Phone Chat Jobs

phone chat jobsWe have several phone chat jobs available. We are almost always hiring. I will be honest with you. Being a PSO with WBMT requires a lot more work than other companies, but the pay off is far better. One, we have a pay structure that rewards your hard work. The more hours you work, the more blogs you write, the more you earn on your talk time. Most companies pay you a set pay with no chance of making more. In fact, most companies keep most of your talk time. You can earn up to $1.10 a minute at WBMT. But with the higher pay comes more work. I want to make $1.10 on my talk time, so I commit to a weekly schedule of 50 hours a week and I work an additional ten when I want to. Ten hours on the weekend are required to make $1.10 a minute with 15 blogs spread over 5 working days. It seems like a lot of work, but that work helps you make money. The more girls blog the more their phone rings. We hire girls with no experience and lots of experience. We provide you training. You do need basic computer skills to work here, along with high-speed Internet, a fast computer and a landline phone. Apply today, start tomorrow.

Perfect Job For College Students

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs. On the surface they sound a little intimidating but also very intriguing. I am a college student with a crazy schedule. Finding any retail place or restaurant to work around my needs was impossible. College is expensive and I have bills to pay. My student loans would cover books and tuition but little else. With the amount of money, I am spending on my education there was no way I was going to give it any less than my all. I started asking around and one girl told me that she was a PSO. I asked some questions and was amazed at how excited she was. She loved her job, her employer and her co-workers. The amount of money she made was also crazy good. She sent me a link for phone sex operator job applications with WBMT and I filled it out and sent it in. With a phone interview and some training, I was employed. Working with an all-female team. The best group of women, so supportive and encouraging. Even the owner is a female. It is the best job I have ever had. I love it. I go to school and work around my hectic school schedule. If you are hardworking, dedicated and dependable then this is the place for you. You won’t regret it.

Make Good Money as a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator

Good money can be made as a Phone sex operator. Yes! It’s true that the phone sex field is still a thriving field, even in the world of cam girls. You don’t have to be a cam girl. At WBMT you have the ability to make great money. The one big catch, it’s a job. Being a pso doesn’t mean you are just talking dirty on the phone and chilling out. You have to actually earn your pay. You are required to work a set number of hours and part time is not going to cut it. To make the big bucks you work 60hrs. You blog for 5 days out of the week to earn the highest rate of pay. You should be able to write well and come up with creative stories for your erotic blogs. These are the bread and butter of your earning. These blogs bring you the majority of your callers. This is a job that allows you to determine your potential. You determine what you make by your motivation. The pay rate is considered motivational pay. You can make the highest rate in the industry per minute if you do all the requirements in hours, weekends required (10hrs) and blog. It’s really not rocket science but nor is it a walk on the beach. But hey, you work from the comfort of your home and it’s always interesting.

How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHave you ever wondered how to be a phone sex operator? I am a about to give you some information. It begins with an application. When the pandemic hit, I braced myself for an economic hit, but the phone sex industry stayed busy. I almost felt badly for making so much money when I had friends who were unemployed and struggling to get their unemployment compensation. I did help a friend get a job here. I will tell you what I told her. This is not a job for women who can only work part-time or cannot commit to a weekly schedule. Nor is it a job for women who cannot see themselves blogging. We are a direct dial company which means you need to hustle to get your phone ringing. You also must work at least 40 hours a week, usually more in the beginning until you establish regulars. It is easier to work more hours when you can literally roll out of bed and start work and you have no commute time. To get started, however, you need high speed Internet. You need a modern and fast computer or desktop. And you need a landline phone. You can start sooner if you have those things in place before you apply. I love this job. I do work a lot more hours than I did at my retail job, but I do it all from home.

phone sex operator at wbmt

phone sex operator

Phone sex operator jobs can be very lucrative here at wbmt. I want to tell you the reasons why joining the team here will be great. As a college student, I have the convenience of working from home while also finishing up my virtual schooling. In a year of uncertainty, find some solid roots here. As long as you are willing to put the effort in and be apart of the team and be positive and delightful to work with, you will exceed your wildest expectations. You will feel great being apart of wbmt. An honest, legit company with years of experience and has the best girls around to help you in every way. Phone chat jobs are great for those who are comfortable and able to carry a conversation and want to be their possible best. There is no reason to fret if you aren’t a pro, but as long as you are willing to put in the time and effort and put in dedication, you will receive all the tools and help here, plus much more. Get ready to learn and push yourself to greatness, all the while making your time here rewarding. It is no secret that perseverance and ambition will get you far anywhere, especially when you have a strong support system.

Working as a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorWorking as a Phone sex operator has made a world of difference for my life and my finances. I swear I do not want to do anything else. I was attending college for a bit and working on my Bachelors in Psychology. I was priming myself for the career I wanted. It didn’t take long for me to realize that that particular field was under rated and under paid. I had struggled with commuting to my waitressing job and keeping the hours to where I could study and make my classes. It was a struggle. I was taking out loans for school and quickly realized I’d have a bitch of a time paying them off in reasonable time. I needed something else. I needed time to focus on studies. I was aware of phone sex lines and working from home. I just was not quite sure how it would work for me. Well, fast forward a decade and I love it. I could not make what i make now as a therapist. I would hate to do that now with all the licensing crap. I like to travel and am not one to sit in one place too long. I now have a job I can take with me. 

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator with Us

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator is a good question to ask yourself. At our company, we require a few things before you can start. You most have a landline phone. No cell phones are permitted for regular use at WBMT. You need high speed Internet. And you need a modern computer. It is best that you a Windows machine and not a MAC. It can be a laptop or a desktop computer. No iPads or Chrome books either. We provide training to all new hires. It does not matter if you have years of experience or none at all. WBMT will train you on how to be a good PSO and on our programs and processes. This is a direct dial company. That means you need to blog to get your phone to ring. That also means your need basic writing skills too. You need to understand basic computer function also, like how to check email and download programs. If hired at WBMT, you will love this female owned and operated company. Girls are treated fairly here. The harder you work, the more you earn. No drama is ever allowed, so you do not work in a catty environment. Our bosses were PSOs in the past and decided to have a company better than all the rest. Apply with us today and find out soon enough.

We Have Phone Sex Jobs

phone sex jobs

We have phone sex jobs for all kinds of women. If over 18, nothing else matters except that you need a good work ethic. WBMT is not like other companies. We have a higher pay structure, but to earn that top tier of pay, you most work 60 plus hours a week and blog several times a day. At most companies, the top pay is reserved for the top talkers, meaning the girls with like over 1000 minutes can earn more than other girls. Not at WBMT. Girls can earn any where from 20 cents to $1.10 a minute on their talk time. The higher pay scale is based on is hard work and effort. The more hours you commit to a week and the more you blog, the higher rate on your talk time. This job is not for everyone. Some companies do not require as much work nor do they have as many rules, but you do not earn as much money at those companies. I love it here. I love to write, so blogging is never an issue. I also like to make money and I can do that at WBMT. We hire girls with no experience or years of experience. This is not a company that will penalize you for having worked somewhere else. This is a nice place to work for too. No drama, paid weekly and lots of chances to make top dollar.

How to be a phone sex operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator may has crossed your mind a few times. So now you are starting to consider the possibilities. I am here to say that being a PSO is awesome! I love working from home and being able to travel a little and work on the road. I have been doing this job for years. I honestly cannot think of any other job I’d like to do at the moment. Theses times are difficult and I am settled in the perfect job for a pandemic. Seriously! Think about it. Guys stuck at home and lonely. Some relied on traveling for their career. They still make great money and need to talk to someone. The business is booming with the economic crisis. Weird, I know. This kind of work is essential and it is proven every time there seems to be a crisis. Guys need to talk about thing and get lost in fantasy. People are lonely and a phone call is more personal than just watching a cam girl that is streaming to millions of others. Phone sex is a booming industry right now. This isn’t the easiest job if you aren’t interested in working. You will be required to blog and chat with guys over our proprietary chat system. This job requires weekends and is full time work. You can choose your schedule.

PSO Jobs Are Great For Single Moms

pso jobsAs a single mom I needed to make some serious income and have the flexibility to take care of my children and be available for their school functions, doctor’s appointments etc. Becoming a phone sex operator with WBMT has given me this. They offer not only a very good pay plan that increases with the amount of work you put into the job, but the flexibility of hours. I had never done PSO work before and was completely trained on everything needed to be a success. They called me to get me started with setting up my computer, links and phone lines. I was then put in training which they closely followed and were available for any questions I had. If I couldn’t find the answer in the training manual provided, I could just pick up the phone and contact management or IM any of my co-workers. Everyone is so friendly and willing to help no matter how silly I thought my question was. In a little over two weeks I was able to easily navigate every aspect of the job. I really enjoy the management and other employees and have found them so supportive of each other. I could not ask for a better company than WBMT to work for. If you are looking for a change in career or changing PSO jobs I couldn’t recommend WBMT any higher. You will not be disappointed.