At home phone operator jobs are for any age and race of woman. I didn’t think I would be a good fit for this job, but I am making great money as a mature woman in this industry. When I first started, I worked days while my offspring were in school. Now they are in college and I work nights. We have 24/7 shifts because guys always make phone sex calls. I have discovered that my natural night owl instincts make me better money at night. It is hard to find girls who will work the graveyard shift, but the money is good at nights because men often call after their wives go to sleep and before they get up for work in the morning. Plus, night shift gets the party guys who often do longer calls. You can set your own hours week to week at WBMT but you are required to commit to hours weekly. Sometimes I select day hours, but I love the nights. I stay busier on the phone. If you can blog daily and have a quiet place to work, the phone sex industry can be very profitable. We hire girls 18 and up because men like a range of women to talk to. This is not a cake walk job. You must put in daily effort to make your phone ring, but it is the best money you can make without a college education and from the comfort of your home. You just need a good work ethic, a quiet work space, a landline phone, high speed Internet and basic computer skills.
Category Archives: Adult phone operator jobs
Moms Can Be a Phone Sex Operator Too
If you are looking to be a phone sex operator, you should apply with WBMT. I have been here for several years now and I couldn’t love it more. I work with great women and make wonderful money. When I applied here, I was newly divorced with bills piling up quickly. I thought this would be a temporary job, but there was no better money for a college drop out. I have three kids and I can work around their schedules. For me a split shift works best. I get them to school, come home and work 6 hours. Then I go pick them up and do mom duty and work some more after they are fast asleep. WBMT lets me design my own schedule weekly. I schedule around school and soccer practice and various appointments. My kids are clothed, and they eat well. We are doing better financially than we were when I was married. I love that I can provide for my family. I have time for them too. Many of my friends work so much they hardly see their kids. As long as you have a quiet place to work, you can do this kind of work as mom. Join our team. We have lots of moms working here.
The Best Phone Sex Jobs
Phone sex jobs are everywhere on the Internet. It can be overwhelming to know what company to apply at. I have been there. I have been in the industry for about 6 years. It took me a few companies before I landed here at WBMT. There is no other company I would want to work for. I am a hard worker. I always have been a hard worker but when I got sick, I needed to work from home. That is what led me to this industry. My health is better working from home. I don’t have stress in this industry. I make great money and I work with honest and friendly women. I am paid weekly at WBMT. I was at one company that didn’t pay me ever. I worked free for a month. A bunch of girls tried to get their money and the shady owner just closed shop and reopened under a different name. It happens in this industry. Never work for a new company. You want to be at a company with many years under its belt in this industry. Just apply with WBMT because we are the best. This is a small company. You need to blog and commit to a weekly schedule, but if you have a landline phone, a working computer and high speed Internet, this is a great job.
PSO Jobs are Great
PSO jobs are not for everyone, but if you are comfortable with dirty talking about an array of no taboo subjects, you can make a great living in this industry. The most successful women in the phone sex world have a good work ethic. This kind of job can attract lazy women. WBMT is not the company to just sit and wait for the phone to answer. Not if you want to make money. This is a blog driven company. WBMT pays a higher per minute payout but they do require things like weekly blogging and a committed schedule. Some companies let you work whenever you want. You can here too but you have to design a weekly schedule and work those committed hours. I design my schedule weekly around my life. I never have to ask off. I took this job out of financial desperation, but I kept it because of the flexibility in scheduling and the weekly paychecks. I also stayed because this is a drama free company and a woman run and owned business. No creepy getting the boss off expectations here. This is a stress-free job too. I was a social worker before this. I was laid off, but it was a blessing in disguise. I was salaried which meant I could be worked to death and I was. I also was not paid well for a job I always took home with me. Improve your life and your bank account and work from home with us.
Be a Phone Sex Operator
Being a phone sex operator is for any woman over 18. We accept all ages, sizes and races. This is a great job for many reasons. You get to work from home. If you are a stay at home mom, a woman with a chronic health condition or a college student, you can make money from home. Even if you just don’t want to commute, this is a great job. You need a landline phone; a modern and working computer and high speed Internet. A quite place to work from home is good too. WBMT will provide you with a 2 week training period, so you can learn what you need to succeed. Basic computer skills are necessary. You need to know how to answer email and surf the net. Word press and google documents experience is helpful, but you can be trained on both. I love working at WBMT. The women are friendly and helpful. Not catty like many other companies because WBMT is zero drama. You are paid weekly with direct deposit and any rules in place are designed to line your pockets not the owner’s pocket. This is a team, a family of women that want to help you succeed. Apply with us today and join the family.
The Best Phone Chat Jobs
Phone chat jobs are everywhere nowadays, but I can assure you that many are disreputable companies that don’t pay their contractors. I know I have worked for them. You can’t always tell, but some good guidelines are to Google every company you want to apply to and see if there are any negative reviews from former contractors. Also, look to see how long the company has been in business. You want one with 2 or more years in the PSO business. If you find a company through an advertising cite like Phone Sex Central, don’t go with the company with the highest number of votes. Often the companies with 200 plus votes are using cheat systems to rank higher and they do that because they can’t keep contractors. And the only way you don’t keep contractors for long is by not paying them. I have worked at several of those companies. Then I found WBMT. I have been here 6 years because I am treated well and fairly. I am paid on time weekly. There is no drama at this company either. And let me tell you that is a big plus because this business can be rife with drama. Also, I can make more per minute of my talk time up to a $1.10 a minute when I blog more and work more. This is the best phone sex company to work for. Trust me, I know.
Older Women Should Ask Themselves How to be a Phone Sex Operator
How to be a phone sex operator is a question mature women should ask themselves. I am 54 and thought I was past my expiration date for this kind of work, but I was wrong. Men call just as much for older voices as they do for younger ones. I retired early from my teaching job, but still wanted to make some extra money. Little did I know that I could make more than what I did as a teacher talking dirty from home. It took me a while to find the formula of success but once I did, I just kept watching my money grow. Anyone can make some money in this industry, but to make more than $500 a week requires blogging and working 40 plus hours a week. It helps to work at a legitimate company that is honest too. WBMT pays its contractors on time weekly. They also have a pay schedule designed to reward women for working hard. You can make anywhere from .20 cents a minute on your talk time, to a $1.10 a minute which is the highest pay out in this industry. I do my best to make the most because not only am I greedy, but all the things required to make that higher pay help line my bank account. Don’t let your age tell you that you can’t do this. WBMT hires hard working women from age 18 and up.
I Love it at WBMT
As a college student my schedule changes every semester. I tend to pick up waitress jobs but with my schedule changing every few months that is proving not very profitable. I needed something that would be consistent money but also conform with my schedule. There are so many work from home jobs advertised but when I tried to sign up, they often would require some type of payment to learn how to do them or they ended up being sales. As I searched through jobs from home with no fees, I ran across phone sex operators. I knew basically what that would be but not anything else. I researched some companies and came across WBMT. All the reviews from employees, past and present were wonderful. They all loved their job. I was still hesitant but filled out the application and sent it in. I received a call right away and did a telephone interview. The owner answered all my questions and I learned that not only could I make money, but I could set my own hours. The more I put into the job the more I would make as the incentives are there. I accepted the job and went into training. There was more than just answering the phone and I had to learn a few programs. They were easy and if I had any questions the management was right there helping me along. I love my fellow employees and couldn’t be happier with my choice. I work around my schedule and put in the extra effort needed to increase my pay. I absolutely love my job and would highly recommend it to anyone needing flexibility in their employment.
Great Money and I Have Time to Care for My Elderly Parents
I had just been let go from my job due to budget cuts. I needed some income and I needed it fast. I had bills to pay, a car payment, insurance, rent and so on. My parents are getting older and I do a lot of care giving for them, so I also needed some flexibility. The typical pyramid sales were just not my thing. Too much up front money, to little immediate income and honestly, I just don’t like pushing things on my friends that I am not certain of. Anyways, I had a friend that works for WBMT and makes great money and can schedule her own hours. I set up a lunch and discussed the job with her as I truly didn’t know what a sex phone operator really did. She explained everything to me and provided contact information. I set up an interview and was pleasantly surprised how genuine the owner was. She asked about me and my life and my availability. She said I could set my hours around my parents needs and informed me that there were plenty of information in the handbook to help me with how to talk to clients. I went through the training process, getting any questions I needed answered immediately, and now I work full time, making great money and being able to provide the care to my parents. I could not recommend a better company, even if you have never done phone sex operator work before. You will quickly get the hang of it and love working here just as I do.
Perfect Job for Stay at Home Mom
As a stay at home mom I am extremely busy with the kids and my husband’s income supports us but to do the little extras I needed to make some money also. I had tried selling those beauty products, the supplemental nutrition items, the food items and even those smell good candles. All of them basically only paid for the inventory I was receiving. I never made much money and not nearly enough for the hassle it was causing. A friend suggesting WBMT and I investigated it. I had never done phone sex before, but I was certainly capable of talking dirty. I applied and did the interview asking lots of questions during our call. They were so helpful and encouraging. I already had internet and a computer, so I scheduled a land line installation. Now I can work when the kids are in bed or at activities. I schedule my own hours and work from the comfort of my bedroom. I have found out that the more effort you put into it the more money you make so I am working towards that goal now. I have been able to make so much money that I have completely paid for a summer vacation for me, my kids and my husband. I highly recommend WBMT to anyone who is looking for a great income or anyone who is looking to supplement their family’s income.