Searching For Phone Sex Jobs?

phone sex jobs

Are you searching for phone sex jobs? Stop and apply here. WBMT is the best phone sex company around. I have been here almost 8 years. I am always paid on time, weekly. I do not have to deal with any drama. In fact, this company has a family feel to it. We support each other and we do not tear each other down. We design our own schedules, and we can change them up every three months to fit our changing lives. We can earn up to $1.10 a minute on our talk time and that is not based on minutes like most companies. Most companies may pay you $1.05 or even $1.10 on your talk time if you accumulate over 1,000 minutes of talk time in any given week. Not here. Your pay here is based on how many hours you commit to in a week and how many blogs you produce. Your effort rewards you at WBMT. I love this company because the call volume is great from the daily blogging we all do. I like the flexibility in my schedule and I love the people I work with. This is a female owned company. We hire women with experience and without. Either way, you will be trained her and you will have the ability to make great money too.

Phone Chat Jobs are Great Jobs for Women

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs are great jobs for women for many reasons. One, you can work from home. This is ideal for many reasons. You can work and watch the little ones who may be too young for school. You can work from home and study if you are in college or grad school. You can take care of your health if perhaps you have a chronic health condition, or an injury that you need to take care of while still making money. You can work from home for any reason. A second reason why phone sex is a great job is because of the flexible schedule. In most out of the house jobs, you have no control over what hours you work. In phone sex, you design your own schedule. You can work days, early evenings, even over nights or any combination of the above. The third reason working from home is great is the money. Phone sex jobs pay well. The right ones, like ours, do at least. You do not want to work for a company that pays you pennies on your talk time. You can only make decent money, like above a living wage at a direct dial company like ours. Here, our girls make anywhere from 80 cents-$1.10 a minute on their talk time. The more you blog and the more you work, the more you can earn. I think you will love working here. I know I do.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator Begins Here

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator begins now with these pso testimonials. I know I may be biased as a contractor at this company but trust me. I know what I am talking about. I have been in the industry since college. It started as a part-time thing for me that I could do while studying in my dorm room. I worked for some companies that made me decent money but they were rife with drama. I went into the work force, and phone sex was in my rear view mirror until Covid hit and I lost my job. I decided to check out phone sex again. The companies I worked for in college were no longer in operation, so I applied at a few. I worked at once for two weeks before I found WBMT. That company was a nightmare. When I found WBMT, I never left. I did not go back to the workforce because I found out I missed phone sex. Being at a company that does not put up with any drama is the best kind. And it makes being in this business much easier. I make more money than ever. Even more money than I did in the job I went to college to get. You must work hard at any job to succeed and phone sex is no different. If you can blog each shift, you work though, you are on the path t o making great money from home.

No Shame in Phone Sex Jobs

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are not for every woman. But they are for every smart woman. The adult industry gets a bad rap. This is a legal and legitimate way for women to support themselves. If you can blog and work 40 or more hours a week, you can make over $1,000 a week talking dirty from home. Now, I will be honest. You will not start out making that. After several months of consistently blogging on your shifts and working your set schedule, you will see your paycheck grow. Too many girls think they can just be lazy and watch TV and the phone rings. They do not put the time and effort in, and they quit before really putting any effort in to this job. At this PSO company, you make the phone ring by blogging. You build up your regulars, and then you see your paycheck grow. We have high SEO ranking on Google which means blogging really makes your phone ring. Before I started phone sex, I had dead end jobs that had earning caps. Plus, I was always tired. So tired, I could not enjoy life after work. But working from home is so much easier. It is not taxing on my body. I make more money at phone sex. I have more energy. Sure, it is not a job you can tell just anyone you do, but there is no shame in working at home and supporting yourself and your family.

I Love Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator

I love being a phone sex operator. When I started this job, my plan was to just do it until my job opened back up. I was working in a restaurant that was shut down during the height of the pandemic. Unemployment was not enough to survive on, so I applied for a phone sex job. That was almost three years ago, and I am still here. It did not take me long to realize that I could make much more money doing phone sex that waitressing. Plus, I was not on my feet all day and I got to work from home. I do work more hours at WBMT than I did at my other job, but it is much easier to work over 40 hours from home. I wake up 30 minutes before my shift because I have no commute. Hell, I do not have to even shower if I do not want to. I do not want to make it sound like easy money. This is a job like any job. That means you must put some time in to build your client base. The way you do that is stick to a consistent schedule, show up to work on time and blog daily. If you can do that, I bet you will discover that you can make more money doing phone sex too.

Phone Sex Jobs are For Any Woman

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are for any woman. We have girls 18-60 working at our company. I am a mature woman and I make great money. I may be the oldest woman here, but even though I do not have a cute giggly voice, I do have a sultry mommy and granny voice. You can still make great money in this industry if you work hard. This is not a job that requires experience or formal training. You just need a great voice, basic computer skills and plenty of motivation to make money. At our company, you must blog daily. If you do not blog, you will not make top dollar. The more you blog here, the more money you earn on your talk time. Plus, blogging is free advertisement.  Blogs help men find you on our sites. Not all companies require blogging, so this is not a company for lazy girls or procrastinators. The women who do the best here blog 20 plus times a week. They work 40 plus hours a week too. I make over $1,000 a week. More than I ever made at other jobs. You need high speed Internet, a fast laptop or desk top computer, a quite place to work and an open mind. Join our team today.

Phone Sex Jobs are For All Women Over 18

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are for any woman over 18. When I first started in this business, I was in my 40s. Now, I am in my 50s. This is my first and only phone sex job. I was desperate for a job while I recovered from a car accident. I was a store manager before this. I made decent money, but the job was very physically demanding. I was on my feet all day. I hated the job. When I had my accident, they only could hold my job for a month, and I was out for 4 with lots of physical therapy needed. I had to have money coming in and I could not work my normal job, so I applied to be a phone sex operator. I never went back to retail. Sure, I lost my benefits, but I work from home, and I am not on my feet all day. Plus, I make way more money. This is a legitimate job. Girls who do the best here treat it like a job. You work hard. You show up for your shifts. You follow the rules, and, in this industry, you blog. The more you blog the more money you make. If you hate your job and need a change, apply with us today.

Phone Sex jobs with WBMT a sure bet

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs with WBMT are a lifesaver to women who love to be self-sufficient and build their craft. Here you belong to the most amazing helpful PSO’s around. Seep the knowledge base and learn tips and tricks of the industry. Our owner has cultivated a large client base with how she designed our company. Self promotion is only as good as the advertising and site rankings. What we do here is direct dial, no operators to take from your pay, No shading payment practices. And most importantly training on how to use our blogging, and tools. The minutes are here, by the way the way we do per minute is the best in the industry, no hold times, by the block pay and work as many hours as you want for you Pay-per-min. Here you can dip into the pool and get the numerous clients that we all share. This is perfect for Professionals in the industry. Use your skills and show off your talent! Many women here work full time and make more than many full time jobs available in a brick and mortar setting. It wont take any time at all to see the seasoned phone sex operator to see a good income. Not to fret though a new lady starting out is sure to learn her trade in a wonderful environment.

Adult Phone Operator Jobs are for Women Over 18

adult phone operator jobs

Adult phone operator jobs are for any woman 18 or older. Our callers love teens through grandmas. I am an older woman. I was going to retire at 55 but I could not make enough on social security. I am now almost 60 and not collecting social security because I make too much money doing phone sex to collect social security too. I thought this would be a great part time job. I never thought I would make as much money as I do. Phone sex saved me. I was too young to retire and make the full benefit, but I was sick. I have a chronic health condition that forced me to retire from my primary job younger than I had planned. Being a phone sex operator helped me still make an income while saving my energy and body. This is a job like any other job, and women who treat it as the real job it is can make over $1,000 a week with persistence and dedication. It was a learning curve for me. I had to learn to blog, and I had to get used to working from home, but this is a team. We help you adjust. We train you to blog. If you want to make good money from home, apply today.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

How to be a phone sex operator begins right here reading through our PSO testimonials. You will see we have many happy women working here. There are a lot of phone sex companies out there and it can be overwhelming to understand which ones are the best fit for you if you are a newbie in the biz. We are a direct dial company. With direct dial phone sex, you will make more per minute on your talk time. This type of work is independent contractor work. That means no taxes. You are responsible for your own with holdings. And in this industry, direct dial companies pay more than dispatch companies. Dispatch companies have a main operator who takes care of the billing part then patches the callers to you. At a direct dial company, the middle person is cut out. The call rings directly to you and you bill the caller. Direct dial pays more but requires more work too. You need to blog at direct dial companies. Blogging is like free advertisement. It is how you make your phone ring. We are a direct dial, blogging required company. You do need to commit to 40 or 50 hours a week at this company. You can work 40 hours a week and blog 5 days a week and make $1 a minute on your talk time. Or you can work 50 hours a week and blog 5 days a week and make $1.05 a minute on your talk time. Or you can work 60 plus hours a week and make $1.10 a minute on your talk time. The more you work, the more you blog, the more you make as a phone sex operator with WBMT.