Can You be a Phone Sex Operator?

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator is not for every woman. You must ask yourself if you are comfortable talking about taboo subjects. This is not a job for a choir girl, lol. We talk about all sorts of subjects because we are a no taboo company. Just keep in mind it is fantasy. Fantasy phone fun that keeps a roof over your head. I was not sure I could do this but the more calls I got the easier it became. It also became easier the more money I made. I make more money at WBMT than I have at most of my white collar jobs. There are many reasons I love this company. I received two weeks training. The girls that work here are very helpful and nice. No catty behavior because it is not tolerated. It feels like a family at WBMT. Also, at this company you can set your own hours and make your own schedule weekly. You do have to select hours and work them, but you get paid more based on how many hours you work and how many days you blog. You do need to blog daily here to make money. Direct dial companies require blogging. If you think you can handle talking about taboo subjects, blogging and working a committed schedule, apply with us today.

Ask Yourself How to be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be phone sex operatorHave you ever asked yourself how to be a phone sex operator? It is a smart question to ask. I asked myself the question sort of many years ago. I asked myself about work from home jobs. My research told me that phone sex work was the most profitable at home job. I was not sure I could do. Honestly, I had no idea what it entailed, but I applied blindly to a few places and was lucky that WBMT called me back first. They trained me on how to run credit cards and blog and answer the phone, which helped ease my nerves. The longer I was here, the easier it became. The more money I made too. This kind of business provides a decent income to women. I was unemployed and almost homeless. I needed money quickly. I gave this a try. I only needed a laptop with high speed Internet. I also needed a quiet place to work. I had all that. I also had a working knowledge of computers and writing skills. You need to be able to blog at this company. You also need to commit to a weekly schedule. Some companies just say work 30 hours a week whenever, but we do set schedules at WBMT. I love it because I select my own hours week to week which means I never have to ask off. I just design my schedule around my appointments. PSO jobs are great jobs for the right women.

PSO Jobs for All Shifts

pso jobsWe have PSO jobs for all shifts and all kinds of women. Are you in a dead-end job? Where you laid off? Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Come work for us and finally make some decent money. Most women here make at least $500 a week. It does take some time to build your customer base, but in a few months, you can be making a decent living from home. No experience is necessary, and you certainly do not need to have a college education for this line of work. You do need to be articulate however and you need to be able to read and write and understand computers. Everything we do is computer based. We do train you on our systems and how to blog, but you do need a computer and high-speed internet to do this job. You also need a landline phone and a quiet place to work. I have a family and I can still work when they are here. I just have an office in the basement and a sign on the door when my kids must text me or wait lol. Working from home is wonderful because I save on daycare and commuting. I love this industry.

Phone Sex Jobs are Full Time Jobs

phone sex jobs

Some women think phone sex jobs do not make much money. Like it is something you do part-time to supplement your income. That is not true. I make more money here with WBMT than I did working three jobs combined before I discovered this profession. I knew people did PSO work, but I was clueless how it really worked. I thought women were working in some factory, not from the comfort of their homes. I only have this job now and it is all I need. During the Covid-19 outbreak, I was worried I would not make my normal income, but I did. And I was super grateful because I had many friends out of work. Even my boyfriend was laid off temporarily without pay. I did not panic though because I made enough money to support us both. In the past, working three jobs I could still barely support myself. I love being a phone sex operator. I have a life now. I can travel. I can sleep. I can spend time with my loved ones. One job and it is done from the safety of my home. If you would like to work from home and make great money too, apply with WBMT today.

How To Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is not hard. It requires hard work and dedication to make money because PSO work is a job like any job. Many girls apply and think easy money. They assume they can watch TV and wait for the phone to ring. Some companies are like that, but you will not make much money at those companies. We are a direct dial company. We work for our minutes. The best way to do that is with daily blogging. Blogging is required at this company. We also require schedules. You can commit to anywhere from 30 to 60 hours a week, but the more hours you work the higher your pay rate is on your talk time. I love the flexibility of this company. I can still make more money at 30 hours a week than I could at most dispatch companies working 60 hours a week. I almost always work 60 hours a week because that makes me a $1.10 a minute on my talk time which is unheard of in this industry; but if I have a busy week I can work 40 hours that week and still make a $1.00 a minute on my talk time. If you have a good work ethic and can commit to a weekly schedule you design, you can make great money from home too.

PSO Jobs Are Hot

pso jobsPSO jobs are really a great way to get by these days. In the wake of the Covid-19 epidemic, many aspects of everyday life were turned upside down. Many folks lost jobs and the unemployment rates grew exponentially. Things halted and businesses went under. One thing that did survive is the phone sex industry. It’s the sign of the times despite the growth in technology phone sex still thrives. This industry is full of hard-working career-oriented women. This is not a fly by night kind of job nor a get rich quick scam. This is a career. It takes dedication, and effort to make it. The thought of being a PSO means easy work for lazy fat women is a complete myth. The women at WBMT are extremely successful and hard working. We are self-motivated and driven to continually improve ourselves. It is not an easy job nor suited for part-time. If you really want to make good money it takes effort and reliability/ Dependability. If you have recently lost your career due to this epidemic and are creative, computer/ tech savvy, and have a reliable internet connection and landline phone, then go ahead and apply. Join our family where we are here to help you succeed, but understand that this Is a job.

How To Be A Phone Sex Operator

How to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is the question that may have brought you here. It’s an intriguing thing for many but is not as easy as you think. It’s hard work to build up your skills, clients and income. It’s extremely satisfying work also. You are going to make great money here at WBMT as long as you can stay focused and put in the effort. We blog daily, and always broaden our skills and information on a variety of things that involve sex. If you have a healthy attitude towards sex and are computer literate then you may be the perfect candidate to apply with us. We require some essential skills that involve creative writing, good grammar, and a good clear speaking voice. It’s essential you have a quiet place to take calls and have a home-based phone line or landline. You need a reliable up to date computer or laptop with dependable internet connection. Those are the essential things you need before you even consider applying. I started out in this industry over a decade ago and am doing better than I ever imagined in this line of work. I call it a career. I was a professional server for over a decade before this and worked in an array of customer-based jobs. I’ve been working since 15 and have never loved a job more than I have being a PSO. It’s the perfect fit for me. I started in this field when I moved to a small town and decided I needed to go back to school. I was working for another company and taking my courses online. I love what I do today and my degree’s wouldn’t even make me as happy and complete as I feel now.

What Does a Phone Sex Operator Job Entail

phone sex operatorSo, you are thinking about pursuing the phone sex operator job. You are probably wondering what exactly does it entail, how much money you can make and how easy is it. Those a few of the questions that can go through one’s head. Your curiosity has been piqued somehow and right now is a great time to give it a try. It’s not a job for lazy people contrary to how some may think. In fact, it’s extremely consuming if you are looking to make good money. You can make extremely good money and do so from the comfort of your home. The thing is, you must be self-motivated and have the drive it takes to make it. You are more in charge of your outcome than you may realize. It’s the efforts You put forth that ultimately determines what you make. Dependable and creativity are needed. Open minded and a healthy view on sex and sexuality is essential. Computer skills and good grammar are also key components needed. If you have been laid off recently and were working in a corporate field this may be a breath of fresh air for you. No more tied to a desk in a cubicle and no more dress code. Enjoy the freedom of living a good life with great income possibilities.

Are Phone Sex Jobs for You?

phone sex jobsAre phone sex jobs for you? Ask yourself if you would like to work from home? I never had a work from home job, but I grew to love it. I could do laundry in between calls and other household tasks. When the nation shut down, I was still able to work and never had to worry about unemployment. Phone sex may not save the world, but it is an honest living that allows you to support yourself and your family. When I found myself in a new city with no job because the one, I moved for was suddenly no longer mine, I was in a panic. I had bills to pay and used my savings to move to a new city. The company that I was hired at decided to go in a different direction after I quit my old job and moved to a new state. I felt lost. A friend told me her sister did phone sex while she was in college. I was older and was not sure phone sex was for mature women. I was happy to discover that mature women were in high demand. I was hired and started working the next day. It took me a few weeks to start making a steady income, but after a couple months, I was making good enough money that I could have fun again. And good enough money that I never had to work outside the home again. We have lots of PSO jobs for hard working and motivated women.

Phone Chat Jobs

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs are plentiful. There are lots of companies hiring, but not all PSO companies you want to work for. I wish I had known that before I found my way to WBMT. I did not know what to look for because I had never been in this business before. And I did not have any friends in the business either. The first company I worked for I saw all over phone sex boards like phone sex central. I assumed that meant they had a lot of callers. Turns out that company was cheat voting. Paying for traffic instead of paying their contractors. I essentially worked a month for free. Many girls did. Do your research on any company you apply at because many of the companies that have bad reputations among their contractors have complaints on the Internet. Be leery of companies in business less than a year too. I worked at two of those and turns out one was a company that kept closing shop to fraud contractors and callers and reinventing themselves. I finally found my way to WBMT and I have been here ever since. I am paid on time weekly. There is no drama allowed. We have a great pay scale that rewards you with a higher pay the harder you work. Join our team and find out how great we are at WBMT.