Phone chat jobs will change your life in a good way. Sure, you may want to tell certain folks in your life that you have a customer service job. But there is no shame in the kind of money you can make doing phone sex for a living. Before I started this job, my bills seemed too daunting to tackle. I was about to be evicted. My car got repossessed and I had no joy in my life because I had no money to do anything with.
It has been a year since I started WBMT. And guess what? I appear to be thriving. I have a new place to live that is bigger and nicer than the dump I almost got evicted from. I bought a new car. And I enjoy life. I can go to movies and concerts with my friends. Now, I do not want to make it sound like cake walk. This is not a get rich scheme. You cannot just sit at your desk and hope the phone will ring.
You need to make the phones ring. How do you do that? You blog. This company does require 10-15 blogs minimum a week spread out over at least 5 days. We are an SEO driven company. And that means to make your phone ring, you need to blog. Once you see the correlation between blogging and making money, you will not mind it at all. Apply today and change your life for the better too.
Category Archives: Phone chat jobs
Looking for Phone Sex Jobs Can be Daunting
Looking for phone sex jobs as a woman can be a daunting. So many companies. How do you choose. Plus, you worry about what to tell folks. Many people have preconceived notions about the industry and may judge those who choose to work in it. However, phone sex work can be a lucrative and an empowering career option for women. Dirty talking for a living is not something most of us announce to the world. Most people think I have an at home sales job. My husband knows and supports me and a few close friends know.
But this kind of work is nothing to be ashamed about. You can make great money. Women at WBMT do not also get public assistance. They make too much. And supporting yourself and or your family, well there is no shame in that.
One of the main benefits of working here is the financial independence it provides. Many women struggle to find well-paying jobs, especially if they have limited experience or qualifications. But phone sex work, on the other hand, offers a high earning potential, with some operators making over a grand a week with no college degree or highly sought after skill. This can be a great opportunity for women who want to support themselves or their families. But like any job, you must work hard and blog. Put in the time. Do the work. And get rewarded with fat paychecks.
Phone Chat Jobs Have Been Around for Decades
Phone chat jobs have been around for decades, but with the rise of technology and the internet, they have become more popular and accessible than ever before. Many women like the idea of working from home and having a flexible schedule, while still earning a significant income. However, it takes more than just a sultry voice to be a successful PSO.
As a PSO, your primary tool is your voice. But it is more than the way you sound. You should be able to keep the conversation going, engage the caller, and make him feel comfortable with any subject. You need a good vocabulary and should be able to paint vivid and sensual images both on the phone and in your blogs.
Your creativity and imagination will be tested as a phone sex operator too. You need to come up with unique and exciting scenarios that keep the caller engaged. We get a lot of roleplay calls in this industry. Your imagination should be able to take the caller on a sexual journey. Since you will talk to men with a bunch of kinks and fetishes, it is essential to remain non-judgmental and be accepting of all callers and their desires.
Working as a PSO requires a reliable phone cell, a modern computer, and a good internet connection. Plus, a quiet place to work. While it may seem like an easy job, it does require work. You need to show up when you schedule yourself. And you need to be able to blog a few times a day at least 5 days a week. We require blogging at WBMT. And you need to put some time into perfecting your skills and building your client base too. But if you can do all that you can make great money from the comfort of home.
Phone Sex Operator Jobs Can be a Lucrative and Exciting Career
In today’s world, there are endless possibilities when it comes to job opportunities. One unconventional career choice that has gained popularity in recent years is being a phone sex operator. This job may not be for everyone, but for those who are comfortable talking about sex and have an open mind, it can be a lucrative and exciting career path.
We remain non-judgmental about a wide range of fantasies and kinks as a no taboo company. So before joining our team make sure you can truly talk about anything.
One of the biggest misconceptions about being a PSO is that it’s all about having sex on the phone. It’s more than that. It’s not just about moaning and groaning. We roleplay. We share fantasies. And sometimes we just listen too.
You need great communication skills both with callers and your teammates here at WBMT. You will need to listen actively to your caller’s desires and respond accordingly. You may also need to guide the conversation and take charge at times. And with your teammates you need to communicate through a chat room when actively working. And as part of the job you do need good written skills as we requires a couple blogs per shift.
When it comes to the technical side of things, you need a phone and a quiet, private space to work from. You will want a good headset and a stable internet connection if you plan on working for any phone sex company. And you need a modern computer, preferably one that runs on Windows. If you are okay talking dirty and blogging, you can make great money with us.
Being a Phone Sex Operator Helps You Support Yourself
Being a phone sex operator may not be a noble career. But there is no shame in supporting yourself and your family. After my husband had a stroke, he went on disability. And I needed to go to work to help pay our bills. He took care of me for decades. Now, it was my turn to take care of him. The problem I had was finding a decent job I could do at home.
Phone Sex seemed like the best option for real money. And turns out with a little hard work, phone sex can be highly profitable. All I needed to start doing this job were a modern computer, high-speed Internet, a cell phone and a quiet place to work. We turned the guest room into an office for me. I set my own hours, so I can work around my husband’s medical appointments.
My husband supported me doing this. He knew we had no choice. I love it here at WBMT. Female owned and operated too. We get paid per call, which is standard in this business. But at this company the per minute rate can go up to $1.10 a minute based on how many hours you work a week and how much you blog. So, we get paid based on effort. And I work hard.
Phone sex saved us. I support my husband and I now. And it feels great to be able to do that. No shame in phone sex. Women can make an honest living here.
At Home Phone Operator Jobs Can Change Your Life
If you are not looking for at home phone operator jobs, you should be. I can tell you as a woman without any kind of formal education, I cannot make this kind of money at any other job. Without a college education I was limited to retail, office work or waitress work. Dead end jobs where I could at best live paycheck to paycheck.
I gave phone sex a shot and here I am almost a decade later. Still at WBMT my first and only phone sex job. Ten years ago I did not own a car. And I rented a crappy one-bedroom apartment. Plus, I had bills piling up. And no health insurance either. However, now? I live in a 3-bedroom house. My bills all get paid monthly. I own a new car. And I travel and go to concerts.
I work hard for my money though. You do need to blog at WBMT. Blogging makes your phone ring. And the more you blog the more minutes you will likely make. It takes a bit to get established here, but once you get your flow going, you will see your minutes go up week to week, and your paychecks get bigger too.
Honestly, I cannot think of any other job where I can make this kind of money from the comfort of my own home with nothing but a high school diploma. Change your life too and apply today.
Adult Phone Operator Jobs Might Not Be For Every Woman, But Maybe They For You?
Adult phone operator jobs might not be for every woman, but perhaps they could be for you. First, let me tell you this is not a get rich quick scheme. Although the money you can make here is good, it takes time and hard work to start making money. The biggest mistake women make here is giving up quickly or not putting in the work necessary to make money like daily blogging.
Women who treat phone sex like the real job it is, do the best. It is a myth that phone sex is a job for lazy women. Although lazy women do end up at WBMT, they never last long because they will not make much money. Blogging is key. Also, key is showing up when scheduled. We require schedules. But you design your schedule. You can schedule 30, 40 or 50 hours a week. But you need to show up when you schedule yourself.
Now, if you can blog and work your hours, you can make great money with time. You will make more money at phone sex than you will at retail or restaurant work. I used to be a stripper. And I make more money at home with my clothes on than I did at the strip club. Don’t believe me? Apply to day and find out for yourself.
Tell Yourself to be a Phone Sex Operator
I do not think any woman says, “I want to be a phone sex operator when I grow up.” I never even knew this was a real job where women could make an honest living. But I lost a job and needed to work at home for a bit. So, I applied to a few places and thought I would test the waters. The first one I interviewed only paid 40 cents on my talk time. But they seemed nice, and I had no clue that this was super low pay.
I was going to start working there when WBMT called me and told me I could earn up to $1.10 a minute on my talk time. The hiring manager explained that the pay scale is based on my effort. The more hours I work in a week and the more blogs I do, the more money I can make. I started at WBMT the next day.
I do not know why any woman would settle for pennies on her talk time when she could make over a $1 on her talk time. I love this company and the flexibility in my schedule. But mostly, I love how much money I can make from the comfort of my home.
Phone Sex Jobs for Women Allow You to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
We have phone sex jobs for women who want to make decent money from home. The only catch is you do need to show up when scheduled and you need to blog. However, you need not have any experience in this business. You need a cell phone, a computer, a quite place to work and high-speed Internet.
You do not need to pay to start this job either. Some people think phone sex is a gimmick or a scam. But I am here to tell you that phone sex does not require anything other than the things I mentioned already. Many women struggle to make ends meet. I did. I had an office job, but still had a few side hustles like selling Mary Kay and various other things. But I never could make ends meet.
Until I started at WBMT, I thought my life would be nothing but living paycheck to paycheck. But after a few months of working hard here, I started having surplus money. Never thought that was possible for a college drop out. Now I can travel and go out and enjoy life and pay all my bills too. This is not a hard job, but it is a job. If you treat it like a job, and work to build your client base, you can stop living paycheck to paycheck too.
Phone Chat Jobs are Fun Jobs
Phone chat jobs are fun jobs. Not only do you get to make decent money, like a real livable wage, you get to have fun too. Phone sex is not a stressful job. So, you can turn it off when your shift is over. And even when your shift is over, you can work as much as you want, giving you the chance to make more money.
One of the many things I love about my gig with WBMT is the flexibility in scheduling. Although we do require set schedules here, we chose the hours we want. And we can change them up every three months. If we show up for our set hours, we can work as many hours as we want in a week. So, some weeks I may work 40 hours, but another week I might work 60. Just depends on what is going on in my life.
I work hard to make my phone ring. Initially, I put in a lot of hours building up my fan base. And I blog a lot too. We have a daily blogging requirement here. The more days you blog 2-3 blogs a shift, the more you earn per minute on your talk time. The pay scale ranges from 20 cents a minute to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. Since I want the most that I can get, I blog 15 blogs a week over 5 days. Some weeks I blog more.
Don’t let blogging scare you off because the more you blog, the more you make. This is a great job, but only girls who can stick to their schedule and blog make any money here. You will get trained here. So, don’t worry if you have never blogged before. Take a gamble with us and improve your life.