PSO Jobs Can Save Your Life

pso jobsPSO jobs are great work from home jobs. I knew I needed to work from home. When I got diagnosed with an auto-immune disease, I thought I would need to go on social security disability, but I could not afford to support myself on what I would make. So, I started looking for jobs that I could supplement my income with. I was permitted to make a certain amount on disability without losing my SSDI.

When I started at WBMT, it took me awhile to start making serious money. But every week my pay checks got larger. The more comfortable I got talking dirty and the better I got at blogging, the bigger my checks got. After about 4 months here, I stopped my SSDI checks because I was making more than double what my monthly payment was.

That was in 2018. I am still at WBMT and doing better health wise and making a livable wage. Life threw me a curve ball. I was in my 30s when I got sick. I had to quit the job I had for a decade. I was not sure what was going to happen. And I felt scared about the unknown. But becoming a phone sex operator saved me. I can support myself very well and I am healthier than I was too. Maybe phone sex work can change your life for the better too?