Do You Want to Be a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorDo you want to be a phone sex operator? If you want to work from home and make great money, this is the job for you. You need a few things before you get started. You need an old fashioned landline with no voicemail. You need high speed Internet. You need a reliable laptop or desk top computer. And, you need a quiet work area. You also want to work for a good company like WBMT. Having worked at many phone sex companies, I can tell you this is where you want to be. We have the highest pay out in the industry. We have an awesome reputation. We provide training, so you can kick ass doing this. We have flexible scheduling. We are drama free and we support and help each other like a sisterhood. I love working here. I make over $900 a week. I work for that money and you will have to also by blogging daily and voting for our sites on a site called Phone Sex Central. But any work that is necessary here only brings you more calls and ultimately more money. I think once you join our team you will see why we are the best PSO company around.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is a something I asked myself when I found myself broke. I just went through a nasty divorce. I spent most of my money fighting for custody of my daughter. My ex-husband decided to go AWOL instead of paying any support. I had been a stay at home mom. I read an article about jobs you could do at home and the next day I applied to several phone sex companies. I didn’t really know anything about the industry. I got lucky because I landed at a great company and trust me, there are many bad companies to work for in this industry. Some are run by bat shit crazy women who don’t pay their girls on time. Some companies take 80 % of your talk time money. Some even fraud their callers. WBMT is a legitimate company who only employs hard working, honest and drama free girls. The pay out is great here, but it can vary depending on how much you work and how often you blog. This is a blogging company. It was what brings you callers, so you need to be able to blog 200 approximate words a few times a day. If you can do that, you can make great money here. Apply and join us!

Best Phone Chat Jobs

phone chat jobsIf you are looking for phone chat jobs that pay well and are drama free, WBMT is where you need to apply. We are a group of elite PSOs. We don’t hire as many girls as some companies do and we pay better than other companies too. After a few months, most girls are making $500 plus a week. And that is working from home, which means you can design your schedule and work as much or as little as you want. I will be honest though; this is not the best company for part time work. Most of the girls who work here, work 40-60 hours a week. You do have to commit week to week to a schedule, but it is hours you select, so there is never a need to ask off. I have worked 5 days a week, 7 day weeks and even some 4 day weeks too. I like the freedom of deciding my own schedule. WBMT is a flexible company. They will provide training to you. We are drama free and we work as a family. You do need to blog. This a high blogging company. It is the best way to make money both through pay rate and call volume. Join our team and be a part of the best phone sex company.

How To Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not difficult. You need high speed internet, a reliable computer, a land line phone and a quiet place to work.  It doesn’t matter if you have done this kind of work before or not because WBMT will train you to be a kick ass PSO. We are a great company to work for. Unlike other phone sex companies, you are paid by the minute and your pay rate depends on your effort. Not every one makes the same per minute rate here because not everyone works as hard as some do. You can make twenty cents on your talk time for doing nothing but answering your phone or you can make $1.10 a minute on your talk time committing to 50 hours a week, working another 10 hours; working 10 hours on the weekend (part of that 60), blog three times a day five days a week and do some social media promoting. It isn’t hard to make $1.10 a minute here and it is worth the effort to do so because the pay increase is significant. Of course, you can do everything and work 40 hours a week and make $1 a minute too which is a good pay rate in this industry. WBMT does have some requirements, more than many companies, however the reward is the highest per minute pay out in the industry. This is an awesome company to work for. You are treated fairly and paid well. Plus, no drama. Join the best phone sex company around.

The Best PSO Jobs

pso jobsPSO jobs saturate the Internet, so it is tough to decide which company to apply at. I will tell you, that I wish there was a site like this were PSOs could rave about their company to perspective future co-workers like you. I was not sure what companies had happy PSOs and which ones didn’t. I just got lucky that none of the other companies called me back. I am not usually a lucky girl. Honestly, I have had some dead-end jobs. I have had some good ones too, but those ended up working me to death because I was salaried. WBMT lets me work from home with hours I design from week to week. You don’t need to ask off here because you work around your appointments and fun time. You can work anywhere from 20-60 plus hours a week, but you pay varies based on how many hours you commit to in a week. I work 60 hours a week because that with daily blogging 5 times a week and some social media promoting will earn you $1.10 a minute on your talk time. You are paid by the minute of your talk time.  This company has the highest payout in the industry, but because of that you do have to work beyond just answering phones. So, if you don’t mind blogging, apply now and start making money.

Phone Sex Operator Jobs Can Make Your Life Better

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator has changed my life for the better. Before I started working at WBMT, my checking account was always low. Sometimes, it was even negative. I wasn’t sure how I was going to make ends meet. Every month I was behind on a bill or two that might get shut off. I would sell CDs and do that thing where you give your platelets for money. That was when a friend told me I should look into phone sex. At the time, I was working at Walmart and I hated it. Even working 50 hours, I couldn’t make ends meet. I wasn’t sure where to apply because there were so many companies out there. I lucked out that WBMT called me first. I have been here for many years. I make more in 25 hours here than I did at 50 hours at Walmart. Because I work 60 hours or more here at WBMT, I make in a week what I made in a month at Walmart. I love this job. I make good money and I work from home. I do some things like blogging to make more money on my talk time, but those things help bring you callers, so you won’t mind either.  Apply today with us and see your life turn around like mine did.

Phone Sex Jobs

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are always around to get, but few companies are good to work for. Most companies feed off drama. They are catty and competitive. Some do not pay well, and others don’t pay on time. Some companies defraud their callers and go out of business quickly. WBMT is a phone sex company above the rest. We have the highest pay out in this industry. The company has been in business for almost a decade and you don’t stay in business that long if you are defrauding callers. There is a no drama policy here so even a girl making big bucks will be let go for being catty. This is a pleasant working environment. Girls support each other and we have a great team that is positive and encouraging. I couldn’t thrive in a drama filled stressful phone sex company. I feel like my co-workers are friends. We help each other, we cover shifts for each other, we even promote each other.  Blogging is the best way to make top dollar at WBMT. I blog several times a day, every day I work and at least 5 days a week. That helps my phone ring. I think if you have been in this industry before, you will quickly find out that this will be the last PSO job you will ever need.

I Could Have a Job I Hate or I Could Be a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator

I didn’t wake up one morning and tell myself I was going to be a phone sex operator. I don’t most women think about this sort of industry as a legitimate job. I certainly did not. I had no clue how much I could make as a PSO. I thought maybe it would be a good part time job until something better came around. Once I made over $500 a week, I was like this is a real job. Once I started making over $1,000 a week, I was like this is it for me. I don’t need two jobs and I don’t need a better job because I won’t make this kind of money anywhere else. I have a high school degree. I got married out of high school and was a stay at home mother. My sons are grown up now and I am divorced. I could work at Walmart and hate the world, or I could be an adult phone operator and make 5 times what I could at a job the devil wouldn’t even want. I blog a few times a day, do some self-promoting and work a committed weekly schedule that I set and the phone rings. If it doesn’t ring, I blog some more. I love being a PSO.

Adult phone operator jobs are perfect

Adult phone operator jobs Adult phone operator jobs are perfect for women who want to work from home for any reason. For me that reason was a health concern. I was in a bad car accident a decade ago. I was not going to be permanently disabled but I was going to be out 9 months, which was one month shy of what I would need to get disability. My work couldn’t hold my job that long and I needed some form of job to support myself. When I Googled “Work from home jobs,” phone sex came up. I have not left the industry since then. I discovered that I could make great money and set my own hours which gave me a certain amount of freedom. Now, I won’t feed you some bullshit about this being easy money because it isn’t. But, if you put in daily effort and work 60 plus hours a week, you can support yourself and your family well. I blog daily. I work ten plus hour days. I work weekends. I vote on phone sex leaderboards. I only work when I am in a good mood. I do all that, and the zeros are added to my paycheck. I love working at WBMT. I have been here 8 years and would love for you join us and make money too.

PSO Jobs Found Here

pso jobsThere are tons of pso jobs available nowadays, but you want to work at a company with a good reputation and one that has been in business for a few years. The longer a company has been in business, the more clients they have, and it also suggests they are a legitimate company because merchant accounts are hard to keep if otherwise. Not all companies pay well. At WBMT you can make up to $1.10 a minute of your talk time. That is more than half of the price of a call. Many companies take more than half, some even pay you pennies. We are a direct dial company, which means no dispatch. Direct dial companies usually pay you more. WBMT is designed differently from most companies. The pay scale varies greatly, but it is based on your effort. The more hours you work and the more you blog, the higher per minute rate you earn. It is nice to know if you are a hard worker, you are rewarded. I don’t know of any other company that has a structured pay scale. I love WBMT. It is a great work environment with no drama. I work from home. I set my schedule week to week and I make more money for my effort.