Phone chat jobs are real jobs

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs are not just boring or lazy jobs. You can make real good money working these jobs. The main catch is that you should be self-motivated, dedicated to a schedule and willing to work more than 40 hrs a week. At WBMT you are required to work 10 hrs on the weekends. These times you can get the best callers also. We are a company that offers a variety of topics. We offer paid cyber text chat and phone chats. The system in place with WBMT is a fine honed machine and put in place to make the most if you do the most. We really do work our asses off. Management puts a lot of effort in the training and ensuring each girl gets a fair chance. We are a drama free company and everyone is treated fairly. This is one of the best companies to work for from my experience.
Many of the women working here has been with the company for a long time. This doesn’t mean there isn’t room for someone new. We have newer women working here now as well. This is an industry mush like the service industry, there will always be folks coming and going. I have been here for nearly 10 years and I don’t plan on leaving.

Work hard as a Phone sex operator

phone sex operator

I am so appreciative of my position as a Phone sex operator. The money I make is based on the effort I put in. It used to be not so much money. I was in school and juggling studies, a bad relationship and a shitty company. I finally gave up and quit. The thing is I had not been able to stop thinking about the phone sex job and wanted to try again. I found WBMT and went through the training. I started off a little unsteady as it overwhelmed me at first. This company is way different than the one I made no money at. Here we earn our pay with a motivational per minute pay the more you do the more you make. This is in all aspects. The blogs really pull in the callers. So, blogging lots really makes the pay better in every way! Taking calls and multi-tasking is the key to success here also. Some days you will really be busy and it seems like you won’t get everything done. You can always plan ahead even on your blogging and just know that you have woman here that will help and guide you to success. I am making far more than I ever thought possible.

PSO Jobs are real

pso jobs

It might be overwhelming with the amount of PSO jobs online. If you have stumbled across us and are ready to work from home and make money, you’re in luck. We are a real company over a decade old, with many long time operators. There is no startup cost outside of you having a phone, landline and internet and computer. For me I had to borrow money to get a phone once I realized that was a legitimate opportunity. But I paid the money back quickly. I was trained side by side with other ladies who helped me in areas I don’t excel at. I was green, I had never done this type of work before. I learned how to blog, I learned how to pick my schedule and so many other little things that feel natural now. I did a lot of research about the types of fetishes, and I still do, sometimes. I know I never thought I would make phone sex jobs my only income, but I was surprised. I work 40 to 60 hours a week and I do it from the privacy of my own home. I hope you join us and become a woman on the phone supporting herself and/ or helping her family out. You won’t be disappointed in WBMT!

Wanna be a Phone Sex Operator?

phone sex operatorDo you want to be a phone sex operator? I did not want to be one. Honestly, I was just desperate for a job when Covid hit, and I looked at PSO work as temporary. Well, the world opened back up and I am still doing PSO work. Why? Not only have I become spoiled by working from home, I have also come to enjoy the money I am making. It took me several months of consistently working and blogging daily, but I now make more money than I did at my pre Covid job. And, I am not on my feet all day. I do not have a commute. I do not have to buy clothes for work either. I save money on gas and I can do things in between calls like laundry and dishes. I love working from home. It does take work to be a PSO, however. It is not rocket science or hard labor, but you do have to work 40-60 hours a week, but it is from home. That’s easier to do. You do have to blog daily because this is a direct dial company. That means you advertise yourself and the best way to do that is with blogging. If you hate your job, or are just tired of going to work, join our team and work from home.

Thankful for PSO Jobs

pso jobs

This past Thanksgiving, I was grateful for pso jobs. I was injured at work over a decade ago, resulting in chronic back pain and many back surgeries. I could no longer be a waitress. I was too young for disability. I qualified for it, but the monthly pay was too low to survive. A friend told me her mother was a PSO when she was younger. I knew there had been 15 years since then and a lot had changed, but I gave it a try. I am glad I did too. I make great money from home. I can no longer drive, so even if I could work out of the home, it would be a challenge to get to work. I just had to invest in a laptop computer and a landline phone. I already had high speed Internet. You can get a cheap Acer laptop to start and save money for a nicer Dell or HP. That is what I did. After a few months here, I was making consistently good money that steadily increased week to week. Now, after a couple years, I make over a grand a week. It is not easy money though. I blog my ass off. I work a lot of hours, but to make good money and enjoy life, it is all worth it.

Phone Sex Operator Jobs Are Perfect For Holiday Money

phone sex operator
I work as a Phone sex operator and initially started to make extra cash for the Holidays. A few years later and I am doing this full time. I love the ability to work from home and enjoy the creative calls I get to take. I get to have a potty mouth and be paid for it. I’m not going to lie that it took time to get used to this kind of work. It takes a good bit of self- motivation and work to make good money. I enjoy it. The writing blogs and learning about search engine optimization is interesting. I date a programmer and am always intrigued by programming, this is fun. No, I don’t program in this job, lol, but learning about the way sites get hits is interesting. I’m a geek and always wanted to do some kind of blog. Now I do many blogs, they are creative writing and it’s really a good way to keep up writing skills. Then you have the chat network here. We have a messenger like system on our pages that we chat with clients. They can pay for it like they do calls. This job works best if you dedicate a schedule. Callers like knowing you are on at the same time and days. I make great money.

Never Too Old to be a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator

I love being a phone sex operator. I never thought I would. I took this job out of desperation for work, but that was 4 years ago. I got divorced, my son was in college, and I had no more support from my ex-husband. I was not qualified for much as I had been a stay-at-home mom. I did not think anyone would hire a woman in her 40s for this kind of work. I mean you do not see 40-year-old strippers. Turns out lots of guys call mature women. I make over $1,000 a week and never thought I could make that without a college degree. Now, this is not a cake walk job. You do have to hustle for your calls. The way you make money is when your phone rings. Guys buy minutes to talk to you and you are paid by the minute of talk time purchased. Now, that per minute rate you earn varies depending on how much you work. I mean that figuratively and literally. The more hours you commit to a week, the more your phone rings and the higher your pay rate is. Also, the more you blog the more your phone rings and the higher your pay rate is on your talk time. If you can work hard, you can earn well. Women 18 thru 62 work here, so do not let age stop you from joining our team.

Phone Sex Operator Jobs Are Unique

phone sex operator

Phone sex operator jobs are very unique. The companies that employ pso’s are all different, for the most part. WBMT is owned and managed by professional women. The owner has worked for other companies and so has the management. So they started this company after dealing with less than professional companies. This shows in how the business is ran. Everything is done professionally and with great care. This is the best PSO company to work for if you are willing to work hard and stay honest. I have great respect for my boss and the women that work here. We are drama free and very much supportive of each other. We are like a family here. The women that work for WBMT are supportive and hard workers. If you like to make great money and work for it, then this is a great place to make a real income. I work 60 hrs a week. It’s working from home, and it’s totally legit.You need basic computer knowledge, a computer, stable internet, a hardline telephone (Home phone) and a private place to work. The training is provided. You are really going to love working here if you love your independence. No more commuter traffic or public transport to make rent.

PSO Jobs are Available

pso jobs

Independent women love working pso jobs, and WBMT has them available. If you don’t mind working 40+ hrs. from the comfort of your home, this is awesome. You will need a stable internet connection. You will also require a land phone line in order to make money. As a pso (Phone sex operator) you take calls from a phone service that forwards calls to you. The service is an 800 number service. Your number is completely unknown to callers. You stay anonymous. The only thing clients will get from you is your voice. You are not putting yourself in danger. Follow the rules and you will do awesome. We are a company of very supportive women, and cattiness and drama are greatly unacceptable. You will need to be self-motivated and have a computer of your own. This is vital to your employment as a PSO. You will have stuff on your computer that you should not be sharing with others. We train you and are willing to assist with any questions you may have. We get paid weekly and are always paid by the end of week following the prior work week. This company is one of the fairest and reliable phone sex companies around.

Adult Phone Operator Jobs May Be For You

Adult phone operator jobsYou may be the perfect candidate for Adult phone operator jobs. We are a diverse company and these kinds of jobs are very diverse anyway. The idea of these types of jobs are to serve a variety of peoples desires. The type of positions at WBMT are for women of an adult nature. You must be 18 or older to apply in these positions. The training is offered if you are a candidate that management feels will fit in well with our company. Some creative writing samples that are done by You is one determining factor. After all, it’s part of the job. You will also be contacted by phone for an interview and this is another important factor. You make money off of your voice. The writing you will do will bring the calls in. We write our own blogs. You are trained on this. The beginning you will benefit from the writings of your co-workers. It is the fairest way to start with a new phone sex job. When I started, I did not have that luxury. In the 10 years I have been here the training has become very professional and streamlined. We set you up to succeed from the start. I was not making money my first week. Now girls make bank when they start. It’s super exciting.