Great Money and I Have Time to Care for My Elderly Parents

At Home Phone Operator Jobs

I had just been let go from my job due to budget cuts. I needed some income and I needed it fast. I had bills to pay, a car payment, insurance, rent and so on. My parents are getting older and I do a lot of care giving for them, so I also needed some flexibility. The typical pyramid sales were just not my thing. Too much up front money, to little immediate income and honestly, I just don’t like pushing things on my friends that I am not certain of. Anyways, I had a friend that works for WBMT and makes great money and can schedule her own hours. I set up a lunch and discussed the job with her as I truly didn’t know what a sex phone operator really did. She explained everything to me and provided contact information. I set up an interview and was pleasantly surprised how genuine the owner was. She asked about me and my life and my availability. She said I could set my hours around my parents needs and informed me that there were plenty of information in the handbook to help me with how to talk to clients. I went through the training process, getting any questions I needed answered immediately, and now I work full time, making great money and being able to provide the care to my parents. I could not recommend a better company, even if you have never done phone sex operator work before. You will quickly get the hang of it and love working here just as I do.

Perfect Job for Stay at Home Mom

at home phone operator jobsAs a stay at home mom I am extremely busy with the kids and my husband’s income supports us but to do the little extras I needed to make some money also. I had tried selling those beauty products, the supplemental nutrition items, the food items and even those smell good candles. All of them basically only paid for the inventory I was receiving. I never made much money and not nearly enough for the hassle it was causing. A friend suggesting WBMT and I investigated it. I had never done phone sex before, but I was certainly capable of talking dirty. I applied and did the interview asking lots of questions during our call. They were so helpful and encouraging. I already had internet and a computer, so I scheduled a land line installation. Now I can work when the kids are in bed or at activities. I schedule my own hours and work from the comfort of my bedroom. I have found out that the more effort you put into it the more money you make so I am working towards that goal now. I have been able to make so much money that I have completely paid for a summer vacation for me, my kids and my husband. I highly recommend WBMT to anyone who is looking for a great income or anyone who is looking to supplement their family’s income.

PSO Jobs are the Best

pso jobsPSO jobs are the best work from home jobs for a woman. I have a chronic health condition that makes working a traditional job difficult. I missed too much work because I was sick. Working from home is less stressful on my body. I am not outside in the cold commuting to be in contact with germy people lol. I can work more hours because I am at home and I can design my schedule around my doctors appointments. You do have to commit to a schedule here at WBMT but a schedule you design. Some days I work 4 day weeks, some I work 7 day weeks. It all depends on what a busy week I have. I can work a split shift too. The more hours you work the higher your paycheck will be. That is in part do to the more calls you will get but also the more hours you commit to weekly, the higher per minute rate you make on your talk time. WBMT does things differently. Most companies pay a higher rate based on how many minutes you earn. Here the pay rate goes up with daily blogging (5 days of blogging for the highest rate) and hours committed (work 60 hours for the high test pay rate). A woman who can write and work decent hours consistently can be making $800 plus a week within a couple months of consistent hard work. Join our team today and see your bank account grow.

Work From the Comfort of Your Home

phone sex operatorHaving been recently diagnosed with an Autoimmune disease the normal office job was too much. With the numerous doctors’ appointments and the pain accompanied by the disease, my office job was not willing to accommodate me and allow me to make the same pay. Still needing to make a good wage I found out about WBMT. I had never been a phone sex operator and knew very little about it. I did need a job that I could work around my doctor’s visits and family obligations and this has been the perfect place for me. I pick my own schedule and work from the comfort of my own home, icing my knees if I need to or laying in my bed with my laptop. All you need is internet, a computer, a landline, good communication and the willingness to learn some programs. The owners and managers are wonderful and walk you through every step of the way. My co-workers are there for me if a question ever arises that I am unsure of. I now can make it to every appointment, every school function, take days off for pleasure or family time and still make a comfortable living. The job is never boring and everyday holds something new. If you need a flexible job to do from your home, I highly recommend WBMT.

WBMT is a Great Place to Work

WBMT is a Great Place to Work

WBMT is a great place to work. Whether you are a student, single mom or just looking for a change, WBMT allows you the flexibility to work and be able to tend to your other obligations and enjoy life. I worked in a fast-paced office for many years but was missing out on so many things with my daughter. With WBMT I can schedule my hours around her school functions, so I am no longer absent from her parties, field trips, plays and activities. I can schedule late hours during her summer and school breaks so I can enjoy doing things with her during the day and schedule daytime hours when she is in school so I can enjoy my evenings with her. This would also be a great job for a college student as you could work around your class schedule. The workload of college changes weekly and you can adjust your schedule here accordingly. As the company is online 24/7 it accommodates both the early birds and the night owls. I can not stress enough how this job has given me the opportunity to not only support myself but to enjoy all the things I could not when I had to go into the office every day from 9-5.

How to be a phone sex operator

how to be phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator in a world where people cheat you and don’t give a damn if you sink or swim. Well That one is easy peasy! Come be a contractor with us. WBMT is always looking for new talent. Women who have a kinky side and need to pay bills are the type that get men off over the phone and can make real money doing it. Not a get rich quick scheme, no money needed to start if you have the necessary tools needed already. And you get to work from home. No commute, no gas money and a real opportunity to make a living. The issue is we love doing what we do but we need a company that will back our ass up. It isn’t what you can do for WBMT its what WBMT helps you do. This female owned and operated company gives you the tools to succeed. You bring the quite place, computer, lane line and internet and a desire to fend for your self in a world that is hard enough. All training is provided and from one woman to another… I started my life over with nothing and now I have confidence and money in the bank. Its not given to you but earned, and I think that is the best thing. I see what I am doing for myself using WBMT as a platform to make my life livable again. Be someone you are proud of join us even if you have no experience all training provided.

Being a Phone Sex Operator Saved My life

phone sex operator

Being a phone sex operator changed my life. Before I was hired at WBMT, I was stressed about money. So stressed, I made myself sick. I was selling stuff to pay bills, but I could never pay all my bills. I was behind in rent; my cell phone had been shut off and I was eating Ramen noodles daily. I was looking for work, but I was either overqualified or not qualified. My unemployment had run out and I was desperate. I had actually thought about doing cam shows just to keep a roof over my head. While I was looking for those kinds of jobs, I came across PSO jobs. That sounded so much better to me than live sex shows. I might have to work more hours, but I kept my clothes on. WBMT was the first company to hire me. I made about $200 my first week and I was so happy. The more I worked, the harder I worked, the more I made. That was 6 years ago. I have a steady income over $900 a week now. It didn’t happen overnight. With consistency and hard work in the form of blogging, I am not behind in any bills and I have fun money. Yes, PSO work saved my life.

I Love Working From Home!

phone sex jobsIt can be tough finding your groove as a PSO, but this place is the ultimate platform when it comes to learning all the important things in order to succeed in this business. Nothing beats working from home and having the opportunity to be creative with your words and ideas. While making great money too! I came into this line of work because I had exhausted all other local avenues, and nobody was hiring! Well, minimum wage places were, however I enjoy my comfortable lifestyle and didn’t want to have to give it up. I found this place just in time and the money started rolling in almost instantly after training. I’m here to personally tell you that this is one of the best phone sex jobs you’ll ever find, and I want to share the wealth of that knowledge. I love encouraging other women when it comes to finding their independence. This place really offers that for me. The best thing about this job is you can move anywhere you like and boom, you still have a job. Many PSO companies don’t even offer training which can be very intimidating. My first company just threw me to the lions, and I found that to be rather counterproductive. You’ll get nothing but support here.

WBMT has Given me a Way to Support Myself and My Family

phone sex operator

As a single mom I needed to make some serious income and have the flexibility to take care of my children and be available for their school functions, doctor’s appointments etc. WBMT has given me this. They offer not only a very good pay plan that increases with the amount of work you put into the job, but the flexibility of hours. I had never done PSO work before and was completely trained on everything needed to be a success. They called me to get me started, setting up my computer, links and phone lines. I was then put in training which they closely followed and were available for any questions I had. If I couldn’t find the answer in the training manual provided, I could just pick up the phone and contact management or IM any of my co-workers. Everyone is so friendly and willing to help no matter how silly I thought my question was. In a little over two weeks I was able to easily navigate every aspect of the job. I really enjoy the management and other employees and have found them so supportive of each other. I could not ask for a better company than WBMT to work for. If you are looking for a change in career or changing PSO companies I couldn’t recommend WBMT any higher. You will not be disappointed.

Adult phone operator jobs bring the right women lots of money

Adult phone operator jobs Adult phone operator jobs bring the right women lots of money from the comfort of their homes. Are you a hard worker? PSO work can attract lazy women. Women who want to do the least but expect to still make the most. This is not the phone sex company for women who just want to sit on their asses. We hustle for money at WBMT. We work way more than 40 hours a week too. You don’t have to work that many hours, but you will make more per minute and get more minutes with more hours. You don’t have to get ready for work. I roll out of bed 30 minutes before my shift starts most days. I don’t need make-up. I have no commute. I can work more hours than 40 because I am at home. You learn the art of time management and multi-tasking when you are working from home. In between writing blogs and answering my phones, I can do laundry and clean my kitchen. I work 60 plus hours a week. I commit to 50 hours but work more because it earns me a higher pay rate. You can commit to 40 hours a week here and still make good money, but if I know making more is possible, I go for it. The money you can make is real here. If you want to work for good money, apply with us now.