Phone sex jobs are life changing for women. I am a single mom. I have struggled to be able to support myself and my son and daughter for years. Every job I have had has worked me to death and paid me nothing. Plus, I would be too tired to spend time with my family after 10 hours at a retail job. I never had money to do much outside of the home either. All of that changed when I was hired at WBMT. I now work from home. I can select my own hours weekly, so I usually select weekday times while my son and daughter are at school. And on the weekends, I work early mornings while they are sleeping or playing in the rec room. I make more than enough money to support all three of us. And the bonus is that I can spend more quality time with the loves of my life. I can buy them new clothes and take them out to the movies and dinner. I work hard for my money. I blog daily. I commit to my scheduled hours. I promote myself on social media. But that is all worth it to be able to enjoy my son and daughter more.
Category Archives: Adult phone operator jobs
PSO Jobs Pay More Than You Think
PSO jobs pay more than you would think with the right company. WBMT is one of those right companies. What you need to know about the companies that pay more money per minute is that they require more work. The companies that don’t require blogging pay pennies on the minute. WBMT lets hard workers make up to a $1.10 a minute on their talk time and that is not common in this business. Companies that would pay over $1.00 a minute usually only pay $1.05 a minute tops and that is for the women in their company that make over 1,000 minutes a week. WBMT will pay a $1.10 a minute to girls who work 60 plus hours and blog over 5 days a week and do some social media promoting. Anything that is required to do, only increases your call volume. I love this company. It is owned and managed by former PSOs who knew how to create a company where women could support themselves and their families. They also designed a company that is free from male patriarchy and drama. No drama is allowed at WBMT. I have been earning over $1,000 a week for over 2 years now and that is only possible because I am working at the right company.
Phone sex jobs will change your life
Phone sex jobs will change your life. Working for WBMT sure did change mine. When I applied for a job at WBMT, I was at a low point in my life. I was fresh off a nasty divorce and needing a job. I had no real skills. I had been a stay at home mom for over a decade. I did have basic computer skills and I could write, but I knew that would get me a fast food or retail job and I didn’t want that unless I had no choice. I looked on line for jobs I could do from home, and up popped a slew of phone sex operator jobs. I started applying and WBMT hired me. That was 6 years ago. All I needed to start this job was a working computer, a land line and a quiet work space. I had all three. I was provided training to teach me how to ring credit cards and blog. This is a great job for a stay at home mom or anyone just wanting to work from home. You need to blog daily, so writing is a key component of this job. You don’t blog, you won’t make much money here. I love this company. The bosses and my co-workers are great women willing to help all the newbies succeed.
Phone Chat Jobs for the Right Women
Phone chat jobs offer the right woman a great work from home job opportunity. A lot of women have the false idea that this is a cake walk job. Just sit on your ass and let the phone ring. Some companies are like that, but not WBMT. The companies that require daily blogging pay you more. You may not be on the phone as much as companies with thousands of girls employed, but you will make pennies on the dollar at those companies. WBMT requires blogging to be successful. It is free advertising for yourself and is the number one way to bring in callers. If you can’t see yourself blogging a several times a week, this is not the company for you. WBMT pays the most per minute in the industry. You can earn up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time, but you must work harder for the maximum payout. Other companies might require far less work, but you may only make tops 50 cents per minute of talk time. You will want to do the extra work and work more hours at a company where you have unlimited earning potential. I have worked for the companies that paid me pennies on the minute and working 24/7 I still couldn’t make what I make at WBMT working 60 hours a week. Make the switch and find out for yourself.
How to be a Phone Sex Operator
How to be a phone sex operator is a question I didn’t think I would ask myself, but my financial situation changed. I lost a job and I was devastated. I had been there 15 years and they worked with my illness. I have Lupus and needed a job with flexibility for my various appointments. I needed money and a job with flexibility. That is when a friend suggested phone sex. It was the best idea anyone every gave me. Here I am several years later at the best phone sex company around. I get to design my schedule week to week which means I can schedule it around my appointments. Working from home has been better for my health too. I am not exposed to the germs of others. I don’t have to be outside in the cold or heat either. I get more sleep because I can wake up minutes before work. WBMT is a great company to work for. It is not for the lazy, however. The harder you work the more money you make. The pay scale is based on daily effort, so if you don’t blog daily, you won’t make as much money. I am greedy with lots of bills, so I work hard. But if I am being honest, the work is nothing like my old job and I make more money. Join our team, and I bet you will soon be able to say goodbye to your 9-5 job too.
Phone Sex Operators Make Bank
I love being a phone sex operator. Working from home allows me to be so much more productive because I can work and do household stuff too. Plus, this kind of work is not stressful. I don’t take my work home with me. That gives me more quality time to enjoy life. I set my own hours from week to week, so I never have to ask off. I can work a 4 day week or a 5 day week. In fact, I can work anywhere from 20 to over 60 hours a week. The more hours I work, the more per minute I can earn. There are many things unique about working for WBMT but one of the main ones is the fact that you can make up to a $1.10 a min on your talk time by putting in some effort. I want to make the most per minute I can, so I work 60 hours a week most weeks. I blog several times a day over 5 days. I vote for the company’s sites on some free advertising boards and I show up for my committed hours. It isn’t hard work in comparison to doing retail or labor. WBMT is an awesome company to work for because the owner wants us to make the most money we can.
WBMT is the Best PSO Company Around
Adult phone operator jobs are easy to come by, but not all companies are good to work at. I know that sounds jaded, but I worked at dozens of companies before I found myself at home at WBMT. One company gave me zero training. I didn’t know how to even ring a guy up properly. I was expected to figure it all out on my own on my first shift. After two days, they let me go because I didn’t pick things up quickly enough. Another company never paid me and after 4 weeks of working for free, I quit. Another company never promoted its operators. The only advertising done was for the owner herself. She seemed to want all the callers herself and never helped her contractors succeed too. And yet another company was so riddled with drama that it was too stressful to work. When I found WBMT, I was jaded about being a phone sex operator. There is no jade left in me now because WBMT has none of the issues I had in the past. One, new hires are provided with two weeks training to get the hang of the way things are done here. There is no sink or swim. Two, WBMT pays weekly on time every week. Three, WBMT promotes its sites, not just the owner. In fact, the owner doesn’t take calls any more. And fourth, this company has a zero drama policy. I love working for WBMT because this company is designed to prevent the failures of other companies. Join our team and you will know too.
pso jobs can be lucrative
Pso jobs can be lucrative if you do your research. Although you may find yourself with a couple options you may want to look closer at wbmt. If you are responsible and ready to put in some work you will find yourself to be happy here. Imagine being able to grow in a place that will give you the tools you need to succeed. Come along and open your mind to that possibility. Blogging can be fun and will be something that will bring exposure to you. At the end of the day this like any other job. You have to bring you can do attitude and use the resources you have and you will see positive results. Zero drama is allowed and that in itself show how amazing this place truly is, Drama and cattiness attitude is never tolerated we are a family atmosphere and I can’t say it enough. If you are looking for the perfect fit, in my opinion, no other place will compare. This is the highest paying and safest pso company out there. You will see a reoccurrence of other companies having negative reviews but not here. In the most humble way, I can say this is the best company in the pso field.
PSO Jobs
PSO jobs are everywhere now. New companies pop up every day. I went to college. I had a great social work job that I loved, but I got sick, needed major surgery. I was never going to be able to work a stressful job on my feet again. I was young, so my disability would not be enough to support me. I decided to research work from home jobs and discovered that phone sex could be a great work from home career. I knew it wouldn’t be a cake walk. Any job that pays good money never is. At WBMT we are paid by the minute of talk time. The calls are never guaranteed, but if you blog several times a day, you will make your phone ring. If you work more than 40 hours a week, which is easy when working from home, you will make more per minute on your talk time. WBMT rewards hard work, daily work with pay increases in your per minute rate. You can do nothing all week and make twenty cents a minute on your talk time or you can work 60 hours a week and blog several times a day over 5 days a week and make up to a $1.10 a minute on your talk time. Big difference, right? This is a great job for the women not afraid of working.
How to be a Phone Sex Operator
How to be a phone sex operator is easy with the right company. WBMT gives you training on how to excel in this business. Not every company provides extensive training to new hires. WBMT wants you to succeed as a phone operator. Everything about this company is designed to help you make money. At many companies, the owners block you from being successful. They promote themselves and their admin team first and let their new hires sink or swim. The owner of this company used to be a PSO. She no longer actively takes calls. Neither does the manager. They are dedicated to letting us, as their phone sex sluts, rake in the money. I love working here because the owner designed a program that encourages us to do all the things necessary to make great money. To succeed at this company, you need to be comfortable with blogging. That is the key to making your phone ring. The more you blog, the more callers you get and the more money you earn on your talk time. The pay rate here is based on your effort. The more you do per week, the higher your per minute rate is. You can earn up to a $1.10 at WBMT and most companies never pay more than $1.05 a minute and that is usually only for the top minute girls. Don’t worry about if you would make a good phone sex operator, you will be trained well at WBMT.