Phone sex jobs can pay a woman great money from the comfort of her home. Now, when you work from home, you need some motivation to succeed. This kind of business can have a high payout like we do at $1.10 a minute or some companies can pay you 20 cents a minute. The difference in earnings per minute varies with companies because companies have various levels of required work. You can make 20 cents a minute at WBMT if you do nothing to promote yourself or $1.10 a minute if you blog daily and commit to 50 hours a week, with 10 hours on the weekend. Making a $1.10 a minute is rare in this business, so it makes sense that to earn that you need to work a little harder than the average phone sex operator. But you will find that working here feels less like work and more like fun. We have a family style work environment. No cattiness among us girls like many companies. We build each other up. We help each other succeed. WBMT has provided me the skills to succeed. I have financial freedom again. I enjoy work and life. I make better money talking dirty than I did at any other job I had. If you don’t mind working more than 40 hours from the comfort of your home and blogging daily, you should consider joining our family.