it. I don’t have to work for an asshole male sexist pig and be overlooked for career advancement as still happens in many fields. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Web Development/ IT, sadly such a degree is useless in a male dominated field, and no sooner than i got it things changed, as happens in technology. I would have to start in on the bottom level as a phone support position which, essentially is a minimum wage level paying kind of deal. These positions are often sent Offshore, or to the younger generation. I’m in my 40’s and frankly, screw that. I do not want to work in a cubicle, commute in traffic to a place that would give me migraines with all the fluorescent lighting and chemical odors, deal with annoying jack asses day in and day out while having to maintain some form of laim dress code etc. Not my idea of a dream job. However, to sit at home in my comfort zone, working on my computer that is private and set up as I find comfortable, wearing whatever I want even if that means naked and no frigging commute. Commuting takes from ones personal time, and add it up, that’s a asston of personal time that really is not your choice, but is what was necessary. My commute and preparation time is rolling out of bed, and logging in. I really can’t express more in how much of a dream job this is. A few key elements: Self motivated, Responsible, Dependable, Home phone line *Hardline not a cell phone, Stable reliable Internet, a reliable computer, computer knowledge; i.e. email, searching net, typing and ability to write creatively and willingness to blog, but that will be taught to you. Just give us a try and see if we are a fit for you!
At home phone operator jobs are for any woman who wants to support herself
At home phone operator jobs are for any woman who wants to support herself and her family. Honestly, I had no clue how much I could make in this industry. I was injured in a car accident and couldn’t work for months. A settlement was coming, but not soon enough to keep a roof over my head. I needed to make money from home, so I applied to several phone sex companies. WBMT called me back first and I am still here. That was four years ago. I got a large settlement, but I still work here because I make enough money from home to pay my bills and enjoy life. I am no longer late on bills. I now have fun money. I never saw being a phone sex operator as a long-term job, but the money is too good; I work from home; and I set my own hours. I work hard for my money, however. Phone sex is a real job that requires work like any job to be successful. I blog daily. I work consistent hours and I only work when not distracted by life. I make over $800 a week, which is more than I ever did at retail. If you want to make good money too from home, apply today.
Phone Chat Jobs are Lucrative if a Hard Worker
Phone chat jobs can be lucrative if you are a hard working woman. Just about any woman over 18 can talk dirty, but to make good money requires more than talking dirty. At our company, girls must blog often and daily to make over $500 a week. They also must work over 40 hours to make that kind of money. There is a myth about the phone sex industry. Many girls think they can just sit around and the phone rings off the hook. That may be true with much larger dispatch companies, but not small direct dial ones. There are many key differences between companies like WBMT and those huge companies with thousands of girls. The much larger companies pay pennies on the dollar because you do nothing but talk on the phone. Often, the phone is to your ear non stop. Those kind of companies are like factories. Girls stay a few months, make very little, get burned out and come to companies like ours. You may not have your phone glued to your ear here, but you are paid more, and you need to blog. You will not make money at WBMT if don’t blog. It is free advertising and it is what makes your phone ring. Apply with us today.
Become a Phone Sex Operator
Become a phone sex operator and start to win in life. It is so freeing to know that you have control, and being a phone sex operator gives you power. You have control over the money you can make if you want to do this part-time or full-time; it’s up to you. The best thing that I could have ever done was get into the PSO radar. Being a PSO, I have the ability to make significant amounts of money, and I do mean high over $2,000 a week is possible if you’re a hard-working, motivated driven personality. Being a phone sex operator teaches me things that I wouldn’t know otherwise. I Am My Own Boss, and that’s more than just making your own hours that’s making your own destiny. I work from the safety and luxury of my own home wearing house shoes and a housecoat. It’s fabulous to know that I don’t have to spend thousands of dollars a year on gas daycare parking and other senseless things that only take away from your paycheck. I love being able to be creative and explore taboo fantasies. I feel like I’m a helper. I feel like a sex therapist if you will because I get to talk to sexually frustrated guys, and I help them with their issues. I please guys all sorts of guys, and that’s inspiring, it’s funny, but it makes me feel like a PSO superhero. Being a PSO gives you the freedom to go places and do things because you can work from almost anywhere. I look at every job and every career as an opportunity to teach me more. Being a PSO teaches you so much more then you could ever imagine about the human mind and sexual makeup. I could talk about the great things of being a PSO all day and all night, but the bottom line is being a phone sex operator is an excellent opportunity for financial social and overall growth.