Phone Sex Jobs Give You Your Own Money

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs can change your life. There are so many different reasons why a woman might want to work from home. However, there are not many at home jobs that pay well. I am talking pay well enough that you no longer need to stress about money and do not require a lot of education. Phone sex may not be the job every woman wants, but it is a great work from home opportunity.

Let me tell you my experience. I moved across the country to live with my boyfriend. Before we left the west coast for his new job, I had a successful pet sitting job. I thought it would be no problem to get it up and going in my new town. But I was wrong.  I tried so hard and only got a handful of clients, and not enough to pay my bills. I am not the type of woman who likes to be dependent on men.

Although he was happy to support me, I wanted my own money. I’ve made my own way since I was 18. So, I started a phone sex job. And I have been here ever since. I even have my own IRA now and a saving account. I recently bought a new car too. Honestly, had no clue how much money I could make at WBMT. But I quickly learned the harder I worked, the more I made. And it is less stressful than dog walking. I never step in poop. And I am not being dragged around by dogs that weigh more than me, Lol.

Even if you are say a single mom, I bed you could support yourself on a phone sex salary too.