Phone Sex Operators are Always in Demand


phone sex operatorPhone sex operators are always in demand. We have been essential workings when the pandemic hit. This is a strong industry and intelligent, open minded women are always needed to fulfill the demand. This is a place where men and some women can let go of things and enjoy something fun. We do counseling. At WBMT we work together without drama. You will join a family of supportive women that strive to do our best. When I joined this company a few years ago I had no idea what I was getting into. I was desperate and needed an income I could do from home. This is not a get rich quick or fly by night kind of place. This is an actual job. I was elated in how much I was able to make. This job takes diligent work and a strong work ethic to succeed at. I work on average 60 hours per week and make great money. Anyone that thinks it is easy or lazy work is greatly missing the mark. This job requires being open minded, not afraid to explore sexual tendencies of men and great phone and computer skills. The latter can be trained but please be patient and have good computer skills. 

WBMT Is An Awesome Company To Work For

At Home Phone Operator JobsThe kids are home for the summer, and you are looking for some extra income looking at home phone operator jobs. You look through the ads just like I did and find that so many require a payment up front to learn their platform without any guarantee of employment after completing. That is crazy and so risky. We didn’t want to invest in something that we weren’t even sure would pay for itself. So, I kept looking and came across some blogs and reddit boards. There were plenty of people talking about how to make income from home and unfortunately most were pyramid schemes that required more money to be invested and I didn’t want to get mixed up in that type of work anyways. Then I came across a board talking about phone sex jobs. I was intrigued and read the entire thing. I couldn’t believe that it was such a lucrative job, and the hours were so flexible. I delved farther in and encountered WBMT. Anyone that had worked there loved it and many have been here for years. I called them and interviewed and within a week I was working. I love it here and make great money and still have time to have fun with my kids. If you are looking for a job that works around your family, you definitely need to give them a call.

Wbmt is hiring

phone sex operator

You stumbled across here because you most likely were on the hunt for a good phone sex operator position. I can assure you that you have found the best company in the pso world—time to put in work and get what you deserve. If you are ready to learn with the tools provided, you will succeed. I’m a college student who has quite a lot going on, and wbmt fits so well with my schedule. I can control how much I make and work a plan that works with my classes and truly makes things a lot easier. Before wbmt, I worked long hours at an office while juggling school, and it was rough. Now I can work and also focus on school work. After I do all my blogs and work on my advertising, I can study here and there. It makes things a lot easier for me, and I know that this would be a dream for other college girls. Whether I’m working 30 hrs a week or 60 hrs a week, I give it my all and still make more money than all my peers. I can hit it hard and also keep my school work done on time. Before wbmt, I was working long hours and barely skating by. Now I’m able to juggle it all. I also love to grow and do better, and it is fantastic to have goals here and get them done. SO if you’re looking at PSO jobs, make sure you pick the right place for you.

PSO jobs can be fun

pso jobs

PSO jobs can be fun and rewarding. If you are ready to start at a reputable place, you should consider wbmt. Wbmt has a great foundation. It’s a female-run business, and you don’t have to worry about feeling uncomfortable in any way. Wbmt strives to be able to give you all the tools you may need to become successful. There’s extensive training and as long as you are willing to learn you will find no other place like it for your pso home. There are dozens of pso sites and many that hire. Sadly the pso world is filled with plenty of scams and so many underpaid contractors.

If you are looking for a place where you can grow as a phone sex operator, you will love it here. You will learn all the tips and tricks to grow your minutes and keep a steady client base which in return means more money for your pockets. There will be plenty of characters and blogs to upkeep, but it will be fun and quite the learning experience. Get ready to work for a great place and have zero drama attached. It’s all love here, and yes, it can be difficult at times with deadlines, but if you are organized and disciplined, none of those difficulties will be actual issues.

I Love Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorI love being a phone sex operator. I was worried if I could do it or not. I was desperate for work at the time I applied, but my nerves dissipated quickly after the first week of talking dirty. What was meant to be a temporary gig has become my job. I do love the money I make here at WBMT. But I also love the flexibility. I have a busy life. I have a lot of doctor appointments. My boyfriend and I like to travel and go to concerts. I design my own schedule week to week. So, I can pick hours that work with my schedule. I also love the pay rate here at WBMT. The more hours I work the more per minute I earn on my talk time. I can make a $1.10 a minute committing to 50 hours a week and working another 10 hours on the weekend. I can still make good money ($1 per minute) on busier weeks by working 40 hours a week including 8 on the weekend. This is a drama free company too, so that means you do not have to dance around bitches or worry about girls trash talking you. No drama is tolerated. PSO jobs are not all the same. Join our team and learn quickly why we are the best.

Ran across an article how to be a phone sex operator and now I work for the best company ever!

how to be a phone sex operator

I was surfing the net and came across an article that gave an entire story how to be a phone sex operator. At first, I thought there’s no way people get paid to talk dirty from home still. I thought it was a long-gone business. I was so wrong. Once I read the testimonials on the girls that work here, I was sold. Go ahead take a look for yourself. These testimonials were the very same ones that pushed me to apply. I thought, heck, what’s the worse that can happen its a bad experience, and move on, but to my surprise, it was terrific. Not only will you have all the tools to succeed, but you will also be able to play a persona, and it’s fun. I’m your average college girl focused on school, but I flip when I work. I’m able to have fun and learn about many things. I soon realized not every call would be the same. Sometimes I get guys and even women to call to have someone to talk to; it makes me feel great that I can make someone have a better day in any way, shape, or form. I can put a smile on their faces. This opportunity is one that I will forever cherish. It has saved me from my old roommate from hell. I now make enough money to pay for my classes in advance and enough not to need a roommate. It’s been a godsend to have this position as a phone sex operator.

Phone Sex Jobs are Honest Work

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs are an honest way to support yourself. There is no shame in keeping a roof over your head and food in your stomach. Most women do not think that phone sex is profitable. It is not at all companies. WBMT has a pay structure unlike any other company. Base pay is 20 cents a minute, but no one makes that unless they want to make that because WBMT has a pay scale that goes up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. The low base pay means you did nothing in a week but answer your phone. The highest pay means you worked 60 or more hours in a week with 10 of those hours on the weekend, did some social media promoting for the company and you blogged 15 times over at least 5 days. WBMT rewards hard work with a higher pay rate on your talk time. That is unheard of in this business. Maybe some companies pay you $1.05 a minute, but that is rare and often only if you make over 1,000 minutes in a week. Everyone has the potential to earn a $1.10 a minute here if they want. Most of the girls at this company work 60 hours or more a week, but we have girls who still earn a decent payrate working 40-50 hours a week too. I think you will find that after a month or so here your pay checks will be $700 plus a week.

The Best Phone Chat Jobs

phone chat jobsWe have phone chat jobs available. As a PSO at WBMT let me tell you a little bit about the company I work for. I worked a few months max at a couple companies before WBMT. One company the morale was so low and toxic, I could not function well. The owner of the company was psychotic and unprofessional. The second company seemed great, but they never paid me. It was one excuse after another. I was not the only contractor not being paid either. I have been at WBMT for years and that is because of several things. One, there is no drama. Not from the owner. Not from the manager. Not from the other women employed here. It makes it so much easier to work and be productive. The company has a no drama policy, so you can work in a positive environment. Two, I am paid on time weekly. Paychecks are a week behind when you begin, but after that you are paid weekly via direct deposit. Another reason I love working here is that how much I make is based on my effort. The more I blog, the more hours I work, the bigger my paycheck is going to be. Do not believe me? Join our team and find out for yourself.

phone sex operator at any age

phone sex operatorI never thought I would be a phone sex operator in a million years, especially at my age. I always thought this job was for girls in college or young women only. To my surprise, I was pretty wrong. I am an empty nester who had children later on in life, so now that they are gone, and I’m in my sixties, still pretty spry and hip, I like to think I got to wondering what I can do with my extra time? Unfortunately, the pandemic happened as soon as I was about to work at a local bakery. I was able to work there for under a month. As much as I enjoyed it, it wasn’t flexible enough with my schedule, and on top of the pandemic, it didn’t seem like it was the right fit for me. As my age is a factor, I know I am at high risk for the covid-19, so I brainstormed how to use my time wisely. I then came across some customer service at-home jobs, but they were too dull. I then came across Adult phone operator jobs. The rest was history. It was time to apply and get started. The training was excellent. The ability to surely get the help I needed was beyond what I expected. The team is superb, and I love that I am challenged, and it helps me stay super tech-savvy. It’s hard work, but it is well worth it because I genuinely enjoy it very much. I can be flexible with my schedule. Now I get to spend time and pick out my workdays whenever I want.

PSO Jobs are Great Money

pso jobs

PSO jobs are great money opportunities for women who want to stay at home. We have women ranging in age from 20-60 to here and they have all sorts of reasons for working from home. Mothers who want to be stay at home mothers; college girls wanting to study in-between calls; women with health issues; women who do not drive but want to work; women with anxiety who do not want to deal with people in person; and women who lost jobs because of COVID all work here. There are many reasons to work at home, especially when you can make over $500 a week easily after a few weeks of consistency and hard work. I landed here at WBMT after I lost my restaurant job. I thought it would be a short-term gig until my restaurant opened back up to full capacity. My restaurant is open again and I was offered my job back, but I have been making more money here at WBMT! I can set my own hours. I am not on my feet all day long and I am not at risk for COVID. I will never go back to being a waitress now that I know how much money I can make here.