At home operator jobs are the perfect job for some one who needs to work from home. It could be because you can’t afford day care, or you want to home school your offspring. Perhaps, you have a physical limitation or a chronic health condition. Maybe you don’t have a car. It could be that you have a social phobia or maybe you just want to work from home. Regardless of your reason for working from home, phone sex can be both rewarding and financially beneficial. I thought this would be a temporary job while I got back on my feet after a major surgery. Turns out I like being a phone sex operator and having the freedom to set my own schedule. I also love this company. WBMT treats its contractors with respect. I can make what I want a week. If I have a really busy personal week, I can work less hours and earn anywhere from 80 cents to a $1.00 a minute. If I am having a slow week, I can work more and earn up to $1.10 a minute. Few companies, if any, let you set your schedule from week to week and pay you based on your effort that week. I can work 40 hours a week and make $1.00 a minute or 60 hours a week and make $1.10 a minute. I can blog as little or as much as I want and see my pay scale change. If you are a harder worker, you can make easily over $500 a week here. I love having freedom and flexibility at a job.
Category Archives: Adult phone operator jobs
I love being a phone sex operator
I love being a phone sex operator for many reasons,the main one because I get to do it all from home. I can work in my pajamas if I want to and who wouldn’t love that? Plus I work with the best ladies I’ve ever met, seriously they are never catty or bitchy and we all have each others back. People help each other here, we build each other up so that we can all succeed. The work isn’t hard to do, just write your blogs and vote like you’re supposed to and you will build up regular callers. That is how you make your money, the more you blog, the more money you will make. You can make really good money here, it all depends on how much effort you put into it. If you slack off doing nothing all day, your checks are gonna suck, there’s just no getting around it. But if you work hard, you will make really good money for sure. Just give us a try, I bet you will love it here just as much as the rest of us do. We are the best company out there, you won’t find a better one I promise you that.
How to Be a Phone Sex Operator is Easy!
How to be a phone sex operator begins with an application. I know you may be wondering if it is the right choice. I thought the same thing. I have worked outside the home for decades. White collar jobs too, but I needed to have back surgery and I was going to be out of work for about 8 months. My job couldn’t hold my position that long and it wasn’t long enough for me to receive disability. So, I applied at WBMT to be a phone chat operator. The work was something I could manage from my bed as I recovered. I did recover, four years ago and I am still here because I make as much money from home as I did a job I had to commute to daily and often had to work longer hours than I wanted too. I no longer commute. I work only the hours I want to week to week and I make great money talking dirty. It is a fun job. It requires work to be successful, but that work is not heavy lifting kind of work. The keys to success in this industry is blogging. You need to be able to write several hundred words a day to promote yourself. You also need to be reliable and stick to a schedule that you pick weekly. Sound sexy and excited to talk to your callers is a must too. WBMT is the best place to be a phone sex operator!
Being a Phone Sex Operator Changed My Life
Being a phone sex operator saved me from bankruptcy. I had bills over my head and I was stressed. I had a life situation that changed. I got a divorce and my husband was not paying his support as ordered. I couldn’t afford daycare on my retail job. Everything was about to be shut off and I had three little ones in the house. A friend suggested this line of work. Initially, I was hesitant because I have little ones, but I decided to try it out. I had a quiet room in the house and my sister could watch my little ones at night because she was not working. I get to design my own schedule, so I started working second shift, so my sister could watch by brood. I was amazed at how much money was possible with a little blogging daily. That was three years ago, and I am still here. My little ones are in school now, so I work day shift or over night when they are asleep. I can pay my bills. I can have time with my sons and daughter. And, I can support my family of 4 without my husband’s money. Phone sex changed my life for the better. I no longer worry about how to feed my family. If you have a similar situation or you just want to work from home, apply with us today and see your life change too.
I have only been working at WBMT for a short time. However, I have to say every one here is truly amazing. There are so many ways to make extra money, if you work for it. The more work you do, the more money you make. They also have one of the highest pay per minute rates I have ever seen, again, that is if you do the work that is needed to achieve the top level of pay out per minute. There is a sense of community here. All are friendly and welcoming. If you have any questions at all there is always someone willing to jump in and help you, plus Administration is extremely fast at responding to you. There is one other thing, the Training. When I say it is in-depth I mean it is exceedingly thorough. Every aspect of your training is given in a very clear and concise manner. I hope to be here for a very long time, and I also hope you seriously consider working here. I am sure you will enjoy the people, atmosphere, and of course the money.
Being a phone sex operator is fun!
Being a phone sex operator is fun! We get to work with a bunch of fabulous women and make great money all from the comfort of your own home. What’s not to like about that? Once you learn how to do everything it’s not hard to make money here, all you have to do is make sure you blog often and vote regularly. Guys read those blogs and if they like them they will call you and next thing you know you have a regular caller. The women that work here are the best, there is never any catty backstabbing bull crap here ever. We support each other and build each other up and help each other succeed. Honestly, I have worked at several phone sex companies and none of them are anything like this one. We get more bonuses here, better pay and a fantastic working environment, what more could you possibly want? Join us, we will welcome you like family and help you make the most money you can. I promise you that there is no better company out there to work for, no one takes care of their employees better than they do here that is for sure!
Start your new career today!
Some people look down on pso jobs but seriously it is a great way to make really good money and you do it all from the comfort of your own home. Plus this company right here is the best company in the world, and I don’t just mean the best phone sex company I mean the best company period. The owner of this company really takes care of her girls, we’re a family here for real. I had some medical issues and couldn’t work for a while, these girls stepped up to cover me and my bosses held my job for me even though they were under no obligation to do so. I have never in my life been so supported by other women like I am here, these girls have my back no matter what. I love it here and I plan to work here forever because no other company anywhere would ever be as good to me as wbmt is and no where else would have the amazing coworkers I have here. This is the best job in the world I get to work with so many wonderful people and I could not be any happier about it! Join us, I bet you will love it too!
Phone Chat Jobs are Financially Rewarding
Phone chat jobs are financially rewarding for motivated women. I have always been a hard worker, but a chronic illness forced me to find a work from home job. I never thought this would be a permanent job solution. I took it until I could find something better. I am still here years later because this job at WBMT is better than I thought. PSO work can be a career. The money is great if you are a hard worker like me. This company has a pay structure like no other PSO company. You can earn as much or as little as you want based on your own effort. The more days in a week you blog and work, the more money you can make. This job allows you to design a schedule week to week that fits your busy life. I work over 60 hours a week, but I have a life. I go out weekly with my boyfriend to movies and concerts. I travel with him too. I love working at WBMT because I have the money now to stop living paycheck to paycheck. I also have a bunch of great new friends. I hope you will join our team. I think you will find this fun and rewarding work too.
Phone Sex Jobs are for the Right Women
Phone sex jobs offer the right women unlimited earning potential and the freedom to work from home. If a few years ago someone would have said I would be working as a phone seductress, I would have laughed. I went to college. I thought the only women who did this kind of work were the lazy kind or the ones who couldn’t find other work. I was very mistaken. My life did a 180 on me and I needed to make money quickly from home. I applied at WBMT and started working the next week. I found out quickly, that this phone sex company only hires smart and motivated women. All my illusions of lazy chicks talking smack about each other was wrong. This is a drama free company and it is made up of intelligent, supportive and hard working women. We are a team here at WBMT. If you can see yourself blogging daily and committing to 40 plus hours a week, you will succeed too. Soon you will discover that being a phone sex operator will give you financial freedom and let you work around the things you want and need to do in life. I am glad my impressions of PSO workers was wrong because this has been the best company to work for in my life.
I Love Being a Phone Sex Operator
I love being a phone sex operator. You will too if you like making money and working from home. I was tired of running myself ragged pet sitting. I was driving all over the city and always stressed to make it to folks’ homes on time. I had to work myself to the bone just to get by. Now, I am doing more than just getting by and I am doing it from my living room. This is legitimate work and the pay is great. Now, I feel the need to warn you that the payout in this industry varies. You want to work for us because you can earn $1.10 a minute a week if you are a hard worker. WBMT’s pay structure ranges from .20 cents to $1.10 a minute. The more hours you work and the more effort you put forth with daily blogging, the more per minute you earn. Most companies, if they even allow you to make $1.05 or $1.10 a minute, only pay that if you make some crazy number of minutes in a week. Not here. Everyone has the same earning potential. Now, not everyone works as hard as others do here and that is reflected in their paychecks. If working over 40 hours a week (remember its all from home) and doing some daily writing doesn’t scare you, then you too can make great money as a PSO. Apply with us at WBMT. Trust me, it is the best PSO company ever.