How to Be a Phone Sex Operator Starts Here

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not difficult. To start you need a cell phone with a good, reliable signal. And you need high-speed Internet. Plus, you will want a fast computer. Like a laptop or desktop. Most of our programs work best of full computers, not iPads or Chrome books. Plus, a quiet place to work is needed too. You do not want kids being heard in the background or the TV either.

You do not need experience. However, we also do not discriminate against you if you have worked at other PSO companies before. Some companies will not hire women who have worked for a competitor. But not us. We will provide you with training regardless. We use Word Press for blogging. We have an internal chat system and email system created for us. And we use Google Docs for our record keeping. Experience helps, but it is not required.

Phone sex takes work. You will need to blog at least 5 days a week at our company. Although we may require more blogging than most PSO companies, it is our blogging that makes our phones ring. So, once you get the hang of it, you will see the fruits of your labor.

Consistency is key in this business. You will want to work the schedule you design. And you will want to blog often. But if you can blog and show up when scheduled, you can make more money here than any other PSO company.