We have phone sex jobs for all kinds of women. If over 18, nothing else matters except that you need a good work ethic. WBMT is not like other companies. We have a higher pay structure, but to earn that top tier of pay, you most work 60 plus hours a week and blog several times a day. At most companies, the top pay is reserved for the top talkers, meaning the girls with like over 1000 minutes can earn more than other girls. Not at WBMT. Girls can earn any where from 20 cents to $1.10 a minute on their talk time. The higher pay scale is based on is hard work and effort. The more hours you commit to a week and the more you blog, the higher rate on your talk time. This job is not for everyone. Some companies do not require as much work nor do they have as many rules, but you do not earn as much money at those companies. I love it here. I love to write, so blogging is never an issue. I also like to make money and I can do that at WBMT. We hire girls with no experience or years of experience. This is not a company that will penalize you for having worked somewhere else. This is a nice place to work for too. No drama, paid weekly and lots of chances to make top dollar.
Tag Archives: at home phone operator jobs
At Home Phone Operator Jobs
I was between jobs and really wanted a break from the office environment, so I was looking for at home phone operator jobs. Most wanted a big financial investment to download their software and learn how to operate and even with that there was no guarantee of employment. I looked further and kept seeing phone sex operator jobs as being lucrative. I do love money and I am a hard worker. I researched companies and visited their sites and policies. Every review I saw for WBMT was great. From clients to former employees to current employees, nothing negative. I applied and got the job. Let me tell you, this is no longer a break from the office. This is my new full-time job. I pick my hours and work hard. I sit in the comfort of my home and take calls. I really enjoy them too. Everyday is different and never monotonous. My co-workers are awesome, and the management and owner are the best I have ever had. I had the computer, phone and internet and training is so informative, and the girls help with any questions I have. I enjoy the freedom and feel so accomplished with the amount of money I am making. If you need a change or a break, you definitely need to give them a call. I love it here and I think you will too.
Phone Sex Operator Job Applications
Phone sex operator job applications are available here for hard working women. We thrive on assisting one another and your success is our success. Some pso companies treat you like a number. They don’t really care if you sink or swim, just don’t step on their toes. You know the type. These companies are all over the place and they don’t last, they just change their names and scam more folks, clients and employees. Here at WBMT you are treated fair. You work hard you make good money. No drama policy means that gossip and back stabbing your fellow women is not tolerated. I have worked in the business for over a decade. I have worked for cruddy people. I understand the dynamics. The thought turned my stomach to join on with another company after the last one I dealt with. That was many years ago. I have managed to make a great living, pay off my student loan debts and live comfortably. The catch is, you have to work hard to get there. This position is not for anyone that thinks being a pso is laying around watching tv and just answering the phone. We write blogs, work 60+ hrs a week including weekends and put in a lot of effort to learning to improve. If you are a seasoned pso and think that you have nothing new to learn and that it’s just a walk in the park, well maybe it is for then you should give us a try. However, having an attitude that you are better is not going to be tolerated and thinking you can just talk down to others. This isn’t the place. Drama is so not the thing successful women partake in. We help each other out. Supporting one another benefits everyone. If you are ready to put in the hard work and dedication and work for a company that actually pays you weekly and fairly then please apply and become part of the WBMT family.
Phone Sex Jobs are the Way to Go
I am here to tell you that phone sex jobs are the way to go. While my friends were getting laid off or fired, I was busy. While my friends were worried that they would get COVID at work, I knew I was safe because I was working from home. I braced myself to make less money a week than I was accustomed too. I might have lost some regulars who could not call me because of being on lock down with their families, but I gained some new callers. I stayed steady at my usual minutes. Even new girls did decent in a pandemic. I think the sex business is repression proof. Also, men’s outlets were closed for business. No strip clubs were open. No massage parlors were open. And it was not safe to hire an escort or a hooker. Phone sex, however, is safe and not as expensive as escorts. I understand that the taboo subject matter we talk about can be unsettling to some. It was to me initially, but I realized that most men just have extreme fantasies and need a safe outlet to discuss them. In many ways we are like therapists. Cheaper therapists. If you can see yourself comfortable talking about taboo subjects and need a safe job, apply with WBMT today.
At home phone operator jobs
Are you looking for at home phone chat jobs? Look no further than WBMT. I was let go when the pandemic hit and quickly found that unemployment just wasn’t enough to keep my little family going. I researched for jobs from home and they ultimately required a huge payment up front or ended up being one of those pyramid schemes. As I looked further, I found articles about phone sex jobs. Intrigued I read some testimonials. I was actually shocked at the money-making potential. Looking deeper I realized that some companies were definitely not for me. They would hold back pay, make you pay for lines and such. Then I saw WBMT. The reviews were positive, everything I read was positive. SO, I picked filled out an application and received a phone interview. The company is female owned, which I loved, and the owner was so nice. She answered all my questions. I had a phone line installed and got to work. I was apprehensive at first, not knowing what to expect, but everyone is so friendly and answered promptly with any concerns. When treated like an office job I am now able to support my family very well, all from the comfort of my home.
Working As a Phone Sex Operator
Working as a Phone sex operator has really made a difference in my life. My time at WBMT has been nothing less than a dream job, of sorts. I can make awesome money and work in my leisure. Here we choose our own schedule and we can change it out weekly. To make top pay one is expected to work 60 hours. This is not a job to be lazy and expect to make good money. You have to hustle to make bank but it’s really not that bad! It seems like a lot of work and overwhelming in the beginning, but it is a job. For me it has been a career. I was a career waitress and had an accident, a slip and fractured my pelvic bone. It was a wake up call. There are dangers and no Health Insurance. This was over a decade ago. I found this job while taking college coursework to do something in IT. IN the end of the 4 years what I was learning was already useless and seemed a money pit of certifications. I turned my studies to counseling and have build up those skills with this job. In the end I realized this pays better with a little diligence and consistency in my schedule and blogging efforts. I have had an upward trend in my earning potential here. So can you!
Looking for Phone Sex Jobs?
Looking for phone sex jobs? You will feel like you won the lottery here. I was diagnosed with a chronic health condition when I was in college. As I have aged, Lupus has affected me more physically, making it hard for me to work a 9-5 job. I needed a work from home job that paid me well because I was not going to make much on SSDI at 35. When I did a Google search for work from home job opportunities, phone sex came up many times. I had a roommate who was a PSO in grad school. She told me to research phone sex companies because there were so many more around these days. You should check what the the Better Business Bureau and Ripoff.Com have to say about any potential phone sex employer. WBMT had nothing negative on the Internet, so that is where I applied first. That was a few years ago. I cannot imagine working for any other company. I love the flexibility and financial reward and the girls. I can work as many hours as I want a week if I do not sleep while working and I show up for my committed hours. I work in a drama free environment for a female owned and operated company and the no drama thing is rare in this industry. In between calls, my time can be spent anyway I please. I clean, watch TV and read. I make a good living at WBMT. I do not just get by. I thrive. You can too.
How to be a Phone Sex Operator
How to be a phone sex operator is easy. It begins with an application. You do need a few things before you can start, however. You need a dedicated landline. We cannot use cell phones for this job. You need a modern laptop or desk top computer. No Chrome books. Macs do not work either because our work programs are designed for Windows. Cannot use your iPad either. You will need a fast loading Windows computer for this job. You need high speed Internet too. No mobile hotspot will support what you need to do here. A quiet workplace also is a necessity. You can be a stay at home mom if you can make sure your kids will not be heard on the phone. WBMT trains you on how to process credit cards, use Word Press for blogging and Google Sheets for your work forms. Experience is not necessary, but this is a blog driven company. You will not make money if you cannot write 200-300 word blogs a few times a day. Trust me, once you realize that blogs make your phone ring, you will want to blog. Phone sex is not rocket science; however, it is a job. And like any job, to be successful requires hard work and commitment. Apply today and start making money tomorrow.
Ask Yourself How to Be a Phone Sex Operator
I am glad I asked myself how to be a phone sex operator. I saw an article in Cosmo of all places a few years ago about the industry. It seemed fun. It seemed like it could make me money. I was stuck at home after I broke my leg skiing. I was going through my savings quickly, so I wanted to work. That was last year. I started working here about this time last year. I was so glad when COVID hit, that I worked from home. My friends in retail and the food industry lost jobs. I made more money here than they did on unemployment or their jobs before they lost them. In fact, I got my best friend a job here. She needed to support her, and her daughter and her unemployment was taking too long. She never went back to her old job. She loves working as a PSO, just like I do. Paid well. Paid on-time. Drama free work environment. Training provided. Unlimited earning potential and you get to work with nice women like me and my bestie. You just need a landline phone, a modern computer, a quite place to work and high-speed internet. Apply today, work tomorrow.
I Enjoy Being a Phone Sex Operator
I did not think I would enjoy being a phone sex operator. I will admit that I was on the fence about the no taboo talking involved in this kind of work. I had a healthy sex life when I applied. I enjoyed sex, but talking about taboo subjects, I was not sure I could do it. Turns out I could. When the price is right, you find out quickly you do not have as many limits as you thought. I look at it like acting. I get to play a part. It is also like therapy. We are helping men release stress and come to terms with their fetishes. Plus, we make great money at WBMT. This company has the highest payout in the industry. Most companies pay you less than $1 a minute on your talk time. You can make up to a $1.10 a minute on your talk time here. It is great. Now, you do need to do some things to make that much like work more hours and blog daily, but neither is hard to do when you work from home. Think about the world right now. No one is really safe working in the public sector. You can work from home with us and still make a decent living.