Best PSO jobs

pso jobsWhen I started almost a year ago, I was working on the floor of my room. I came from a bad marriage and was starting all over and I didn’t even have a bed.  A cheap laptop and a desire to build myself back up was all I had.  I answered an ad I saw for PSO jobs.  I did a few and was quite lucky that WBMTT called me first that very next morning.  I had been looking for at home jobs and I knew with having some medical stuff going on and no car the job market for me was limited. I had always been told I had a sexy phone voice and I decided to give it a shot. Being in my late 30’s I knew I had to do something. The manager was very nice and upfront about the type of work that would be required and what my responsibilities would be. The only dirty talk I had ever done was in the privacy of my bedroom. But I had imagination and I could write these blogs they wanted me to write every day. I have great customer service skills, yes those are very important and I can get along well with most everybody. If you have a computer, a great speaking voice and a telephone, along with customer service skills I highly recommend Applying.  I don’t work on the floor anymore I have furniture and I am rebuilding my life one step at a time. This job is a contractor position but it does require some work on your part so you make your money. This is a company started by a woman and we have all female staff. We are all drama free, you must be too, and these ladies have become family for me. I set my own hours and the things I do to promote myself work and I make more minutes. BTW you don’t chase your money and this is a high paying per minute PSO contractor position. If you are serious you will make serious money.

Never Thought I’d Love Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorI never thought I would say that I love being a phone sex operator, but here I am saying it. I went to college. I had a social work job for decades, then I started teaching. I got sick, however, and I could no longer work a traditional job. I tried a few self-employment jobs, but I needed more money. I had a friend who had this kind of job when she was in grad school. I did some research to find honest companies to apply with. That was almost 6 years ago and here I still am. I stay because the money I make weekly means I only need one job to survive, which means I can enjoy life now. My boyfriend and I can travel because we have the money and I get to set my own hours. I make top dollar on every minute of talk time. I could make less per minute, but I am greedy. I want as much on the dollar as I can get. I blog daily and set my schedule weekly. There are a few other requirements like voting on phone sex advertising sites and working set hours on the weekends. But none of it feels like work. It feels like common sense to make more money!  Tired of working at a dead end job and commuting? Join our little phone sex company and say goodbye to rush hour and evil bosses.

I Love Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorMy job wasn’t enough to cover all of my expenses and it was becoming a real struggle to make ends meet so I decided to work part-time as a phone sex operator was the right move. I applied to work for a bunch of different phone sex companies and luckily WBMT offered me a job first. WBMT, LLC is the best phone sex company. The ladies are friendly and it feels more like a family than a business. The higher-ups in the company will teach you everything you need to be a successful PSO. The money is so good I’m seriously thinking about quitting my day job. Plus, it’s fun to talk to different men with all sorts of fetishes. I have a bunch of men who call me regularly and they have done wonders for my self-confidence. I’ve always wanted to travel and now I can finally afford a great vacation. So if you want a fat bank account and want to have lots of fun come and join the WBMT family. I promise you that if you can blog daily and stick to your schedule that you make from week to week, you will find that this is a great job to have. It feels like a family here. Apply with us today.

Being a Phone Sex Operator Changed My Life

Phone sex operatorI left a bad relationship with nothing but the clothes on my back. I don’t have a college degree so the only jobs out there for me pay minimum wage. And minimum wage doesn’t pay the bills. I didn’t want to go back to an abusive boyfriend with my tail between my legs so I had to find a good job fast. I’ve been told that my voice is sexy so I researched being a phone sex operator. Working from home making good money really appealed to me.  I applied for a position with WBMT and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. WBMT is like a real family. The ladies who work for the company are friendly and so helpful. WBMT taught me the tools to be successful in the phone sex business. I make up to $1.10 a minute and we get paid weekly. I now have a nice apartment and a car. Plus, talking to these men gives me a huge self-esteem boost. And I have to admit sometimes I get turned on by the sexual conversations. I love this job!!! This job took me out of living pay check to pay check. I now have a steady income and I can enjoy life. I think you will find that this kind of job gives you lots of freedom.

Phone Sex Jobs That Pay!

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs can pay a woman great money from the comfort of her home. Now, when you work from home, you need some motivation to succeed. This kind of business can have a high payout like we do at $1.10 a minute or some companies can pay you 20 cents a minute. The difference in earnings per minute varies with companies because companies have various levels of required work. You can make 20 cents a minute at WBMT if you do nothing to promote yourself or $1.10 a minute if you blog daily and commit to 50 hours a week, with 10 hours on the weekend. Making a $1.10 a minute is rare in this business, so it makes sense that to earn that you need to work a little harder than the average phone sex operator. But you will find that working here feels less like work and more like fun. We have a family style work environment. No cattiness among us girls like many companies. We build each other up. We help each other succeed. WBMT has provided me the skills to succeed. I have financial freedom again. I enjoy work and life. I make better money talking dirty than I did at any other job I had. If you don’t mind working more than 40 hours from the comfort of your home and blogging daily, you should consider joining our family.

Adult Phone Operator Jobs for Hard Workers

adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs are not all created equally. Some companies hire anyone. They may appear great because they hired you and don’t require anything like a set schedule or blogging. Those companies may seem great, but they rarely pay well and often they are riddled with drama. Here at WBMT we require more from our phone sex operators, but the pay off is far better than the companies that don’t require anything. I have never been afraid of hard work. I applied here because my health was ailing, and my bank account was bare. I was desperate. That was over 5 years ago. Now I am here bragging about the best little phone sex company around. The required work is smart because it helps you make top dollar. The more hours I work, the more blogs I write a week, the more calls I get and the more money I earn. I want to make money, so I don’t have a problem with writing daily and working more than 40 hours a week. In most jobs, the harder you work, the more you are rewarded. If you are tired of living pay check to paycheck and want to work from home, this is the perfect job for you if you aren’t afraid of a little work.

Elite Phone Sex Jobs

phone sex jobsIt is easy to find phone sex jobs. They are everywhere nowadays. However, you don’t want just any phone sex job. There are some companies that thrive on drama, not paying you much or on time and give you no training or support. That is not the case here at WBMT. We are a more elite company. The truth is that this company is not a fit for just anyone. WBMT gives training and has the highest payout in the industry, but they expect more out of their contractors than other companies. You can make pennies on the dollar with companies that require nothing from you, not even a set schedule. Or, you can make $1.10 a minute, earning well over $500 a week by working 60 plus hours a week, blogging daily and working weekends. This job isn’t for the lazy or for girls who don’t like using a computer. But for girls who are motivated to make money, the hard work required at WBMT is nothing like the hard work required at a factory or retail job. We work from home. We set our own weekly schedule. The hard work is simply blogging daily, avoiding drama, voting on a few phone sex sites to help with traffic and committing to 60 plus hours a week. Now, you can still make good money not committing to 60 hours, but I am greedy. I love making $1.10 a minute. Consider applying at the best phone sex company around. We require work, but the reward is great.

Best PSO jobs

pso jobsI never thought I would be telling other women to become a phone sex operator. But here I am, almost a year in and I love my job and I make great money. If you found this site then you have been thinking about it. Let me tell you if you have a sexy / cute voice and you can write then you just might have come to the right place. Everyone has a laptop these days and a landline is probably included with your internet and cable. Why not use that phone to support your family? Do you know how to flirt? Can you research basic fetishes? If I can do it you can too. I found this company as my first PSO job ever. I didn’t know how lucky I was making $1 and min. or even $1.10 a minute. That’s 60 dollars for every hour of talk time.  I knew basic computer skills and was looking for a tech job when I saw how much I could make I applied. I have to work at home I have no other choice. I work mostly when my little family is out for the night. I write a lot to promote myself and I do many things to get my service noticed. Yes, I bust my but I am making my own hours and no one is breathing down my back so I can go at my own pace between calls.  I do know that the best women work with me and lift each other up. We don’t do catty or get jealous. We all want each other to make great money. I warn you this is not for everyone, you must be open-minded and have great customer service skills.  If you ever been told you have a sexy voice on the phone and have a strong work ethic apply today. I honestly do not know where I would be without WBMTT!

PSO Jobs Can Feel Like Family

pso jobsPSO jobs are not what you think. We are not a bunch of skanky uneducated hos who can’t get a real job. We are not catty bitches either. We are a family. This job requires work and effort. I guess you could say we are an elite group, not everyone is a good fit. But if you can remain drama free, work forty plus hours a week and blog daily, then you can be successful here. Phone sex workers get a bad reputation, but we aren’t competitive or catty with each other. We build each other up. We help each succeed. We cover each other when there is a scheduling conflict. We share success tips, especially with new girls. I was leery about getting into this line of business because I thought it would be too catty and competitive for me. I was wrong. WBMT feels like a family. That is why I have been here over 5 years. The family atmosphere is wonderful, but the money is great too. Most of us here start making over $500 a week after the first month and many of us make over a grand a week. Do you want to work with a group of great gals who build each other up and make awesome money? If you do, apply with us today.

Being a Phone Sex Operator Equals Freedom

phone sex operatorI don’t think any one wakes up and says, I want to be a phone sex operator. However, if you need a quick paying job and want or need to work from home, this is a great job to have. I have a chronic illness that makes the traditional workforce not ideal for me. I need a job that paid well. I started looking for jobs I could do at home, and this was the first thing that popped up. I had no clue how the business worked, but I needed a job that both paid well and allowed me to work from home. I thought I would apply for SSDI to help supplement my income but turns out I don’t need SSDI because I make more money talking dirty than I thought I even could. I love the freedom to set my own hours weekly and work from home. Because this job doesn’t interfere with my health, I feel like I have a life again. I make enough money to go to concerts and travel with my boyfriend and pay for good medical coverage. This job requires daily writing and certain things to make top dollar on your talk time, but that is nothing in comparison to the sort of work you would do at non work from home job. Other phone sex companies may not require as much work as WBMT does, but I promise you that those companies will take more than half your profits. It is not difficult to make $500 plus a week at this company. In fact, I earned over $600 on July 4th alone. If you need to work from home for family or preference, WBMT may be just what you have been looking for. Apply with us today and start to see your life turn around for the best.