Looking for a way to make some money while also giving you the freedom to attend college classes or spend time with you family? Let me tell you a little about phone sex jobs. I found myself wanting to stop the 9-5 grind and have a little more flexibility in my life. At home jobs are plenty now but most don’t offer a good living wage or the ability to choose your own hours from week to week. Then I found WBMT. At my interview I already knew this was going to be the place for me. The owner is wonderful and being a woman was able to relate to my desire to spend time on my classes. She hired me and then it was on to training. They walked me through every step of the way. The other girls that work here are so wonderful and helped with any questions I had. The pay scale is amazing, and I am rewarded with the amount of effort I put into my workweek. I now can go to classes, study and enjoy time with my friends and family. I pick my schedule week to week and that allows for any changes I may have. I am so glad that I became a phone sex operator with WBMT.
Category Archives: Phone sex operator
WBMT Is The Best PSO Company
Phone sex jobs made my life so much easier. I found myself a single mother of a couple of incredibly young kids. After daycare expenses I was left with extraordinarily little disposable income. Not enough to support myself and definitely not enough to do anything extra. I decided I would try to find a job where I could work from home. So many were basically pyramid schemes. I didn’t want to be a girl boss and I certainly didn’t want to try to convince my friends and family to invest in their products. I got on Reddit and did some research. What I kept going back to were PSO jobs. I was surprised and intrigued at the same time. Still cautious I started researching companies and ran across WBMT. Nothing but good things were said about WBMT. The company is owned and ran by woman. I loved that concept and past and current workers raved about how lucrative and pleasant their jobs were. I gave them a call and did an interview. Soon I was online and working. I set my own hours and stay home with my children. Saving on daycare, making great money and spending great quality time with them. If you are looking for a stay-at-home job, I couldn’t recommend WBMT any higher, you will be pleased.
Be a PSO today!
I was struggling and down for a while when I was scrambling for a new online job and didn’t know where to start. That’s when a close friend showed me what she was doing for work as a phone sex operator. I was surprised and didn’t think I could, I was shy and not a great talker and she explained there can be a lot more to it then what others think. When I went through all the information I gave it a shot and haven’t enjoyed working anywhere else since. I get to stay at home with my furry friend and enjoy my time alone as an introvert! I have more time for self care and even going to college! Phone sex jobs can be easily over looked but here at WBMT you get to work when you want for what you want! You get to actually do and feel the work and by the end of the week you’re rewarded with the money you earned and deserved all with ease while only needed a computer and phone! A creative imagination will get you far along with patience and commitment and the love for being competitive while working with an amazing group of supportive women! Come work for WBMT today!
PSO Jobs Offer Flexibility
Phone sex jobs give you financial security and flexibility to live your life. I have a crazy life. Lots of appointments and events I want to go to with my 9-5 working boyfriend. I can schedule my work hours around my life. I can work some days, some nights. I can do a split schedule too if I want, which I love in the summer so I can enjoy the fresh air. I never have to ask off because I can schedule my hours around the things I want and need to do. This is a great job for flexibility. I can even work longer days so I can have 3 days off in a week if I want. WBMT hires girls who can commit to a weekly schedule of 40-60 hrs a week. How many hours you commit to determines your pay rate. You can make $1.00 a min working 40 hours a week and writing 15 blogs a week. You can make $1.05 a minute on your talk time working 50 hours a week with 15 blogs. Or you can make the max pay rate of $1.10 a minute working 60 hours a week and writing 15 blogs. I love that my effort is what determines my pay rate. I also love that WBMT is a family with no drama. Want to join our team?
In Search of PSO Jobs?
In search of pso jobs? Well, you are at the right place. Take a look around and see all these great testimonials. I will start with mine. I’m a pso because I like it and enjoy it, and it works with my school schedule. If you asked me a year or two ago, I would be doing this, and I’d probably laugh and think you’re insane. Well, life has a funny way of opening doors to things you never thought you would be. Working at wbmt fell in my lap. I searched for at-home jobs after the pandemic hit because I am a stay-at-home mom who recently divorced.
I needed some income to support myself and my young son. There’s no way I could do this if I felt like it would jeopardize my parenting. Luckily I have a great company that allows us to change our schedules and pick different hours and days if we choose to do so. So I have been fortunate to build a successful position here at wbmt while my son is away with his father, and when I have him, I focus on him. It is great because I can also work while he’s at school. If you’re looking for flexibility, wbmt is the way to go. Quit searching for phone chat jobs and apply here.
Phone chat jobs are not just for young coeds
Phone chat jobs are not just for young coeds. I know I thought that before I applied for a job. I was desperate and was hoping I sounded younger than I looked but turns out I did not need to look young because they wanted older women too in this business. I am in my mid 50s and I do very well. There are plenty of guys who want to talk to a mommy, granny or milf. So, do not think you are too old for this business. I make more money doing this than I did any other job I had. It is almost criminal, LOL. There are a few requirements, however. You do need to be somewhat computer savvy. My kids helped me. Although WBMT trains you on how to do things, you do need to know how to operate a computer and do some basic things like set up email and operate Google sheets and navigate web pages. You do need a computer, high speed Internet and a landline phone. Minor investments for a good job. We are female owned and operated. The boss is low key, and the company tolerates no drama. It is a family here and the women working range from 18-62. Join our team today.
Being A Phone Sex Operator Changed My Life!
Two years ago, I never would have imagined I’d ever work as a phone sex operator and be successful, considering I’m quite young. I’d always thought phone sex was for mature women who had years of experience in the field! Well I was surely wrong. Any convincingly feminine sounding person can work as a phone sex girl, whether you’re in your mid twenties like me or up into your seventies! I work with folks of all ages, and all different backgrounds. This is a drama free environment and we all get along so well! The pandemic has really affected us all, and the effects are surely lasting. I have some health issues that would make working a traditional nine to five quite difficult for me. However, working adult phone operator jobs from the comfort and security of my own home are exactly what I needed! WBMT is the best company out there, and I can say that beyond the shadow of a doubt. The Leadership team is always striving to help us thrive, and the people I work with are beyond the shadow of a doubt the most supportive and incredible team I’ve ever encountered. The processes are so easy, and all you really need is: a creative and open mind, a computer, and a landline phone. WBMT may have what you need; scheduling flexibility, ample hours, incredible work environment, simple but fulfilling work, unmatched pay, an excellent chance for growth, and best of all – it’s fun! I love what I do, and I can assure you the simplicity of it all has really changed my life for the better.
Never Thought I Would be a Phone Sex Operator
I did not think I would ever be a phone sex operator. Honestly, I did not really think this was the kind of job for a housewife. I am married but my husband got sick with Covid and lost his job. He was trying to get disability, but it was taking forever. We were running out of money, so I had to look for work. I had not worked in ten years. I became a stay-at-home mommy. I struggled finding a job because of COVID, so I looked into phone sex. I knew it was something I could do because I am open minded. I just did not think I would do it long, but my husband has recovered, and he has another job and I am still here. Why? Because I like making my own money. I like working. I like WBMT. This is a great company for many reasons. WBMT Is drama free. WBMT pays well and on-time. WBMT is run by women who have worked in the business and have designed a company to avoid pitfalls common in the industry. WBMT provides training to be a good PSO. Most companies are riddled with drama. Many are sketchy in when or if they pay their contractors. And it is not unheard of to just toss new girls in with no training and expect them to learn quickly. I love working here.
How to Be a Phone Sex Operator
Do you want to know how to be a phone sex operator? I can shed some light, and you are intrigued because you are reading this right now. Take a look at this site and hear from all the wonderful ladies that work here and made wbmt their work home. To be a pso is like being able to let your creativity flow. You can be whoever you want and enjoy making customers happy. Nothing is perfect, but it is pretty perfect here. Sure there are stressful days, but you have that anywhere. The main thing is the stressful days. You push thru them and learn and grow and appreciate them.
If you have great writing skills and excellent customer service, and a willingness to learn, you will do extraordinary here. Each girl at wbmt brings her flavor. Guys love to use wbmt and keep coming back. The proof is in our repeat customer numbers. There’s never any cattiness, and if something rotten slips thru the cracks, it is usually handled and nipped in the bud. Wbmt is changing with the time to be even better. Wbmt cares about us and gives us the tools it takes to become the best phone sex operator possible. It takes dedication and persistence to be good in anything in life. Why not enjoy growing your bank account at home while you focus on school, or perhaps your family. Balance is vital, and wbmt is perfect for us and can be for you too.
High Paying Phone Sex Jobs
We have high paying phone sex jobs for hard working women. Most jobs in this industry pay less than half the talk time cost. We pay up to $1.10 a min on your talk time. To make top dollar at WBMT you need to blog, work 60 hours a week and do some social media promotion. The top pay rate is not contingent on you making over 1000 minutes a week either. Most phone sex companies only let you make their top pay tier after you make 1000 minutes. Our pay tiers are yours to lose because everyone has the chance to make $1.10 a minute. If working 60 hours scares you, do not worry. You can make $1.05 a minute with 50 hours a week and $1.00 a minute with 40 hours a week. Just remember that working from home makes it easier to work more hours because you have no commute times, and you can literally roll out of bed and start working. I love that I can design my own hours from week to week. I have the flexibility to work around my appointments and my kids schooling. And, I make great money from home. If you want to work from home, this is the place to be.