Phone sex jobs are worth it

phone sex jobs

Did you know phone sex jobs and at home phone operator jobs are rewarding careers? If you are interested and searching for the best,  look no further.  Are you the type of person who gravitates towards jobs that call upon the creative, expressive, and the personable-type? Can you draw upon your inner wild with a fresh imagination?  If so, you will succeed in this industry.  Working from home with WBMT has provided me with a steady flow of income and the flexibility I require raising my child.
Are you a stay at home mother?  A person with limited mobility? You may be someone who enjoys the freedom of working in the privacy of your home.  As a mother,  this position has afforded me the ability to schedule a routine for my work duties, mommy duties, and wife duties. By the end of the day, dinner is ready, the house cleaned, and money is secured, and I have time to do the most important job of nurturing my baby because of my job.
At WBMT we have the ability to select our own schedule and be as creative as we want in our blogs and with our images as taking calls are not the only things we do.  Writing the blogs are therapeutic as you can escape as you write about your short-story fantasies.  You have the control over who and what and when and where.

The whole team of managers and co-workers are like family.  The training is exceptional.  My experiences in life have been challenging, but I am successful.  I have gained so much from learning new skills.  Any question you have will be answered and no one will ever make you feel uncomfortable.  Your hard work will never go unnoticed at WBMT.   Our team will welcome you like a southern Grandma would say,  “honey come on in and grab a plate.”  I hope you are encouraged and join our amazing, thriving, PSO family

The Best Phone Chat Jobs

phone chat jobs

I am endlessly grateful to be a part of a company that really empowers women in the phone chat jobs arena. This industry is saturated with companies of all kinds and many offer no true support system for their operators. Some of the companies require girls to do very little and no structure. The thing is, that to succeed in this industry you need to look at this as if it was any other job and treat it as such. Effort pays, and that is why when you join WBMT LLC. you are presented with a pay scale that is suitably entitled Motivational pay. Essentially what you put out will contribute to how well you do. We have one of the highest pay rates in the phone sex operator industry and it requires work and dedication to achieve the greatest reward, liberation. Liberation from corporate crap, from traffic and commuting, liberation from a dress code or limiting how you do your hair, wear your make-up or the body modifications and lifestyle you choose. Your only limitation is really what you put on yourself. This is not a candy coated testimonial, this is just really how it is. If you are self motivated, reliable and open minded then by all means take the gander.

PSO Jobs

PSO jobsPSO jobs are profitable for the right women. Some women will complain they didn’t make any money at this kind of work. I can promise you that is because of one of two things. Either they worked for a company that kept most of their money or they were lazy girls not motivated to work for calls. Some companies don’t require blogging or any work, but those same companies don’t pay squat either. WBMT has a pay structure that pays you based on how hard you work in a week. You need basic computer and writing skills to excel at WBMT. You can make good money here if you just set aside a few hours a day for blogging. It is the key to success here. I love working here for many reasons, but obviously my pay check is the main reason. I also like working from home and setting my own schedule. At home phone operator jobs are perfect for many women. If you don’t have a car, work from home. If you have a health condition, work from home. If you are a caregiver, work from home. If you hate dead end jobs, work from home. This kind of work is not for everyone, but I hope it is for you!

Do You Want to Be a Phone Sex Operator?

phone sex operatorIf you want to be a phone sex operator, you should apply with us at WBMT. I may be biased because I have worked here 5 years, but I can’t image working anywhere else. This company is small but elite. I don’t mean we are stuck up because that is not the case. We are top performers.  Lazy girls don’t last at this company because lazy girls don’t make money. We are driven by blogs here. The more you blog, the more calls you get, the more per minute you earn and the bigger your paycheck is. Writing equals money at WBMT. Personally, I love to write dirty stories. It is fun writing. I love this job because it saved me from going on SSDI because of a health condition. I make over $1,000 a week consistently. It didn’t happen overnight, but adult phone operator jobs pay well if you are at the right company. You don’t want to be at a company that pays you pennies on the dollar and there are many that take well more than half of what you earn. Here at WBMT, how much you make a week depends on how much work you do and how many hours you work. The payoff is worth it though, because how many jobs can you make a grand a week in your pajamas?

We Have the Best Phone Sex Jobs

phone sex jobs

Phone sex jobs are easy to get, but trust me, you don’t want to work for just any phone sex company. I have been a PSO for years now and have only been with one company, WBMT. Longevity with a company is not common in this business because not all girls find themselves working for a good company and not all girls are cut out for this kind of business. Being a PSO is not for lazy girls. It is for motivated women who are willing to blog daily, work a set schedule and do some social media promotion for the company. Trust me the work is worth the effort because here at WBMT, the more you blog, the more your phone rings.  The more your phone rings, the bigger your pay check is. I never thought I would become a phone sex operator, but sometimes our lives take a curve ball. I needed to work from home and I needed to make money quickly and decent money too. A friend suggested I try phone sex and I am glad she did. Working for WBMT has changed my life because I have made great friends and I no longer worry what utility will be turned off next. Apply with us now and work tomorrow. Never worry about money again.

Phone Chat Jobs are Perfect

phone chat jobsPhone chat jobs are not what you think. Honestly, I thought I had to be a young teen girl to do this sort of work, but I was wrong. Girls from 18 to 80 can excel in the adult phone chat world. I needed a work from home job due to a health issue and phone sex is about as profitable of a job you can find from the comfort of your home. It isn’t easy work, but it isn’t hard either. Some companies won’t make you adhere to a set weekly schedule nor will they require you to blog, but those companies won’t allow you to earn up to $1.10 a minute either. Here at WBMT, a phone sex operator can earn more than half of what her caller paid to talk to her. That high of a payout is not common in the industry, so some work is required to make that kind of money. If you blog daily and show up for your hours, you can do well at this company. You do need a land line phone, Internet access and a home computer, but you don’t need a car or work clothes. You can work naked if you want. I have been with this company for several years and that is simply because this is the best phone sex company to work for period.

How to Be a Phone Sex Operator Begins with Us

how to be a phone sex operator

Have you wondered how to be a phone sex operator? It is a smart thing to think about because this line of work is very rewarding. It is rewarding for many reasons. First, you can make more money here than you can working at a dead end fast food place or some place like Walmart where you have to deal with irate and rude people. At WBMT, you just have to deal with horny men, but you get paid for it! Second, this is a work from home job which means you can work in your pajamas and roll out of bed ten minutes before you start your shift if you want. Bonus too, here at WBMT you can set your own weekly schedule. Third, you have no commutes, so you don’t need a car or bus pass to get to work. You also don’t need to worry about office politics or petty drama because this is a drama free company. Yes, we are all women, but we are women who build one another up and support each other. We don’t act catty. We are currently accepting phone sex operator job applications, so you should apply to join our team. You will be treated fairly and have the opportunity to make top dollar on your talk time.

At Home Phone Operator Jobs

at home phone operator jobsYou can search forever for at home operator jobs and not find the perfect one. I am here to tell you that WBMT is the best phone sex company to work for. I know you think I am biased, but I have been here for almost 6 years. No one stays that long at a job that doesn’t’ treat them well nor that they aren’t making decent money. I am treated like family here. Plus, I make over $1,000 weekly. I work hard to earn that kind of money from home, so if writing daily blogs and working more than 40 hours a week is not your thing, then this likely won’t be a good fit for you.  But for girls who like to work as much as they can and write, this is the best phone sex company to work for. Have you wondered how to be a phone sex operator? If you have, we train you. Many companies toss you to the perverts with no training and watch you fail. None of that sink or swim mentality occurs here. You will receive two weeks of training and the lifetime support of the phone sex veterans here. We love helping new girls succeed. I hope you will fill out an application and join our family today.

Adult Phone Operator Jobs

adult phone operator jobs Adult phone operator jobs are not created equally. Now, I do not know from firsthand experience because I have been lucky enough to only work here. However, I have heard the horror stories from other girls here who have worked for bad companies before joining our family. You can read PSO boards and see the horror stories of some companies not paying their contractors on time if at all and paying them pennies on the dollar or requiring hold times. At WBMT, contractors are treated like queens, like family. We are paid on time weekly. We have no hold times. We decide if we want to make 20 cents a minute or $1.10 a minute. The harder you work here, the higher your per minute rate is. And that hard work isn’t that hard of work. If you work 60 or more hours a week, blog daily and do some self-promotion tasks you will see your paycheck grow. The only girls that will ever bitch about WBMT are lazy girls. This company is not a good fit for lazy girls or drama queens. Drama can plague the world of a phone sex operator, but not at WBMT. That shit is never tolerated here. We want motivated, drama free girls to join our family. I hope that is you!

Phone sex operator job applications led me to WBMT

phone sex operator job applications I was skimming over all the different phone sex operator job applications that I saw online while exploring the different PSO companies that are out there to work for. As i read over the employee testimonials I could easily see that WBMT offered a positive and stable atmosphere for it’s employees which of course I was instantly attracted to. I sure am glad that the path I was on led me to work for WBMT, I can’t imagine not being employed with this great group of ladies! I’ve been pregnant and i’m about to pop, this company has been so accommodating to my hormonal ups and downs. All the girls have been super kind with helping me cover my shifts if I’m feeling too tired or have to go to a doctor’s appointment, etc. Working for WBMT has made my pregnancy so much easier. I don’t have to stress and worry every day about getting ready to go to work and whether or not my big swollen preggo belly is gonna be feeling comfortable or not throughout the day. I can lay down on my couch and relax while working and making income. This job requires hard work but the payoff is totally well worth it!