Adult phone operator jobs are so much fun

Adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs are so much fun. Plus, you can earn a good living working from home doing this job. I never thought this would be a career for me, but my life changed. Suddenly, I found myself in serious debt without a job. I was sick and couldn’t work a traditional job and getting social security wouldn’t happen soon enough to prevent me from being homeless. I started looking for at home jobs and phone sex came up as a top at home job opportunity. I applied to a few companies and WBMT called me first. I lucked out too, because I could have ended up at a company that is no where as good as this one. Here I can earn up to 1.10 a minute with a little hard work.  This type of job is not for the lazy, but the work needed is a far cry from the labor of standing on your feet all day for minimum wage. I blog daily. I work 40 plus hours a week on a committed schedule that I select week to week. There are some other little things I do to help promote myself and the company that help me make good money. You do need to bring no drama to the company and have some basic computer and literacy skills to succeed. But, if you can write daily and commit to 40-60 hours a week, you can make bank from the comfort of your living room. Joins us. You won’t be sorry.

Phone Chat Jobs are So Much Fun

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs are so much fun. I love my job. Do you love your job? If you are in a dead end job and are killing yourself to live pay check to pay check, you should come work for WBMT. I know I might sound bias because I am. I love this job. I love this company. I would not stay at a company for almost 5 years if I didn’t love it and I wasn’t making money. When I applied five years ago for a phone chat job, I was thinking it would be temporary until something better came along. Once I started making over $1,000 a week from my home, there were no better offers that could come around. I don’t want you to think that this is a cake walk job, because it does require a few things to be successful. When you compare what you need to do to be a phone sex operator versus a sales clerk, you will find that the work you need to put into this kind of work is nothing in comparison. I blog several times a day. I commit to 40 or more hours a week. I leave my drama and negativity at home and I put my best self forward every day. If you want out of a dead end job, apply to today. You will thank me tomorrow.

PSO Jobs are Lucrative

pso jobsPSO jobs are more lucrative than you would imagine. I had no clue what a little hard work and consistency could amount to in this business. Honestly, I never expected to be here this long. When I applied five years ago I told myself it was a temporary job until I got out of the hole I was in. I had a white collar job that I went to college for, but my health took a turn making traditional work for me no longer feasible. I knew a girl who did phone sex while in grad school, so I started looking into it as a possible short term fix to my problem. I have not looked for another job since. I have not applied for social security disability because I make great money being a phone sex operator at WBMT. Other companies don’t have the pay structure we do. I can earn up to $1.10 a minute based on my weekly effort which is almost unheard of in this business. At best, most PSOs can expect to make is $1 a minute.  I blog daily, several blogs a day, and I work more than 40 hours a week to make over $1,000 a week. Now, you can put in less effort and work fewer hours and still make a decent living. If I have your curiosity piqued, you should apply today!

Phone sex jobs are fun

phone sex jobsWhen I started working for WBMT my ex-boyfriend had just dumped me and i was living in a run-down trailer, I felt like my life was in shambles and I really didn’t know how the hell I was gonna pull myself out of the rut that I was in. With a lot of hard work I quickly started to see the cash roll in from being an independent contractor. I never thought that phone sex jobs would be the answer to my new found happiness. I’ve been with the company for over a year now and it’s been an amazing and positive experience. All of my co-workers are absolutely wonderful. Everyone is helpful and wants to see each other reach their full potential and do the best that they can possibly do as a phone sex operator. I was pushed outside of my comfort zone when I started working here but now it’s like second nature. I have become more comfortable with myself and my sexuality. It’s an outlet for me to release my sexual energy and it feels great. I’ve been able to upgrade my trailer and get all sorts of cute stuff for it with all the effort that i’ve put in to make lots of money. You can upgrade your life and your home too with enough dedication!

How to be a phone sex operator…

How to be a phone sex operatorEven though you may not know how to be a phone sex operator, that’s okay! Rest assured you will have all of the proper training that will give you all the tips and tricks that you need to be the most successful and lucrative PSO that you can be! We have an amazing management and admin team that is more than happy to help you with any questions or concerns that you may have on your way to learning the ways of the company. When I became employed I really had no clue what I was doing. I have never been employed as an adult actress before and I had no idea what to expect once I started working on the phones. It’s a sink or swim type of business but thankfully we have great employees that really help you swim! It’s nice to know that when you clock into work you have a very helpful group of ladies that work alongside you. If I can do it then you can too!! You won’t find a better company to work for other than WBMT! I truly lucked out to be able to work for this company! Come and join our awesome family and elevate your bank account!

Work From Home

at home operator jobsI really dig working from home.  I get to be in my comfortable (aka pajamas) clothes and make money.  I get to get stuff done around my house and take care of my kid and make money all at the same time.  The girls I work with are great and very helpful. The bosses are always there to answer your questions for you.   You get complete training.  I had no experience before I came to WBMT for work.  I have had nothing but 100% support in this job.  I do not have to get dressed up and drive to an office.  My bedroom is my office.  I put no miles on my car.  I make my own schedule and work as much as I want.  This really is a great job for anybody interested in making money and still, want to have a family.

Great PSO Job

pso jobsNeed some extra cash and a great place to make all that money?  Come work for WBMT.  The staff is great, My boss is the best, and management is there for you 24/7.  Any questions, concerns, or problems there is always someone to help you out.  I love this job and by far this is the best job I have ever had.  Pick your own hours and make your money.  WBMT pays you up to a $1.10 a minute.  Those minutes add up and turn into a really nice paycheck.  If you can chat sexy and roleplay you can make tons of legit money without leaving your house.  Every week I get a nice little bundle and I do it all from my home in my pajamas.  If this sounds good to you then come join our WBMT family.

PSO Jobs are Great

pso jobsPSO jobs are legitimate work from home jobs. Trust me, I know. I have been at WBMTT for almost 5 years now. Time flies when you are making money and having fun. It is hard to believe that almost 5 years ago I was desperate for money. I was behind on all my bills, worried I might soon be homeless.  I was sick; I couldn’t work a typical 9-5 job, but I couldn’t live on social security disability either. I took to Google and researched work from home job opportunities.  Phone chat jobs came up everywhere. I wasn’t even thinking along those lines when I started looking for jobs. I did more research and decided to apply to three companies that had good reputations in the biz. You would be surprised to know how many shady phone sex companies exist. I am happy to say that WBMT is not one of them or I would not still be here. WBMT is a family to me. The owner and the manager gave me the tools to be successful. If you can blog daily, commit to a weekly schedule and remain chipper and drama free, you can make good money like me. I make over $1,000 a week. I have consistently earned that for over 4 years now. I feel like a valued team player and I have the best bosses around. Bonus. I can work in my jammies and be around my little ones too. No day care needed. No commuter costs either. If you want to work from the comfort of your home and make more money than you would in fast food or retail, apply today.

Phone sex jobs Bring You $$$$

phone sex jobsPhone sex jobs are so much fun. I never saw myself as the type of woman who would work in the adult industry in any form. Not because I have an issue with phone sex or anything dirty; I just assumed that any job in this industry wanted young girls. Times have changed. Mature women are in high demand in this industry. So, don’t count yourself out because of your age. If you need to make money at home, I think I just found you your dream job. A few years ago, I found myself in need of an honest job that paid well but allowed me to work from home. Many work at home jobs are scams or you must work 100 hours to make what amounts to minimum wage.  Being a phone sex operator allows you the freedom to work from home and make great money. I always take home over $1,000 a week here at WBMT, but I doubt that is possible at other phone sex companies; plus, I do it with hard work. I didn’t start off making this kind of money. I worked hard, and it paid off. I still work hard. How can you be successful like me? First, apply here. No other company has a plan that rewards you based on how hard you work. Second, blog, blog, blog and blog some more. Blogging is free advertising for yourself and the company. The more you blog, the more you make. If you can’t see yourself writing daily, this is not the job for you. However, if you don’t see daily writing or sticking to a set work schedule as a problem, apply today. Soon you will be on our way to making over $1,000 a week too. I may not have envisioned this type of work for myself, but boy am I glad I found this company.

Becoming a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorDo you want to be a phone sex operator? I am here to inform you that it is a wonderful job. Fun too. A few years ago, I needed a job. My health took a turn for the worse and a traditional job was no longer working for me. I had a friend suggest phone sex as a possible job. She had done it in the past and thought it would be a perfect work from home job for me. She was right. I got lucky because this is the only phone sex job I have had. I landed the best phone sex company on my first try. Many girls come to this company with horror stories about other companies. I make over $1.00 a minute here. There are no hold times. I am always paid weekly, and the company is drama free. Have you ever wondered how to be a phone sex operator? You will get training here. Most companies toss you to the wolves and you sink or swim. Here at WBMT, they want you to succeed. You will get training, so no need to fear if you can do this or not. You don’t need experience. I had none. You just need a positive attitude, a decent work ethic and commitment. Toss in some daily blog writing and you can be successful. What are you waiting for? Apply today and start earning money.