Our phone sex jobs require more work than most. But our jobs make the most money and pay the most per minute. WBMT works differently than most companies. For one, how hard you work determines how much money you earn. We have a pay scale from 20 cents up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. If you have never worked in this industry, we get paid on our talk time only. Phone sex women are independent contractors. No salary. And no hourly wage either.
The more days you blog in a week and the more hours you commit to in the same week, the higher your pay rate. Most companies only bump your pay if you make a certain number of minutes in a pay period. Plenty of companies pay you less than $1.00 a min. So, you do not need to settle for that when you can make $1.00 a minute or more. I have heard of companies bumping pay to $1.05 for having over 1000 minutes in a week.
But I have never heard of any company paying $1.10 a minute. And you can earn that here by blogging 3 times a day for 5 days in a week, working 10 hrs on the weekend and another 50 hrs. You can make $1.00 a minute here with the same blogging requirement with 8 hours on the weekend and another 32 hours for a total of 40. So, it’s in your hands how much you want to make here. But the higher the pay rate, the more requirements.
WBMT is not a good fit for girls who do not want to blog or stick to a schedule. However, if those things do not scare you, trust me, you can make great money here at WBMT. Join our team and find out for yourself.
Tag Archives: adult phone operator jobs
Phone Chat Jobs Can Pull You Out of Poverty
Phone chat jobs can pull you out of poverty. At least the right ones can. You make the most money at a direct dial company like WBMT. But honestly, I think you can make the most money at WBMT. I have been at a few companies, and I never made this kind of money. Now, I will tell you that WBMT does require a lot more than most companies. But there is a reason for the work we are required to do here.
We are a blogging company. The more you blog the more you make. But because of the higher blogging requirement, we have what is called high SEO ranking. That comes from blogging. It means that potential callers have a better chance of finding you based on keyword searches like phone sex or teen phone sex in their search engine. Companies that do not require blogging will not earn you as much money. Neither will dispatch companies.
We require set schedules too. You design your schedule, but the hours you pick you will need to show up. We can change our schedule every 3 months. I love that because I can design my schedule around my life. And my kids schedules. Although I admit there is more work at this company than my other companies, I make three to four times more than I did anywhere else. And because of that I do not mind the work.
Adult Phone Operator Jobs are Still Thriving
Although there are not as many adult phone operator jobs as there once was, there are still plenty around. Cam jobs have not ruined the phone sex business. But you need to research any company you apply to because pay can very greatly. In this business, you are not paid by the hour. This is not a salary job either. You only get paid on your actual talk time.
Now some companies are direct dial like our company. And others are dispatch jobs.
Dispatch jobs have a middle person who fields the calls and patches them through to you. In those kinds of jobs you do not make as much on your talk time because you do not run the credit cards. WBMT is a direct dial company. And that means the callers call you directly and you process their credit card info.
Direct dial companies like WBMT have more requirements too like blogging. But blogging makes the phone ring. Direct dial companies with blogging requirements pay better. And companies with blogging have higher call volume. So, when you apply for a PSO job, ask if it is a direct dial company or a dispatch one. And ask what the highest and lowest pay rate you can make on your talk time.
At this company you can make anywhere from 20 cents a minute up to $1.10 a minute. I know that’s a big difference. The more you work and blog in a pay week, the higher the pay. Have I convinced you to apply yet?
We Have Phone Sex Jobs Available
We have phone sex jobs available. And all shifts too. You can set your own hours here. You can design your schedule for 30, 40 or 50 hours a week. The more you work, the higher you pay rate. I love WBMT. I worked at US Love before here and I could barely pay my bills. So many other girls there made it hard to make money. Plus, the pay was low.
Here you can make up to $1.10 on your talk time. Many pso companies pay their contractors less than a $1 a minute. If you commit to 40 hours a week you can earn $1.00 on your talk time. If you commit to 50 hours a week you can earn $1.05 a minute on your talk time. Work another ten hours of your choice for 60 hours a week and you can earn $1.10 a minute on your talk time.
You must blog daily too. At least 5 days a week for the pay grade to stick too. This company does require daily blogging over 5 days. And several blogs a day too. But the work makes your phone ring. And pads your paycheck. The more you blog, the more you earn. I love WBMT because I can make serious money here. They do not over hire and the call volume is high too. Join our team and find out.
Being a Phone Sex Operator is a Legitimate Job for Women
Being a phone sex operator is a legitimate job opportunity. This is not a scam or a pyramid scheme. You must work hard here for the money. The women who make the most money here blog their asses off. This is a competitive job. Consider it a sales position and you are working on commission. We only get paid for calls with clients. And to make the phone ring for you, you must blog.
Companies that do not require daily blogging have much lower traffic than companies that do. We have enough to go around because our girls all blog. The more we blog, the more calls we get. And the more calls we get the more money we make. Phone sex does not require a degree or experience. But it does require a good work ethic and motivation to make money. Hungry girls make the most money here.
The work and the rules might seem daunting compared to other companies, but the tradeoff for more work is more money. Every rule and requirement at WBMT is designed to make you money. This is a drama free team. We build each other up and help all the new girls learn the ropes. If you need to make better money, join our team today.
Have You Thought About PSO Jobs?
Have you thought about pso jobs for income? I am glad I did. Actually, when I first looked into it, I thought this would be part time work to supplement my income so I could make ends meet. But before long, I realized this should be my full-time job because the money was way better than the job I had for 6 years. However, I waited about 6 months before I quict my other job and started working here full-time. I wanted to make sure it was not a fluke, and that the money would go up. And it did.
This job is easier and less work than my sales job. I struggled some weeks with the economy to hit quotas and that affected commissions which lowered my paycheck. But phone sex seems impervious to the economy. Sure, there are slower times than others, but the money is still steady. And if you don’t make enough money to support yourself here, its because you are not putting in the work or the time.
At WBMT you need to blog daily, and you need to work at least 40 hours a week. You can work less, but it does affect your pay rate. We have schedules we design. But whatever schedule we select for ourselves, we expect you to show up for. Working from home is easier too. No commute. Hell I can roll out of bed and start working if I want.
This is a great job if you work hard.
Phone Chat Jobs Seem Abundant But Pick the Right One
Phone chat jobs seem abundant. So, how do you know which one to apply to. Let me give you some pointers I wish someone had told me before I got to WBMT. One, do not go for companies with a dispatcher. They pay their contractors less because the money gets split in three ways. Two, do not settle for less than $1.00 a minute on your talk time. If you can earn $1.00 a minute at a PSO company, why would you want to work somewhere that pays you significantly less?
Three, do not go to a company that’s brand new. Apply to a company that’s been in business for at least 1 year or longer. This way you know they are legit. Some PSO companies pop up and scam women by never paying them. But those companies rarely last longer than a year. And fourth, apply to a company with a blog roll. The world is changing. A phone sex company gets it traffic through SEO. And that happens with blogging. A company with no blogging, has far less traffic. And that means less earning potential.
WBMT has been in operation for over a decade now. We have a blog roll on all our sites with daily blogging requirements. We pay up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. The more you work and the more you blog in a week, the higher the pay per minute goes. And we are a direct dial company. No middle person to take away from your profit.
If you are at a company with low pay or low call volume, jump ships. Maximize your earning potential with WBMT
Adult Phone Operator Jobs Make Your Life Better
Adult phone operator jobs can make your life better. When I started here, I was fresh out of an abusive relationship that I stayed in way too long. I let my ex control everything. So, when I left, I had no money. And I had not worked in a decade. I stayed with a friend until I could get on my feet. Her sister suggested phone sex. But I was uncertain if I could do it. However, I needed money.
My friend set me up with a computer and a cell phone and let me work at her place. And eventually, I earned enough money to get my own apartment. I moved to a different state to get away from my ex. Honestly, I did not think I could do this sort of thing. But when you are desperate for money, you will be amazed at what you can do.
I moved to Arizona two years ago. Although I am not dating yet again, I have an apartment. And I have my own car and my own bank account. Plus, I have made friends too. I work hard for the money I make. You need to hustle to make your phone ring. I blog my ass off. It is like free advertising.
This is a job. And you need to treat it like a job. But whatever your situation might be, consider working at home and making great money too.
PSO Jobs Allow Women to Work From Home
PSO jobs allow women to work from home and make money. I mean like great money too. At least great money for me. Last year I made $90,000 here at WBMT. It was my second year, and my yearly income almost doubled from my first year. But my first year, I only worked 7 months and I was learning the ropes. I have a high school education. That’s it. And I worked at Starbucks for a few years. And although it is a good company to work for, I never made more than $30,000 in a year.
I wanted a job where I could make more money. However, most jobs that pay better require either a certain skill set or a college degree. And I had neither. So, I thought I would try phone sex. Initially, I only did it part-time while still working at Starbucks. I did not want to quit one job for the unknown. But after a few months, I began to realize I could support myself well at WBMT and I quit my day job.
This is a job too, but not nearly as demanding. I set my own hours, so no more 6 am shifts for me. And I am not standing on my feet all day nor dealing with an unpredictable public. I traded making lattes for blogging and talking dirty. You need to blog at WBMT, or you won’t make any money. So, perhaps you have a job you want to quit like I did? Apply today and see how well you can do too.
Not All Phone Sex Jobs Pay the Same
Not all phone sex jobs pay their operators the same. I did not realize how much difference there was between PSO companies until I worked at a company that paid me pennies on my talk time verses at least $1 a minute on my talk time. Phone sex companies can be direct dial companies like WBMT. At a direct dial company, a dispatch operator connects callers to you. But because there is a middle person involved the company pays you less.
Now at a direct dial company, the clients call you directly. You process their credit card for the call. And because there are no middlemen, you get paid more. Or at least you should. At WBMT everyone has the chance to earn anywhere from 20 cents a minute up to $1.10 a minute. At our company, the more hours you work and the more days you blog, the higher pay that you earn up to $1.10 a minute.
Now, I know some women do not want to blog. But you need to ask yourself if you want to do nothing and make nothing. Or if you want to do some work, and thrive instead of barely survive? At WBMT I no longer need to have two jobs. And I can pay my bills. I love working here. And I think you will too.