Livin the Life

Well I can honestly say I’ve been in my pjs ALL day! Yeah that’s just one of many perks of this job. Today was my day off, actually. But I decided to work to make some extra money! That’s the great thing about this job. There is ALWAYS room to make more money. You can always work more hours, or blog more blogs…or do the blog contest to get more money. There is even Girlie of the month/ Girlies of the week contests! It makes it easy for you to blog, and earn money. It’s not all about money…we’re a family here and we support each other. We understand if you don’t know how to do every little thing…we all were there! We all learned and then we all started making money. We all even go on vacation together! A working vacay so you don’t gotta worry about missing out big! You talk about some seriously crazy stuff but you are an actress and a therapist all in one! That’s how I see it at least. And I see paychecks that pay my MANY bills, and I get to see my son when I am away from my phone and computer. What could be better? What job lets you run to get groceries and come back? MINE DOES!!! It’s not an easy job…please don’t get that confused with it being a convenient job! The things you say can be quite disturbing even but if you’re open minded and dedicated. You have to think is this the job for you? Can you motivate yourself to blog and make pictures and take phone calls for 10 hours a day? You won’t be glued to your computer, you’ll certainly be able to do some chores around the house or relax with your significant other while you watch a movie. But you do have to be SELF MOTIVATED.

Phone Sex Jobs ~ Apply here for phone sex operator jobs!

How to be a Successful Phone Sex Operator

I love being a phone sex operator. I think you will love it too. I am an older woman, but mature women do quite well in this industry, especially ones not afraid of a little hard work. In comparison to being a mother or working a 9-5 job, the amount of work required to be a successful PSO is nothing. Don’t let the sea of cute coeds you see on phone sex sites think you don’t have what it takes to be successful in this field. Age and looks are less a factor in making good money than hard work, consistency and creativity. I literally roll out of bed about 10 minutes before my shift starts, wash my face, pee and grab a drink. My friends are all up 2 hours before they have to work. Not me. I get all the sleep I want, then turn my indicator on to start making money talking dirty. Is it that easy? No, but pretty darn close. There are a few key ingredients to making a nice paycheck here. Consistency. Treat this as a real job and commit to your schedule. Work above and beyond your schedule in the beginning while you build your client base. Leave your drama and attitude at the door because it will be in your voice and that is bad customer service. Blog. This is the number one way for you to attract paying clients. The number of blogs I do in a week shows in my paycheck. The more I write, the more zeros appear on my paycheck. Sure you could work at a dispatch company, not blog and stay pretty busy, but you would make a fraction of the money and have a phone tied to your ear. No company pays out as much as 1.10 a minute in this industry. I love working at WBMTT. I make a really good living from the comfort of my home, usually in my pajamas. I make good money because I understand that this is a legitimate job and I put more than the minimum requirement in to it to be successful. Join our team of independent, smart sexy women and be successful too.

Phone Sex Jobs ~ Apply here for phone sex operator jobs!


I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. Today is my first day back from a day off. Some people hate going back to work every single day. Me? I love it. Yea there are some days where I should have gotten more sleep but I don’t let that stop me. This is my second year with WBMT. I just got back from a vacation and I was itching to come back! I have never been so damn bored in my life but I didn’t even have a moment to myself on my vacation. I really enjoy working from home. I enjoy each day because I get so much done! I am a newlywed and just turned 26. I get to work from home and make money doing it. Not just sitting on my ass all day long. I write blogs, I check emails daily. I talk in chat with my coworkers and I chat with some clients online all while answering the phones being happy and sexy. This is not going to be easy. You won’t be sitting there waiting for a call you need to put your characters out there and they need to be seen. You get calls by kicking ass on blogs. Write blogs and you can make some serious money. This is my second year and I am still learning. I learn new ways and tricks to help myself everyday. I don’t do it alone. Work with your coworkers. Write blogs with their characters and do calls with them! The better we all get to know each other the more money we make. We don’t just sit there and stare at our phones. We make it ring by working hard and working together to make our company the best out there! We would love to have you join the family!

Phone Sex Jobs ~ Apply here for phone sex operator jobs!

Empower Yourself

Becoming a phone sex operator was the most empowering thing I have ever done in my life. I am in my 50’s and have a college degree. I have worked in a variety of fields in my life time from management to factory work and I can honestly say this is the best job I have ever had.
When I first started looking into jobs in the industry, my main concern was pay. I worried that I would work and either not get paid on time or not get paid at all. I can honestly say that has not been an issue. In fact the owner of this company actually goes out of her way during the holidays to get us our pay so that we can shop for our loved ones.
There is a lot more to this job then just answering the phone. In fact my daughter in law recently spent the day with me and remarked at the amount of work I put in.
The advantage of being at home and being comfortable makes it seem like it isn’t work at all to me. I can get up and clean while I am working or watch a movie or snuggle with my sweet heart in the evenings. These are the advantages of this job.
It really isn’t any different then any other job. A waitress, for example, that works hard and goes above and beyond for her customers, is going to make the big tips and take home bank. A waitress that doesn’t, won’t.
I came into this industry as green as green can be. I knew the basics about computers and nothing about being a phone sex operator, much less being successful in the industry. I was nervous and unsure of myself. But the owner and management here took me under their wing. They were patient and kind and shared every bit of knowledge they had with me. They encouraged me and helped me to become successful.
The atmosphere here at WBMT is one of friendship and support. We are a family here. We support each other in all things both work and personal. There is nothing we won’t do for each other. We work hard, we play hard and above all else we have each others backs.
There is a lot more to being a good PSO then just sitting around and waiting for the phone to ring. But you are not alone in your learning process. You won’t be alone and when all is said and done you can make good money.
You have to be willing to be on time for the shift that you commit to. You have to be willing to take the time to promote through blogging. You have to be willing to be a team player and communicate with your co workers.
If you have what it takes to do all that and want a job that you can depend on, then please take a minute to fill out an application and join our family.
We would love to have you!

Phone Sex Jobs ~ Apply here for phone sex operator jobs!


Being a PSO

If you are looking at the job testimonials for Phone Sex Operators, PSO as we commonly go by, then I am guessing you are looking at a job with our company. Either that or you are really interested in our lives. I can understand why it would be interesting, we spend all day talking about sex, moaning and making other inappropriate noises. It seems like a weird thing to spend hours of your life talking about but really it is very fun. Hearing things people are into can get to be a little shocking, but it is interesting to hear all the things people are into.
I am still a bit newer to the PSO industry still, I have about a week longer before I hit my first month of working with WBMT LLC. I love it here, and though this is the first PSO Company I have ever worked for this is a great place. The starter of our company puts all of her time and money into bettering the company and motivating us girls. Our managers and administrators work around the clock to keep everything running perfectly. Our girls are funny and great and love what they are doing.
We have a lot of fun here, we make sure to not cross any lines and upset anyone but we make sure to enjoy ourselves. We take pride in getting our clients off or providing them with the perfect experience. We also take pride in our regulars. We know when we have done a good job, especially when a guy calls us once or twice a week, every week. We even have regulars who call multiple of our girls and do calls with each of them once or twice a week. We are proud as a group of what we do and the business we bring in. This is a great job and I can’t wait to have been here way longer.

Phone Sex Jobs ~ Apply here for phone sex operator jobs!

My Family Job

I LOVE my job. I LOVE the people I work with! How many people do you know that can say that?! I’m very proud of myself for being here for being here one full year so far! I can’t wait for many more. I have accomplished a lot of work including making a part of our admin team. My coworkers are my family forever! Another thing I bet most people can’t say about THEIR current job. But enough about me…and my gushing over the best job ever. Let’s tell you the real part. It’s got some crappy days like every job. Day’s you might get little or NO phone call! I know, it’s rare but there are day’s that it happens. People get discouraged. But don’t! Because some day’s you’ll make what most people make in a WEEK! Oh and from home. Who can beat that? I do dishes, and laundry while I wait for phone calls…but only if I have made sure I am all caught up on blogs. Blogging is key to making money. You must advertise your character somehow right? Some girls try to make excuses such as they could never talk dirty let alone write dirty…well that’s simple. Tell a naughty story. Get creative…do some research on fetishes. We’re not going to leave you out to dry – do you really think when we started this job we knew what we were doing? No. But here we are, supporting our families and adoring our job. No reason not to do it! You can make real money here…and not have to leave your home. You manage how much you make by how much work you put into it…and not like those scams cuz this is clearly a real job. With REAL MONEY. Which is my ONLY goal for my family. Money hungry, hardworking, and dedicated women work here.  Are you all of those things? I know I AM!

Phone sex is a real job.

For years, being a PSO was just a nice way to make extra money while I attended college. It gave me a little extra to play with every week. But then I found this company and discovered how lucrative this line of work could be. Understand this first. Phone sex is NOT a get-rich-quick kinda thing. It requires real work, a lot of blogging, and many hours of time put in to build a clientele. You have to do your homework if you are going to make the real money. You must commit to certain shifts, rev up the creative juices, and lure those men in. Those fish don’t just catch themselves. You need the right bait and hours of patience. But, BOOM, when it starts to happen, you’ll know it. I was skeptical when I heard how much some of these girls were making. I had worked for other companies and I had never heard of anyone making that much as a PSO. It wasn’t until several months later, when I hit a personal goal, that I knew I was on to something. I got excited and even more motivated. This was the real deal, and not only that, it was actually a great place to work. I never dread coming to work. It feels like a supportive, loving family here. So, how about it? Do you have that drive to succeed? That’s not about age. I’m freaking 50 years old. Can you commit to a schedule? Can you make your job a priority and give it some devotion? If not, keep flipping those hamburgers and sitting those brats. If your answer is yes, however, look no farther. This is the PSO company to work for!!! Once you see how good life can be as a PSO, you’ll never want to do anything else.
Oh, and BTW, when I started here, I was driving a 1997 Ford F-150 with 240,000 miles on it. Thanks to this company, I now have a shiny new upgrade. Thanks, WBMT!!!


I love my Job

Why do I love being a phone sex operator? Well, honestly the best part is the fact that I get to work from home, I have no commute and I can work in my pajamas if I want to, what could be better than that? We all motivate each other here, we remind each other to vote and help each other with blogging ideas. Plus we are a family here, there’s no gossip or cattiness, we build each other up here we never tear each other down. There are so many different ways to earn money here too, the pay scale is better than anywhere else and the harder you work, the more you are rewarded for your efforts! We have a strong happy team here because we have a management team here that listens to us and respects us, and we have coworkers that do the same. We really look out for each other here and I can say that I have never worked anywhere else like here! I have the best job ever because I have the best work family ever!


Join a Winning Team

So if you have clicked link after link and are taking the time to read testimonials written by the wonderful ladies here at Fuckalicious, then you are pretty interested in the industry and you have come to the right place.
We are the best of the best here. With a small group of ladies that don’t spend the day creating drama or back stabbing. An owner that REALLY knows the business and is willing to share as much of that knowledge with you as you would like to absorb. And a management and administrative staff that is here for you around the clock to answer any questions and help you MAKE it in the game.
Empowering women to be independent while providing a service is what we are all about. It is the premise for everything we do here. It is the foundation of the unique incentive based pay that the owner has created. It is the core of the tight knit family that we have built over the years. And it is why we have grown to be a formidable company in this industry.
Being an employee here and a successful PSO is not with out some effort on your part. Be here on time for your shift, blog. be friendly. and realize this isn’t a competition, there is enough money out there for all of us.
I encourage you to give it a try. I promise you that you will be very surprised!

Paid at WBMT

It’s 3am, and I made $40 in two hours. I worked on my day off and made that! And on Monday, I made $60! In an hour. Most minimum paid jobs you make that in a day…but that’s just the start of what it’s like to be a phone sex operator.  It sucks but not that bad! I mean today sucks because my voice and throat is raw from screaming. But I made awesome money…and it did not take that long at all. This is not a peaches and cream job but it has things lots of other jobs have. First of all everyone here is super nice and helpful. We are like a family! And we have zero drama here which is impossible to find anywhere else in this world. There are contests for blogs to get extra money, there are call monitoring contests every week that you also get a few extra bucks from. There is a company vacation every year were we all get together in a badass house and work our little asses off and get drunk…and have a ton of fun. This job is like no other, it is an acting job – and you gotta be able to talk about anything. Your daughter, being your daughter, fucking your daughter, eating people, stabbing your pussy and even repeating that you are a piece of shit over and over again until you really hate the guy on the phone…but then you think about it. You just got paid by one of these guys to sit in your pjs and say whatever he wants. I mean, that’s what I call work smarter not harder. And as for blogging…it’s fun! And how you make your money, and attract callers. You must write  at least 10 blogs a week if you like money. If you don’t like money, you’re wasting your time. And THIS is the place where you can make some serious money!