Phone Chat Jobs are Compelling

phone chat jobsAre you feeling compelled by the draw of trying out Phone chat jobs? You must be in some way if you are reading this. I have been a phone chat operator, also known as a phone sex operator for over a decade. I am not exaggerating when I say I see an upward trend in this industry. Well, for me, since coming to this company I have continued to expand my income bracket. Yes, I have a Bachelors degree in computer science. I could’ve gotten an introductory job at a call center for IT support or just continue working where I started with my college courses. It was just to be temporary and I would make great money in Web development. Yeah, sure! That industry was the top of off shore low-cost labor. I would be making minimum wage with a college degree and the repayment of student loans! Yeah I saw a grim future. I decided to stick to what I was doing the 4 years I was studying. Being a phone sex operator. I was working for a different company and it was the most supportive nor the most enriching for the employees. The owner was paranoid and ultimately pushed a cattiness and drama ridden agenda. I moved on. I researched and when I finally settled it was with this company, WBMT and I have been here well over 5 yrs. I have grown with this company and keep pushing new quotas. If you want to put your professional service skills( clerical, counseling, sales) to good use come join the best company for work from home income.

Pso Jobs to support yourself

pso jobs

PSO jobs are a way to make real income and support yourself. My story isn’t for everyone, I was newly divorced and in the middle of trying to get disability for some medical issues. The process was long and I didn’t want to wait anymore so I began to look for online work. I still needed a way to survive. I came across some sites advertising for phone actresses. I began this Adventure with a cheap Laptop and a Landline. I never had done sex work and I researched everything I could, I was contacted by WBMT first and I lucked out! I knew how to write and had computer knowledge and it was easy to teach me word press and all the information WBMT gave me I put into action. I was so happy to be making money again and I used every tidbit to completely support myself over the next few months. I am always learning and always moving forward. If you have a drive inside you and are looking to put in some phone sex operator job applications, I would advise you to do one for WBMT. Women owned and Managed with great women who push each other to succeed. Rare in this industry for sure! We do require committed hours 30 plus, but so many ways to up your per minute bonus. Real opportunity to support yourself and family with phone sex is here!

Perfect Job For College Students

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs. On the surface they sound a little intimidating but also very intriguing. I am a college student with a crazy schedule. Finding any retail place or restaurant to work around my needs was impossible. College is expensive and I have bills to pay. My student loans would cover books and tuition but little else. With the amount of money, I am spending on my education there was no way I was going to give it any less than my all. I started asking around and one girl told me that she was a PSO. I asked some questions and was amazed at how excited she was. She loved her job, her employer and her co-workers. The amount of money she made was also crazy good. She sent me a link for phone sex operator job applications with WBMT and I filled it out and sent it in. With a phone interview and some training, I was employed. Working with an all-female team. The best group of women, so supportive and encouraging. Even the owner is a female. It is the best job I have ever had. I love it. I go to school and work around my hectic school schedule. If you are hardworking, dedicated and dependable then this is the place for you. You won’t regret it.

We Have Phone Sex Jobs

phone sex jobs

We have phone sex jobs for all kinds of women. If over 18, nothing else matters except that you need a good work ethic. WBMT is not like other companies. We have a higher pay structure, but to earn that top tier of pay, you most work 60 plus hours a week and blog several times a day. At most companies, the top pay is reserved for the top talkers, meaning the girls with like over 1000 minutes can earn more than other girls. Not at WBMT. Girls can earn any where from 20 cents to $1.10 a minute on their talk time. The higher pay scale is based on is hard work and effort. The more hours you commit to a week and the more you blog, the higher rate on your talk time. This job is not for everyone. Some companies do not require as much work nor do they have as many rules, but you do not earn as much money at those companies. I love it here. I love to write, so blogging is never an issue. I also like to make money and I can do that at WBMT. We hire girls with no experience or years of experience. This is not a company that will penalize you for having worked somewhere else. This is a nice place to work for too. No drama, paid weekly and lots of chances to make top dollar.

How to be a phone sex operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator may has crossed your mind a few times. So now you are starting to consider the possibilities. I am here to say that being a PSO is awesome! I love working from home and being able to travel a little and work on the road. I have been doing this job for years. I honestly cannot think of any other job I’d like to do at the moment. Theses times are difficult and I am settled in the perfect job for a pandemic. Seriously! Think about it. Guys stuck at home and lonely. Some relied on traveling for their career. They still make great money and need to talk to someone. The business is booming with the economic crisis. Weird, I know. This kind of work is essential and it is proven every time there seems to be a crisis. Guys need to talk about thing and get lost in fantasy. People are lonely and a phone call is more personal than just watching a cam girl that is streaming to millions of others. Phone sex is a booming industry right now. This isn’t the easiest job if you aren’t interested in working. You will be required to blog and chat with guys over our proprietary chat system. This job requires weekends and is full time work. You can choose your schedule.

I Learned How To Be A Phone Sex Operator And Be Self Sufficient

how to be a phone sex operator

I recently moved out on my own and because of this pandemic, jobs were not easy to find. Especially the ones that would cater to my ever-changing weekly schedule. I needed something flexible and preferably something I could do from home. A friend of mine was a phone sex operator and I got in touch with her and she told me exactly how to be a phone sex operator. She directed me to WMBT as she has worked there for years and it is the best you can find. Honest, great owners and never late on the weekly pay. The incentives they offer were incredible too. The more work and effort put into the job the more money that could be made. I am reliable and a good worker so I knew I could do great but what I didn’t know was how great this company is. I filled out the application and did a phone interview with the boss lady and I was on my way. I set up my phone line and started training. I love it here and it is never boring. I make great money and create my own schedule. Everybody that works with me is wonderful and I couldn’t ask for a better place. Give it a try, you won’t be disappointed.

PSO Jobs for Motivated Women

pso jobsPSO jobs pay well if you are motivated to make money. I am greedy, so I am always motivated to earn. There is a myth that this is the sort of job women do who did not go to college. I have a Ph.D. in History, but teaching college got challenging after I was diagnosed with Lupus. I wanted to work from home. I wanted to work. SSDI was not the route I wanted to go. I was lucky that WBMT called me back quickly because as it turns out but not all phone sex companies are the same. I was hired over six years ago, and I am still here. That is an eternity in this industry. I have not left because the company and the pay are great. WBMT pays girls based on how hard they work and how many hours they work. The pay scale range varies from 20 cents a minute up to $1.10 a minute. If a girl is a hard worker and greedy like me, she can make up to $1.10 a minute on her talk time committing to 50 hours a week, working another 10 hours and blogging 5 days a week. Doing this helps me take home over $1,000 a week. I work hard because I want to enjoy life not just get by. I work hard to achieve the most I can on my talk time. Other companies require less than WBMT, but they pay less too. WBMT is not a company for women who cannot commit to a weekly schedule and blog. For those who can, however, the earning income potential is unlimited.

Thinking About At Home Phone Operator Jobs?

At home phone operator jobs

If you are thinking about at home phone operator jobs, I am here to tell you that you should apply for a PSO job with us today. At WBMT, you can set your own hours. We need women, however, who can commit to 40 hours plus a week. This is not a company you can make much money at if you work less. You can earn up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time if you commit to 50 hours a week and blog daily. Most companies pay you half of your talk time. Some may pay you a $1.00 a minute but that is rare. Most companies take more than half the money your make. At WBMT what you make per minute depends on how hard you work. You can earn twenty cents a minute on your talk time doing nothing. I mean like not even committing to hours. Or you can make $1.10 a minute committing to 50 plus hours a week and blogging several times a day when you work. There is money in between too, but I am greedy. I want the most money I can make. Blogging daily, committing to and working 50 plus hours a week, plus 10 weekend hours is a smart way to make money at this company. WBMT trains you. They pay you weekly. You are paid based on your effort week to week. There is no better phone sex company.

WBMT Pays Great And I Can Stay At Home With My Babies

phone sex jobs

Having a little one at home and not wanting to put them in daycare or leave them with a sitter I went on a search of jobs I could do from home. In my searches, phone sex jobs kept popping up and my curiosity sent me on a mission. I read reviews from operators and what the job entailed and what would be required of me. I am fluent with many computer programs and love writing and picture editing, but I wasn’t sure if I could do a call well though. So, I went to some chat forums and listened to some examples. I realized that I could do that, and it actually seemed like it would be fun. Next, I needed to weed out all the scamming companies and places that required a lot of up-front money. I landed on WBMT and read nothing but positives. I pulled them up and filled out an application. They called me back and we did the interview over the phone. The owner and manager were great, so nice and answered all of my questions. I really liked that it was a female owned company and started right away. It works for me and my little one. I love it, have made great friends and am making great money, all while caring for my young one from home.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator is not difficult, but it does require work. WBMT is a direct dial company. That means you will have your own 800 number provided by the company and only you will answer that number. It also means you handle the billing for your caller’s call. Direct dial companies require more work than a dispatch because the payout is higher. I love the pay scale at WBMT. I can make 20 cents a minute on my talk time without lifting a finger or I can make $1.10 a minute doing several things each pay period. It is not like you must hike 10 miles or anything. Blogging, social media promotion and committing to 50 hours a week plus working another 10 gets you $1.10 a minute. That is unheard of in this industry. Some companies pay that, but it is based on earning over 1,000 minutes a week. WBMT is owned by a former PSO herself. She took the bad from her old company and replaced it with only the good. She created a female owned and operated company that empowers women to be bread winners and supports women. WBMT has a zero drama policy, so you can be assured that you will work with nice women who build each other up and not tear each other down. Apply today.