Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator

Starting as a phone sex operator was different. All of my past jobs had been in fast food and retail. It was very fast paces and left me anxiety ridden with crying meltdowns every other day. It would be too hot or too cold and finding free time was next to impossible. Starting as a phone operator was a real game changer for me. I have more time for myself, my friends, and my family. I also have more time to focus on school and mental health is very important here because it can be a tough job from time to time. You do have to work a good forty hours to make good pay, but you are at home while you do it. You’re comfortable and warm or cool however you prefer it. You also get to travel while working. You could take a weekend vacation and even work for a few hours in your hotel before a dip in the pool or walk on the beach! Wbmt is one of the highest-paid phone sex operator websites that I or my friends and coworkers have ever seen! The work environment is welcoming and kind and there’s never a boring day with some call you take! Come see what we’re about!