Have You Thought About PSO Jobs?

pso jobsHave you thought about pso jobs for income? I am glad I did. Actually, when I first looked into it, I thought this would be part time work to supplement my income so I could make ends meet. But before long, I realized this should be my full-time job because the money was way better than the job I had for 6 years. However, I waited about 6 months before I quict my other job and started working here full-time. I wanted to make sure it was not a fluke, and that the money would go up. And it did.

This job is easier and less work than my sales job. I struggled some weeks with the economy to hit quotas and that affected commissions which lowered my paycheck. But phone sex seems impervious to the economy. Sure, there are slower times than others, but the money is still steady. And if you don’t make enough money to support yourself here, its because you are not putting in the work or the time.

At WBMT you need to blog daily, and you need to work at least 40 hours a week. You can work less, but it does affect your pay rate. We have schedules we design. But whatever schedule we select for ourselves, we expect you to show up for. Working from home is easier too. No commute. Hell I can roll out of bed and start working if I want.
This is a great job if you work hard.

PSO Jobs Allow Women to Work From Home

pso jobsPSO jobs allow women to work from home and make money. I mean like great money too. At least great money for me. Last year I made $90,000 here at WBMT. It was my second year, and my yearly income almost doubled from my first year. But my first year, I only worked 7 months and I was learning the ropes. I have a high school education. That’s it. And I worked at Starbucks for a few years. And although it is a good company to work for, I never made more than $30,000 in a year.

I wanted a job where I could make more money. However, most jobs that pay better require either a certain skill set or a college degree. And I had neither. So, I thought I would try phone sex. Initially, I only did it part-time while still working at Starbucks. I did not want to quit one job for the unknown. But after a few months, I began to realize I could support myself well at WBMT and I quit my day job.

This is a job too, but not nearly as demanding. I set my own hours, so no more 6 am shifts for me. And I am not standing on my feet all day nor dealing with an unpredictable public. I traded making lattes for blogging and talking dirty. You need to blog at WBMT, or you won’t make any money. So, perhaps you have a job you want to quit like I did? Apply today and see how well you can do too.

Our Phone Chat Jobs Might Be the Best Around

phone chat jobsOur phone chat jobs might be the best around. I have worked at a couple places before. But neither place paid well. And they both had low call volume. It was impossible to make more than a couple hundred a week. But no one can live on a couple hundred a week. So, I went looking for a better job. I think I applied to 5 other companies, but never joined any of them because they did not pay anymore than my current company.

One day, I came across WBMT, and it sounded too good to be true. I almost didn’t apply because I thought it was a scam. The company I worked for paid me .50 cents a minute. However, WBMT promised that I could earn up to $1.10 a minute. Now, I would have to work harder than I ever did at my previous two companies before. But I did not mind working hard if I could pay my bills and eat.

I have been here a year now. And for the first time, I can pay my bills, eat and have fun money too. I bought my first car over the summer. WBMT requires blogging. Perhaps, more blogging than you are accustomed to, but trust me, you will want to blog because it makes your money.

If you are tired of living paycheck to paycheck, apply with us today.

Phone Chat Jobs are Not All The Same

phone chat jobsI think our phone chat jobs are the best. Now you might think I sound biased. But I have been doing phone sex for 20 years. I have been at 6 different companies, but I have been with WBMT for 11 years. That’s like a lifetime in this industry. My previous job I thought I loved. And I did love it. But the owner did not keep up with trends like social media, blogging and SEO. Call volume steadily dropped until I was forced to quit. And not long after I quit, the company closed.

And I saw that WBMT appeared to have what my previous companies lacked. When I started, I was amazed at how well run this company was. And the call volume. WBMT has all the things my previous companies lacked. Clearly, they stayed on top of trends. And because of that I make really great money here. More than double what I made a week at the last company I loved.

This company has unlimited earning potential if you blog and work your schedule. Only girls who do not make great money here are the ones who do not blog. If you are motivated to make great money and blogging does not scare you, you might find WBMT the best PSO job you ever had.

Phone Sex Jobs Saved Me From Financial Ruin

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs saved me from financial ruin after my divorce. My ex-husband maxed out our credit cards and stopped paying the mortgage unbeknownst to me. So, I lost my home that I raised my sons in. Since I had been a stay-at-home mom, I needed a job. My husband paid child support, but not as much as he was ordered too nor as often. I did take him to court, but it would be too long before I got the agreed upon support.

However, I saw an ad for phone sex. It did not quite register to me what this all involved. I saw the fact that I could work from home and make great money. And that no experience was required. Although I went to college, I let my social work licensing lapse. And I would need to go back to college to be current with new standards. No way I could do that with three sons and no money.

So, I took a chance on WBMT. And that made all the difference in my life. My husband’s money no longer would make or break me. I had my own money. And it proved to be enough to support me and my boys. I work when they are at school or asleep. They just think I have a triage phone job for a doctor’s office.

I work hard for the money I earn here. You need a drive to succeed. And when you need to support kids and yourself, that motivates you to do everything you can to bring home the most money.

Our Phone Chat JObs Change Lives

phone chat jobsOur phone chat jobs will change your life. Most phone companies do not pay well. And in this field, you should make no less than at least half of your talk time. So, if you do a 10 min call for $20, a good company will pay you $10 or more for that call. WBMT pays half and a little more.

But your per minute pay is based on a few things. First, how many hours you work in a week up to 60 hours. How many days you blog. If you work 60 hours in a week, and do 15 blogs over 5 days, you can earn $1.10 a minute here. If you work 40 hours with the same amount of blogging, you can earn $1.00 a minute. And you need to work between 8 and 10 hours on the weekends.

Most companies, if they even pay $1 a minute, would only pay more if you talk over 1000 minutes in a week. But at WBMT we pay best on individual effort. At many companies it feels impossible to even make 1000 minutes or more in a week. But it is not that hard here because we have high call volume. And that’s because we require more blogging than most companies. But once you realize blogging makes your phone ring, you do not mind blogging.

I was at a company that paid me tops 50 cents a minute. And I could never pay my bills. So, I desperately needed a better job. I applied to a few places, but WBMT hired me first. And I have been here ever since. If you want a job that pays you well so you can pay your bills, join me at WBMT. No woman in this industry needs to struggle to pay her bills.

At Home Phone Operator Jobs Pay Women Well

at home phone operator jobsAt home phone operator jobs let women like you make a livable wage at home. And let’s face it, after COVID, most folks wanted or needed to work from home. I lost my job when the shutdowns happened. And I needed to work from home as I had young ones no longer able to attend daycare because of Covid.

So, I scoured the Internet looking for at home jobs that paid well. And phone sex seemed to be the only field where a woman could work from home and earn a decent living without certain skills. I figured I would do it until I could send the girls back to daycare and I could find another job. But I got spoiled working from home. Plus, I made more money than I did at the job I went to college for.

I work less from home too. And I get more time with my kids. Although I did need to learn a few things because several things like blogging in Word Press and using Google Docs I had no experience with. But I found the team at WBMT so very helpful and supportive. No cattiness or drama like I thought there might be.

You do have to treat this like a real job to make money. It is a real job. However, I see new girls quit in weeks because they do not make money. But they do not blog either. And you will not make any money at this company without blogging. This company requires blogging. In fact, our pay structure is tied to blogging.

But if you can blog, you can make good money at WBMT. Apply and find out for yourself.

Our Phone Chat Jobs are the Best Around

phone chat jobsOur phone chat jobs are the best around. And I know that I might sound biased, but I have been in this industry 20 years. So, I worked at a few places before I made WBMT my home. The other three phone jobs I had paled in comparison to this company. But I did not really realize how much until I ended up here after the last company that I worked for just upped and closed one day giving none of the contractors any warning. And they did not pay any of us for our last two weeks of work.

Needless to say, I felt desperate for a job. So, I took the first phone job that hired me after that. And I have been here since. That was 7 years ago. Although I thought my last company was a good company. Or at least better than the previous two I had. But that job never paid me what WBMT pays me. At this company I can earn up to $1.10 a minute on my talk time. My old company paid no more than $1.00 a minute. And that was only if I talked more than 750 minutes in a pay week.

At WBMT, my pay is not tied to how many minutes I talk in a week. It is tied to how hard I work. The more hours I work and the more days I blog, the higher pay rate I earn on my talk time. This company is a cut above the rest. I have been here a long time, and I never once have thought about jumping ships.

So, if you are at a job that does not pay you well or treat you well, join me at WBMT.

Our Phone Sex Jobs Will Change Your Opinion about The Phone Sex Industry

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs will change your opinion about working from home. I know without a college degree or some special skill, it can be difficult to find one job you can do from home to support yourself. Usually, if you work from home, you need a few jobs to make ends meet. But not with the right phone sex job. Many girls at other companies need to work 2 phone jobs to pay the bill. But at WBMT, you will only need the one, giving you more time to enjoy life.

We are a blog focused company. We require anywhere from 10-15 blogs a week spread over 5 days. But this is why you do not need another pso job if you work here. Blog focused companies have heavy site traffic because potential callers find us through key word searches. And good site traffic means good call volume. Companies that do not require blogging or maybe do not require as much blogging, do not have the call volume we do.

You can easily make over $1000 a week here after a month or so. But you need to blog. You need to work 40 plus hours. And you need to show up when scheduled. If you can do those things, you will succeed at WBMT.

Phone Chat Jobs Should Intrigue You

phone chat jobsDo phone chat jobs intrigue you? They intrigued me when a friend told me how much money she made last year doing phone sex. And it was double almost triple what I made at my dead-end stressful job. Although, I knew about phone sex, I guess I just never thought it was a job you could support yourself on. And to some degree, I thought it might be a scam. But when a good friend told me about WBMT and encouraged me to join her at the company, I felt skeptical.

But she would not lie to me. I see how she lives. And before she told me she did phone sex, I thought she might be escorting or doing cam work. Now, I know my friend is a hard worker. But so am I. It took a leap of faith, and some money saved before I could ditch my job. What I did was start part time before I fully quit my other job. But after a few months, I steadily saw my phone sex paychecks increase. And before long, I quit my day job. I knew I could make more at WBMT. And with less stress.

I work hard though. Blogging makes my phone ring. The more I blog and the more hours I work, the more money I make. But this was not instant money. I did decently my first few weeks, but the real money came after a few months of hard work. So, you do need to be patient with this job.

If you have another job, and you are afraid to take the leap like I did, start off part-time and transition. You will be glad you did. We work from home, set our own hours and make great money. But those of us who make over $1,000 a week do so with lots of blogging.