Have you ever wondered if PSO jobs are for you? I wondered the same thing. I needed a good paying job with some flexibility, so I did some research. I found that a PSO can make great money from the convenience of their own home and remain totally anonymous. Safety is key these days. I found WBMT and applied right away. The interview process went smoothly and all I needed was a computer, internet and a land line. The management walked me through the entire process, and I learned from their training manual. Any questions I had were quickly answered and I started. They forward the 800# lines to my home phone so they are not traceable. All email or chat correspondence with a client is done through the company’s webpages so they also are untraceable. I listened to a few learning calls and then started. Surprisingly it was much easier than I thought to talk about sexual stuff. The other girls are great, and I have built friendships with them. We have a work chat so we can communicate while we are logged on. The best thing is that I can schedule my own hours to correspond with my changing weeks. I could not be happier with how this has turned out. I highly recommend you give WBMT a call to see if phone sex jobs are a good fit for you as well.
Tag Archives: at home phone operator jobs
At Home Phone Operator Jobs
At home phone operator jobs may be hard to come by. If you are a motivated individual and computer savvy then joining the WBMT Family may be the thing for you. This is not easy money if you aren’t willing to put forth effort. This is a job and it requires a lot more than talking on the phone. We promote ourselves and our individual creativity by writing blogs. The blogs we write require image editing to appeal to our audience. We are a very open minded family and some topics of this kind of work may not be comfortable for some. We are an adult entertainment company and cater to taboo and explicit fantasies. We practice and uphold the freedom of speech in what we do and this is completely legal work. We pay our taxes ourselves. This is an independent contractor job that allows you for personal freedom and to work from the comfort of your home or wherever you wish to work that offers a quiet and discreet space to do your job. You need a home phone line or hardline phone, good reliable computer and internet connection. If you are a stay at home mother,this is awesome for you, only you must be able to take calls without children in the room, extremely important.I appreciate the freedom this company has offered me and have been here over 5 years. I worked 8 years with another company and have heard of bad experiences with other companies. Here at WBMT you will get paid, get the training and support you need from a great team of women and zero drama is tolerated. I have earned more working here than I could imagine possible. I have a life and even as I write this I am affording a nice adventure. Come join our family if this appeals to you.
You too Can be Independent
My Husband had walked out and left me with a young one for a while, but I am a proud woman and really wanted to do this on my own. I also wanted to have my son stay home with me and go to a sitters or daycare. You can’t bring your child to work so I was going to need something I could do at home. Most everywhere I looked required some type of fee to start or to train. I would be in even more debt with a job like that. A cousin had been doing phone chat jobs since her children were young, so I gave her a call. She worked for WBMT and could not say anything but great things about the business. It provided her the flexibility to work when she wanted. She could work overnights while the children slept or while they were at playdates. She told me the more I put into the job the more money I would make. She could not be any more correct. I interviewed and was hired and immediately started training, with no fee required. I got a landline and learned a few programs and off I went. It is a wonderful company and anytime I have a question or concern I just ask the management or a fellow employee and it is answered right away. It is the best job I have ever had. I make great money; it is fun, and I get to stay home with my son.
Adult phone operator jobs are available
Adult phone operator jobs are available many places. It seems like a new PSO site pops up daily. You don’t want to work for a company that has not been in business at least 1-2 years. I wish some one had told me that before I worked at my first two phone sex companies. One had been in business less than a year and simply didn’t have the traffic yet for me to make a living. The other company was riddled with untrustworthy contractors and owners. Girls weren’t getting paid on time and some were frauding callers for revenge. I didn’t want any part of the drama at the company, so I looked for one that had been in business longer. I found WBMT and that was four years ago. I am still here for many reasons. For one, it is drama free. The owner doesn’t put up with any bullshit. I am paid on time weekly. There is high traffic because this company has been in business for over 5 years. I received training and support to do this job well. I can set my own hours weekly too. And, the number one reason I am still here is the money. I make great weekly pay. This company does have a lot of rules and procedures, but they are all designed to help us make the most money possible. Join our team and find out what I mean.
PSO Jobs are for You
PSO jobs are the best jobs a woman can have from home. You can make a decent living in this industry. Better than many of your peers can in a 9-5 job. I started working here several years ago when I got sick. I developed a chronic illness and I wanted to still work. I just had to work from home. When I made a budget, I knew I couldn’t survive on piece meal work from Amazon and freelance jobs. I looked into work from home jobs further and found a site hiring PSOs. I figured, why not give it a try. I have been at this company ever since. I was one of the lucky ones. This was my first and only PSO job. Many girls come and go in this industry, but more than half this company has been here over 3 years and that is rare in this business. The reason why is because we are treated fairly and with respect. Plus, we make great money. WBMT is structed differently than many PSO companies. We are required to work set schedules, but they are schedules we pick week to week. We are paid at this company based on our effort. How many blogs we do a week. How many hours we work a week all carry a pay increase up to $1.10 a minute on our talk time. Hard work and daily effort are rewarded here at WBMT. I hope you will consider joining this team of kick ass women.
Nighttime At home phone operator jobs Available
At home phone operator jobs are for any age and race of woman. I didn’t think I would be a good fit for this job, but I am making great money as a mature woman in this industry. When I first started, I worked days while my offspring were in school. Now they are in college and I work nights. We have 24/7 shifts because guys always make phone sex calls. I have discovered that my natural night owl instincts make me better money at night. It is hard to find girls who will work the graveyard shift, but the money is good at nights because men often call after their wives go to sleep and before they get up for work in the morning. Plus, night shift gets the party guys who often do longer calls. You can set your own hours week to week at WBMT but you are required to commit to hours weekly. Sometimes I select day hours, but I love the nights. I stay busier on the phone. If you can blog daily and have a quiet place to work, the phone sex industry can be very profitable. We hire girls 18 and up because men like a range of women to talk to. This is not a cake walk job. You must put in daily effort to make your phone ring, but it is the best money you can make without a college education and from the comfort of your home. You just need a good work ethic, a quiet work space, a landline phone, high speed Internet and basic computer skills.
Moms Can Be a Phone Sex Operator Too
If you are looking to be a phone sex operator, you should apply with WBMT. I have been here for several years now and I couldn’t love it more. I work with great women and make wonderful money. When I applied here, I was newly divorced with bills piling up quickly. I thought this would be a temporary job, but there was no better money for a college drop out. I have three kids and I can work around their schedules. For me a split shift works best. I get them to school, come home and work 6 hours. Then I go pick them up and do mom duty and work some more after they are fast asleep. WBMT lets me design my own schedule weekly. I schedule around school and soccer practice and various appointments. My kids are clothed, and they eat well. We are doing better financially than we were when I was married. I love that I can provide for my family. I have time for them too. Many of my friends work so much they hardly see their kids. As long as you have a quiet place to work, you can do this kind of work as mom. Join our team. We have lots of moms working here.
The Best Phone Sex Jobs
Phone sex jobs are everywhere on the Internet. It can be overwhelming to know what company to apply at. I have been there. I have been in the industry for about 6 years. It took me a few companies before I landed here at WBMT. There is no other company I would want to work for. I am a hard worker. I always have been a hard worker but when I got sick, I needed to work from home. That is what led me to this industry. My health is better working from home. I don’t have stress in this industry. I make great money and I work with honest and friendly women. I am paid weekly at WBMT. I was at one company that didn’t pay me ever. I worked free for a month. A bunch of girls tried to get their money and the shady owner just closed shop and reopened under a different name. It happens in this industry. Never work for a new company. You want to be at a company with many years under its belt in this industry. Just apply with WBMT because we are the best. This is a small company. You need to blog and commit to a weekly schedule, but if you have a landline phone, a working computer and high speed Internet, this is a great job.
Be a Phone Sex Operator
Being a phone sex operator is for any woman over 18. We accept all ages, sizes and races. This is a great job for many reasons. You get to work from home. If you are a stay at home mom, a woman with a chronic health condition or a college student, you can make money from home. Even if you just don’t want to commute, this is a great job. You need a landline phone; a modern and working computer and high speed Internet. A quite place to work from home is good too. WBMT will provide you with a 2 week training period, so you can learn what you need to succeed. Basic computer skills are necessary. You need to know how to answer email and surf the net. Word press and google documents experience is helpful, but you can be trained on both. I love working at WBMT. The women are friendly and helpful. Not catty like many other companies because WBMT is zero drama. You are paid weekly with direct deposit and any rules in place are designed to line your pockets not the owner’s pocket. This is a team, a family of women that want to help you succeed. Apply with us today and join the family.
Older Women Should Ask Themselves How to be a Phone Sex Operator
How to be a phone sex operator is a question mature women should ask themselves. I am 54 and thought I was past my expiration date for this kind of work, but I was wrong. Men call just as much for older voices as they do for younger ones. I retired early from my teaching job, but still wanted to make some extra money. Little did I know that I could make more than what I did as a teacher talking dirty from home. It took me a while to find the formula of success but once I did, I just kept watching my money grow. Anyone can make some money in this industry, but to make more than $500 a week requires blogging and working 40 plus hours a week. It helps to work at a legitimate company that is honest too. WBMT pays its contractors on time weekly. They also have a pay schedule designed to reward women for working hard. You can make anywhere from .20 cents a minute on your talk time, to a $1.10 a minute which is the highest pay out in this industry. I do my best to make the most because not only am I greedy, but all the things required to make that higher pay help line my bank account. Don’t let your age tell you that you can’t do this. WBMT hires hard working women from age 18 and up.