Phone chat jobs can pull you out of poverty. At least the right ones can. You make the most money at a direct dial company like WBMT. But honestly, I think you can make the most money at WBMT. I have been at a few companies, and I never made this kind of money. Now, I will tell you that WBMT does require a lot more than most companies. But there is a reason for the work we are required to do here.
We are a blogging company. The more you blog the more you make. But because of the higher blogging requirement, we have what is called high SEO ranking. That comes from blogging. It means that potential callers have a better chance of finding you based on keyword searches like phone sex or teen phone sex in their search engine. Companies that do not require blogging will not earn you as much money. Neither will dispatch companies.
We require set schedules too. You design your schedule, but the hours you pick you will need to show up. We can change our schedule every 3 months. I love that because I can design my schedule around my life. And my kids schedules. Although I admit there is more work at this company than my other companies, I make three to four times more than I did anywhere else. And because of that I do not mind the work.
How to Be a Phone Sex Operator Begins Here
How to be a phone sex operator is a question I wished I had asked myself years ago. Honestly, I thought this was like some sort of scam or a job that you could not make much money at. But in my first year here, I made $70,000. And last year I made over $100,000. Now, I do work my ass off for my pay. But I have a lot of bills. The best thing about phone sex is you can work as much or as little as you want. However, we do not hire anyone who can only work less than 30 hours a week.
I love working here. But it is a lot of work. Not hard work, but in a way this is a sales job. And we need to hustle to make money. The more you blog here the more you make. And that’s because of two reasons. One, the more you blog the more guys see those blogs and decide to pick you to call. Plus, the more you blog the higher your pay grade. If you blog 2-3 a day over at least 5 days in a week, you can earn at least $1.00 on your talk time. If you add in that you work 60 hours in a week too, with at least 10 hours of that on the weekend, you can make a $1.10 a minute on that talk time.
Although this job does make you hustle, you can make a livable wage at WBMT. You can even thrive.
At Home Phone Operator Jobs Let You Work From Home
At home phone operator jobAt home phone operator jobs let you stay at home and make a decent living. It does not matter why you want to work at home. But if you can make just as much money at home or more, why work in a store or an office? We have girls who work at home for all sorts of reasons. For me, I have a chronic health condition. And I do better at home because I am not constantly exposed to other people’s germs.
But we have women who are stay at home moms. We have girls with social anxiety. Some girls are in college. And we have girls who just like to work from home. WBMT is a great company to work for with high call volume. We can keep you busy. And the pay scale is based on effort not minutes. Most companies only bump your pay if you talk over 1000 minutes in a week. But WBMT pays you more based on how many hours you commit to in a week and how many blogs you post. You can earn up to a $1.10 a minute on your talk time.
But this is not a company for you if you do not want to blog. You will not make much money because when you do not blog at all you will only make 20 to 50 cents a minute on that talk time. You got to hustle at WBMT. But if you can blog at least 5 days a week, you can make a decent living with us.
Adult Phone Operator Jobs are Still Thriving
Although there are not as many adult phone operator jobs as there once was, there are still plenty around. Cam jobs have not ruined the phone sex business. But you need to research any company you apply to because pay can very greatly. In this business, you are not paid by the hour. This is not a salary job either. You only get paid on your actual talk time.
Now some companies are direct dial like our company. And others are dispatch jobs.
Dispatch jobs have a middle person who fields the calls and patches them through to you. In those kinds of jobs you do not make as much on your talk time because you do not run the credit cards. WBMT is a direct dial company. And that means the callers call you directly and you process their credit card info.
Direct dial companies like WBMT have more requirements too like blogging. But blogging makes the phone ring. Direct dial companies with blogging requirements pay better. And companies with blogging have higher call volume. So, when you apply for a PSO job, ask if it is a direct dial company or a dispatch one. And ask what the highest and lowest pay rate you can make on your talk time.
At this company you can make anywhere from 20 cents a minute up to $1.10 a minute. I know that’s a big difference. The more you work and blog in a pay week, the higher the pay. Have I convinced you to apply yet?
We Have Phone Sex Jobs Available
We have phone sex jobs available. And all shifts too. You can set your own hours here. You can design your schedule for 30, 40 or 50 hours a week. The more you work, the higher you pay rate. I love WBMT. I worked at US Love before here and I could barely pay my bills. So many other girls there made it hard to make money. Plus, the pay was low.
Here you can make up to $1.10 on your talk time. Many pso companies pay their contractors less than a $1 a minute. If you commit to 40 hours a week you can earn $1.00 on your talk time. If you commit to 50 hours a week you can earn $1.05 a minute on your talk time. Work another ten hours of your choice for 60 hours a week and you can earn $1.10 a minute on your talk time.
You must blog daily too. At least 5 days a week for the pay grade to stick too. This company does require daily blogging over 5 days. And several blogs a day too. But the work makes your phone ring. And pads your paycheck. The more you blog, the more you earn. I love WBMT because I can make serious money here. They do not over hire and the call volume is high too. Join our team and find out.
Phone Chat Jobs Let You Work From Home
Phone chat jobs pay you to work in your home. No commute. Low stress. And high pay. The earning potential in this business can be unlimited. The harder you work and the more hours you work the better your pay. WBMT pays up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. Phone sex is not an hourly wage or even a salaried job. You only get paid for the time you talk on the phone. And the rate you make on your talk time depends on how many hours you work in a week and how many days you blog in a week.
WBMT pay structure is based on individual effort not the number of minutes you talk in pay period. Most companies only pay you a higher rate if you make over 1000 minutes in a week. Everyone at WBMT has the chance to make the same pay rate up to $1.10 a minute. This is a great company to work for too. You get trained and you have the support of all the other women who work here too. We work as a team.
You just need high speed Internet, a computer or laptop, and a cell phone to get working here. But trust me, you will love it here. The women are great. And the pay is better.
Being a Phone Sex Operator is a Legitimate Job for Women
Being a phone sex operator is a legitimate job opportunity. This is not a scam or a pyramid scheme. You must work hard here for the money. The women who make the most money here blog their asses off. This is a competitive job. Consider it a sales position and you are working on commission. We only get paid for calls with clients. And to make the phone ring for you, you must blog.
Companies that do not require daily blogging have much lower traffic than companies that do. We have enough to go around because our girls all blog. The more we blog, the more calls we get. And the more calls we get the more money we make. Phone sex does not require a degree or experience. But it does require a good work ethic and motivation to make money. Hungry girls make the most money here.
The work and the rules might seem daunting compared to other companies, but the tradeoff for more work is more money. Every rule and requirement at WBMT is designed to make you money. This is a drama free team. We build each other up and help all the new girls learn the ropes. If you need to make better money, join our team today.
Have You Thought About PSO Jobs?
Have you thought about pso jobs for income? I am glad I did. Actually, when I first looked into it, I thought this would be part time work to supplement my income so I could make ends meet. But before long, I realized this should be my full-time job because the money was way better than the job I had for 6 years. However, I waited about 6 months before I quict my other job and started working here full-time. I wanted to make sure it was not a fluke, and that the money would go up. And it did.
This job is easier and less work than my sales job. I struggled some weeks with the economy to hit quotas and that affected commissions which lowered my paycheck. But phone sex seems impervious to the economy. Sure, there are slower times than others, but the money is still steady. And if you don’t make enough money to support yourself here, its because you are not putting in the work or the time.
At WBMT you need to blog daily, and you need to work at least 40 hours a week. You can work less, but it does affect your pay rate. We have schedules we design. But whatever schedule we select for ourselves, we expect you to show up for. Working from home is easier too. No commute. Hell I can roll out of bed and start working if I want.
This is a great job if you work hard.
Phone Chat Jobs Are Not All the Same
Phone chat jobs should be researched before you apply to a company. My first company I worked at I did not know that. I applied, got hired and it was hell. Not only chaotic but very low pay. After 6 months there, I quit. Thought about going back to my waitress job, but then I found this page. And I read through testimonials. I learned a lot about the company from reading them. I learned that I could make up to $1.10 on my talk time. My old job paid me 40 cents a minute. No one could make ends meet on that low of an income.
I also learned that this company required a lot of blogging, likely more than I was used to. But blogging was the way to make my phone ring. I learned that I could design my own schedule, but I did need a set schedule. But I could work any shift I wanted. And I could schedule myself for 40 or 50 hours, but the more I worked the higher my pay rate.
And I learned that this was a small company that treats its contractors like family. No drama is allowed. So, I did not need to worry about catty operators. I just wish I had seen this page before my first company. So, trust me, there are not many companies like WBMT out there. So, if you are somewhere you hate, give us a try.
How to Be a Phone Sex Operator
How to be a phone sex operator is a good question to ask yourself. Especially if you are in a dead end job or unemployed, or needing more money. Because phone sex pays well and keeps you at home. And its flexible scheduling. We design our own schedules here at WBMT. That allows us to work around our lives. So, I work around my children’s school and sleep schedule.
I love working from home. As a single mom, sure I was nervous about this sort of work, but I have a quiet place to work. And I work when my kids are at school or asleep. They think mommy has a customer service job. And that’s not a lie. We are part customer service, part fantasy provider and part therapist.
Phone sex is fun work too. I mean it’s the sort of job you can tune out when not working. Not stressful. It can be daunting at times, especially when you are learning the ropes. But everyone helps you here. It’s a small family feel. Like any job it does require some work. You must blog at this company. It is how you get your phone to ring. The more you blog the more calls you get.
So, if you want a job with some freedom that you can make real money doing, apply with us today.