Phone Sex Jobs


phone sex jobsMy boyfriend lost his job and my minimum wage paying job wasn’t covering all of our expenses. I had no idea what we were going to do and the anxiety made my stomach ache. I read an article about phone sex jobs and the possible payout sounded good. I got hired by a company that paid .30 a minute. It was fun talking to different guys. I thought the pay was good even though the dispatchers could be rude sometimes. I caught the flu and I was out longer than expected so they fired me. I really liked being a phone sex operator so I applied for a position with WBMT. Working for WBMT is a whole new experience because this company feels like a family, plus the pay is way better than .30 a min. At WBMT you can make up $1.10 a minute, and that’s way more than most PSO companies pay out. I no longer worry about paying bills. And my boyfriend and I are now able to eat out more and just enjoy life.  And don’t worry if you have no experience WBMT will patiently teach you how to succeed. If you want to make good money, apply with us today and find out how great a job this can be.