PSO Jobs

pso jobs

Having been given the opportunity to work for WBMT has been an incredible blessing and has helped me so much in my life. I heard amazing things about this company and the employee reviews have always been so positive, I knew that I would be able to set myself up for success! I have never worked as a phone sex operator before so I was not quite sure what to expect once I started my employment. I knew that it was going to take a lot of hard work and dedication to be successful in this business, and that’s really the key! Self-motivation is so important and the more that you put in to this job, the more money you’re going to make! It’s so convenient to be able to work from home too, being able to roll out of bed and clock into work can’t be beat! Aside from the very fair structure of the pay scale and company rules, all of the employees are like family. We help each other out and are there to answer any questions that another employee may have. We’re a team and together we’re reaching our success! A no-drama environment really helps you to propel yourself to the top! I’m so thankful to be a PSO with the best company ever!

PSO Jobs are the Best Jobs

pso jobs

PSO jobs are not a dime a dozen. There are good, bad and ugly companies to work for in this industry. Then, there is the best, which is WBMTT. I know what you are thinking. I am biased because I work here. I am biased, but I am truthful too. I have been working here over three years now. That is a decade in the PSO world. I stay here because I would be a fool to go anywhere else. I have not earned less than a $1,000 a week in over two years. At many companies, that kind of money cannot be made weekly for several reasons. Many companies do not pay their contractors an equal split of the money. In fact, some give pennies on the dollar. At our company, you can earn up to a $1.10 a minute based on the effort you put in. Second, many companies don’t pay their contractors regularly. I have been paid weekly, on time, every week I have worked for WBMT. Many companies don’t blog, which is the best way to bring customers to your phones and make you top dollar. I blog daily which brings me company money and client money. And, many companies hire any and everyone who applies so there are just too many girls you are competing against for calls. At our small company, only girls who aren’t afraid of daily blogging, who can remain drama free and be polite and upbeat with callers are hired. If you are looking for a legitimate at home job where you can make steady money, look no further.

Pso jobs are fun, trust me you want in on this!

Pso jobs are fun, trust me, you definitely want in on this! We have a lot of great women at this company and we all build each other up here and help each other be the best we can be, there is never any gossip or back stabbing bullshit here! Now, this is a hard job, you have to be creative and you really have to put in some effort if you want to make any kind of real money here, if you think that you’ll just be sitting around waiting for your phone to ring you are sadly mistaken. You will need to vote for our site on phone sex central so that we can remain on top, lots of men look for sites there and they higher up you are the better! You will have to blog too, often and well. Men read our stories and call us if they are turned on by it, if you don’t blog you won’t make a lot of money at all. If you put in some effort tho, man you can really make bank! I have been supporting myself on just this job for over 6 years, I’ve worked at several companies and I can say for sure that this one is the best by far! You’ll love it here if you give it a try!

pso jobs

WBMT the Best Phone Sex Company

WBMT is the best phone sex company that I personally have ever experienced. The owner truly cares about her employees and will go out of her way to help you succeed. The office manger is always so positive, upbeat, and helpful. They truly train their employees and the knowledge that you receive is unlike anywhere else in this industry. I worked for another company that sent a packet of information and then your were on your own. Here there is always someone to ask questions and get help or ideas from. The other employees will help you in anyway they can and they are fun to be around. There is not any backstabbing or cattiness like I have experienced at other pso jobs. You are able to have a flexible schedule which enables you are to work around other areas of your life such as offspring or school. You write your own blogs so that you can attract the type of caller that you enjoy. The pay is weekly and on time. They offer bonus to reward their employees that do work hard. I am so happy that I found this company and could not imagine working anywhere else. It has truly been a blessing. It is a company that will build you up and empower sex operator

Phone Sex for a Living

I never in my life thought I’d ever become a phone sex operator, but I would not change it for the world.  Since I have found this job, I have managed to pay my bills on time for a full year.  Also, I have plenty of time to spend with my daughter, as I get to work from home.  No daycare or babysitter, no driving expenses, no extra food expenses due to that driving.  Just me and my kiddo, and all the comforts of home.
I’d have never thought that I could turn a favorite pastime that I shared with my exes into a legitimate career, and yet here I am.  Earning money to listen to fantasies, tell my own, and use my creativity to make men cum for me.  Strangely, too, I find it fun to know that I managed to make a man cum just by manipulating his imagination using my voice and words.

I think the best thing, though, is that I have so much flexibility with this job!  Since starting, I have had every holiday with my family, even the ones where I worked a few hours of the day.  Family events are things I can attend now, and I’ve had more time and ability to meet new people and groups in my area that suit my lifestyle.  These are all things that I didn’t think I’d ever do again, and working a standard, work-a-day paycheck, I wouldn’t be able to.  I’d miss my mom’s birthday, my daughter’s birthday, Easter, July 4th, even Christmas, and have to celebrate them early or late.  But, not with WBMT.  WBMT has been a godsend to my life, and I am so grateful to be a phone sex woman.  It has been well worth my investments, both time and money, to make working for myself from home a reality!

phone sex operator

Give it another chance

PSO jobs

I’ve been around the PSO world. I’m no stranger to this type of work. I’d worked for some horrible companies before I arrived here. Slow pay or no pay losers. Companies who made you feel like you worked alone in the dark. Rarely did you ever know your co-workers and if you did, they were the enemy. I was feeling pretty beat down and ready to give up the dream of being a PSO. Then I found WBMT. It’s like I was whisked away to the magical world that I hoped for, where PSOs were appreciated and paid. WOW.

I’m not saying you don’t have to work for it. You have responsibilities like any job. But if you are willing to put in the time and effort here, you will be pleasantly surprised at what life can become. There’s money to be made. Go-getters can make a very nice living here. All you need is a computer, a landline phone, a sexy voice, and some motivation to put it all together. Give it another chance. You’ll never find another company like this. Be part of our unique PSO family. Apply now.

PSO Jobs are the Best

pso jobs

PSO jobs are everywhere nowadays; however, you should never just apply blindly because not all phone sex companies are created equally. This is my first job as a phone sex operator. I have been here almost 3 years now. I can’t imagine working anywhere else. When I applied here, I didn’t know much about the industry. I just needed a work from home job that I could earn serious money because my health took a turn for the worse. I did some Google searches and quickly learned that not all companies pay well or on time. I lucked out here. I make 1.10 a min, which is almost unheard of in this business and I am paid weekly, every week. I work hard to make that through blogging daily and other minor things. The amount of work I do to make good money in this business is nothing compared to what my friends do to make minimum wage at dead end jobs. I love this job. My earning potential is limitless and I work from home. I don’t have to take my job home with me and I don’t have to deal with stress or back stabbing co workers because this is a completely drama free company. If you need a steady income and the thought of daily writing doesn’t scare you, you should apply to the best little phone sex company on the Internet today. You won’t regret it. I make over $1,000 a week and have for a couple years now, so you know I have no regrets.

Pso jobs are great income

pso jobs

Pso jobs are great income if you work hard and have an open mind. We talk about all kinds of topics here so trust me, you will never get bored. The men that we talk to come from every walk of life so you get exposed to many different points of view, you can literally learn something new here every day and I’m saying that after doing this for 6 years! I love my job, I get to work from home and hang out with all these great girls all day long what could be better than that? I’ve worked at several different companies and I can tell you there are places where the atmosphere is toxic, where girls are pitted against each other and you can’t trust anyone… this company is nothing like that at all. Here we are family, we help each other learn and grow and make lots of money! No one here will ever make you compete with anyone else, and there is never any catty bullshit here either so you can come to work every day knowing that you are surrounded by family. Honestly, there is no where else I would ever want to work, I love it here and I just know that you will too!

PSO Jobs: Work From Home!

pso jobsWorking as a PSO was something I never expected to do, but my time at WBMTT has been great! I make a consistent pay, work with great girls, and love my job. It allows me to work as well as go to school and other than my set schedule, I can work whenever I want from the comfort of my own house. Blogging effectively is what gets me most of my calls, and with WBMTT you can blog as much as you want, whenever you want. Your in control of your pay, and when you want extra hours you don’t have to ask. The flexibility, the comfort of working in my own home, and the amazing girls I work with makes this job one of the best I have ever had. WBMTT is a great company to work for. I started this company with no experience and am doing well today! So even if it’s something you’ve never done before, I urge you to give it a try.

Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operator

Being a phone sex operator has been an incredibly fun and challenging experience and I feel very lucky to be employed with such a wonderful company! Since I have been working here, I have been pushed to limits that I have never tapped into or explored prior to becoming a sexy phone actress. Being able to talk about all of the fantasies of our customers has helped my confidence to feel a lot more comfortable with myself in my own life. With dedication and motivation, this can be an extremely lucrative and fulfilling career! I was in a lot of financial trouble prior to becoming a phone sex operator but because of my strong work ethic, I have been able to get myself back on my feet with my finances. One of the best things is that we are all like family here at this company, always looking out for one another and here to help in any way necessary! I love being able to work from the comfort of my own home, comfy in my pajamas! It’s refreshing to work for such a good company with such awesome co-workers!