PSO Jobs Let You Support Yourself

pso jobsPSO jobs let me support myself. After a car accident, I found myself stuck at home recuperating but not making any money. And I needed money to live. So, I looked for home jobs. I thought maybe I could get hired at Amazon or something like that doing customer service. And I happened upon this site. I read through testimonials like you might be doing too.

When I saw this ad for WBMT and realized I could have flexibility, I applied. My back healed and so did my broken leg. However, I never went back to my original job. Why would I? I mean I got spoiled working at home. Plus, the money feels great. Although I needed to keep track of things for my taxes, I still make a lot of money here at WBMT. More money than at my other job.

But I do work for my money. Hard too. I blog several times a day. I show up consistently for my shift. And I make my phone ring with blogs. Many girls come into this industry and never want to blog. If you cannot write a few blogs a shift, then you will not make it here. Just being honest. Although there is no drama, there will always be some competition. The girls who blog the most earn the most too.

If you apply, your life will change too. Apply and find out.

I Love Being a phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorI love being a phone sex operator. Although, I never thought about this profession after college. I needed a job after my divorce. I did get child support, but I refused alimony. Pride, I guess. I worked before motherhood, then I did the stay-at-home mom thing for almost 20 years. And the world changed. So, no one wanted to hire me with a 20-year gap in employment. But phone sex does not care if I have ever had a job or lack knowledge of the field.

When I needed to support myself, phone sex hired me. WBMT feels like a family. Everyone from the managers to the girls here helped me learn the ropes. And I think I will do this until I die because it is great money, not stressful and fairly easy. But this is a job. And you must treat it like a job. The harder you work, the more you make. And by work, I mean blogging and just showing up to work. We operate on schedules. We design our own, however. And we can change it every three months.

I hope you will love this job too. You can make a great living at WBMT. The best phone sex company. Find out for yourself.

PSO Jobs Offer Women Financial Security and Flexibility

pso jobsPSO jobs offer women financial security. However, this line of work is not a cake walk. Some PSO companies require very little of you, but they pay crap. However, WBMT lets you earn real money. But you must work for it. If hard work does not scare you, then you will succeed here.

Blogging and showing up to work are the main things required here. We do have set schedules. But we design them and can change them every 3 months. But if you commit to hours, you must show up. Or it will affect your pay. Blogging is required at least 5 days a week to earn the top pay rate of $1.10. And you need to work 60 plus hours a week. And that is not hard to do when you work from home.

Good time management skills will help you too. I write my blogs on my down time because it can get hectic with callers and chatters when I work. And I never want anything to prevent me from making all the money I can. Phone sex is not rocket science but it does require work. Blogging and showing up to work. Plus, some social media promotion. But it is a great job that pays well if hard work does not scare you.

Being a Phone Sex Operator is a Legitimate Job

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator is a legitimate job. I support myself and my family on the income I make here. As a single mom, I struggled to find a job that paid me enough to afford daycare for my little twins. A friend told me about phone sex. And when she told me I could make great money from home negating the need for daycare, I investigated it.

I have been at WBMT for a few years now. And my income soured. Although I lost all public assistance, I no longer need it. With what I earn here, I can support my twins. Last year, I even bought a new car. My schedule, I designed myself. So, I work a split shit around my twins’ sleeping schedules. I have enough time to work, sleep and spend quality time with my angels.

Plus, if one wakes up, I can mark myself on a call and soothe them back to sleep. If you are a mother like me, it is important you have a space away from your kids so they are never heard on calls. I put a desk in my bedroom. And I have a cam in my children’s room so I can watch them while on a call.

You should give phone sex a try. It worked for me. I have never been happier and more financially stable.

No Two Phone Chat Jobs are the Same

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs are not a dime a dozen. Most women think all companies are more or less the same. I have worked at three companies, and none were the same. One was a dispatch company. And although those companies have almost no extra work, you do not get paid much on your talk time. But I stayed there too long because I thought all phone sex companies operated in the same manner.

My next company was what they call direct dial company. And those pay more on my talk time. However, they require more like blogging and set schedules. WBMT, the company I am at now, is a direct dial company. But even these types of companies vary greatly too. The first one I worked at I did not stay long. The owner acted a bit crazy. Like wouldn’t let us leave if no one else was on. It turned into a nightmare because I was constantly told I would be let go if I tried to leave

So, I gave WBMT a try. And I told myself if it did not work out, I would get out of phone sex all together. But that was 8 years ago. I am finally happy and making great money. Owners do not expect me to work any hours past my shifts. I am paid on time. And I work with really nice girls. Plus, I make more money here than the previous two companies combined.

So, if you are ready to explore the best of the best in the phone sex business, apply with us today.

PSO Jobs Save Women Financially

pso jobsPSO jobs save women financially. I know that sounds like a broad statement. Let me add that the right phone jobs save you from financial despair. I will explain. Phone sex does not require a certain skill set other than a friendly and enticing voice with some writing ability and basic computer skills. No formal education required either. So, women like me from rural towns with no real job prospects and only a high school diploma, only minimum wage jobs seem viable.

One day, I was googling at home jobs because I lost my Walmart job when Covid hit. I had not worked there long enough, and they downsized hours and staff. My town is so rural we don’t even have public transportation. And I do not have a car. Walmart was just a 2-block hike. And this very site where you are reading this came up when I was looking. It sounded perfect. Although I did have a healthy amount of skepticism about how good the money would be, I had to give it a shot. I had no other options.

Even when I started out my first week not yet earning full pay, I still made more in a week then I did in two weeks at Walmart. And I never had to leave my apartment. After about 3 months, I started making over $1,000 a week. Now, that money I earned. You gotta hustle to make your phone ring. It just does not magically ring unless you blog. You will get some new girl love from company regulars, but they will fall off if you do not blog on the days you work.
I work 50 hours a week and write 15 blogs over 5 days and earn a $1.05 on my talk time. But you can do the same thing and work 60 hours and make a $1.10 a minute.

The pay in phone sex is not hourly. You are not an employee, but an independent contractor. You set your own hours. I work 5 days and have two off to chill, see a movie and hang with my friends. Honestly, never thought a hick girl like me could make this kind of money. Before long, I will have enough money to put a down payment on a house and move to a bigger city. And I am not even 30 yet.

Phone Sex Jobs Work Well for College Girls Too

phone sex jobsI never thought about phone sex jobs until I started college and needed a flexible job with good pay. When my mom went to college in the 80s, she had to work the cafeteria. And she needed a few other jobs too. All minimum wage jobs too. Now, my mom thinks I work for Amazon customer service and have some blogging gigs. She might try to sell her left kidney if she knew. But phone sex is honest work. And not only is it flexible work as you set your own hours, you work from home too.

And having a work from home job when you do not have a car works out well. Although I live in the dorms, I do not have a roommate. I won the lottery for a single room dorm. Only a few in each residence hall, or I may not be able to do this. But I am making enough money that I can save some to get an off-campus apartment next year, so I can do this all through college.

My friends have work study jobs or slave at retail. Some do Only Fans, but that takes a lot of work, and the money can be hit or miss. But here at WBMT I work 30 hours a week. I blog each day I work. And I work at least 8 hours on the weekend. I average $800 a week. And during breaks from school, I can work more. Although I still live at home when not at school, I now live in the mother-in-law suite so my mom could have a craft room, LOL. And they would never hear me.

Phone sex requires some blood and sweat. You need to blog each day you work, or your phone will not ring, and your pay will not go up. But I can study and work on papers in between calls. None of my friends make what I make in two weeks working 40 hours a week. I keep telling them to join WBMT. If they won’t, maybe you will.

Phone Chat Jobs Feel Liberating

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs feel liberating. They did for me. For years I slaved away in retail management. No one worked harder than me, but because I did not have a college degree, I could only advance so far. I worked holidays and weekends with no bump in pay. I got told time and time again what a hard, loyal and dedicate worker I was. But none of that mattered because I lacked a 4-year college education.

One day, I got fed up and quit when a manager ahead of me stole my ideas and work and passed them off as her own and received a bonus for it. Desperate for money because I did not think before I acted, I applied for a phone sex job. I told myself it would be temporary until I could find a better job. However, I never found a better job.

At WBMT I set my own hours. Everyone gets treated the same regardless of length of time here or educational status. We can all make the same rate of pay if we want. Our pay structure rewards us for hours we commit to in a week, and how many days a week we blog. We can earn anywhere from 20 cents a minute up to $1.10 a minute. My choice. But my strong work ethic proved useful even in the phone sex world. And I earn top pay every week.

If you are tired of dead-end jobs or being worked to death with no reward, consider a phone sex career. I bet you will never want to do anything else. It’s easy to get spoiled by the money and working from home. My life seems so much better since I joined WBMT. No stress. No hours standing on my feet. And no getting passed over time and time again because of my lack of a college degree. Join WBMT today and see for yourself.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator Only Requires a Few Things to Get Started

how to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator I would not describe as difficult. But like any job, it does require work. The overhead is low. And you need very little to get started. You will not be asked to pay any fees or anything like that upfront. But you do need a few things in place before you can start at most phone sex companies, including ours.

What you need to begin here includes a modern computer with a Windows operating system. Although you can own a Mac, it can be more challenging to get our programs to work on a MAC. Because we rely on our computers heavily, you want a laptop or a desktop. Not an iPad or a Chromebook. I prefer a laptop so I can move around. That’s helpful on long days or long calls.

You also need high-speed Internet that’s reliable. Without the Internet you cannot work. Also, you no longer need a landline phone. Those used to be the standard, but cell phones have improved over the years. Plus, with us, our toll-free numbers work on an app not the cell phone. So, it does not matter if you have voice mail or not because your phone doesn’t answer your call, the app does.

And you also need a quiet place to work away from your family or any noise in the house. Guys want to only hear us, and they want our undivided attention. If you have these things, then you can apply and start making great money from home.

Adult Phone Operator Jobs are Sales Jobs, So You Need to Hustle

adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs are not hard jobs, but they are jobs. Even as an independent contractor girls still need to hustle to make money. Since this industry is competitive, only hard workers survive. Unfortunately, this industry attracts a lot of lazy women. Women who just want to watch TV all day and answer the phone. But phone sex is a sales job in a way. You need to advertise your services. And the way we do that at WBMT involves blogging.

We require many blogs a week at this company. Anywhere from 10-15 minimum blogs a week. Blogging makes your phone ring. And the more you blog, the more money you make. At this company, blogging gets tied to your pay rate too. You can earn up to $1.10 a minute on your talk time. But the key to pay is how many hours you work in a week. And how many blogs you produce.

So, if you hate to blog, WBMT would not be a good match for you. I do not mind blogging because it helps me earn the most money I can. And why would I settle for a few hundred dollars a week when I can make over $1,000 a week? Although it took me a while to master the blog game, once I did, my pay went up week by week. I will never go anywhere else because I know no other company will allow me to earn this most.