Great Phone Chat Jobs Available Here

phone chat jobs

We have phone chat jobs available for women who can work 40 plus hours a week. This is not a company to work for if you cannot commit to a weekly schedule of 40 hours or more. Some companies just tell you that you most work 30 hours a week whenever you want. We do things differently here. We select our hours, and we must show up for them. We pick weekly for the week ahead and we design the hours we want. There is never a need to ask off for time unless something happens after you select your hours. I love working here. I have a chronic health condition and if I could not work from home, I would have to be struggling financially on SSDI. I usually know my doctor appointments well in advance, so I just schedule around them and my social life. I make great money from home. I hustle for my money, which is why this company is a better fit for women who do not mind working hard. This is a direct dial company, so you have to blog and promote yourself to get callers. But it is a drama free company too so no need to worry about catty or bitchy girls. If you can see yourself blogging, join our team.

How to be a Phone Sex Operator

How to be a phone sex operatorHow to be a phone sex operator is easy. It begins with an application. You do need a few things before you can start, however. You need a dedicated landline. We cannot use cell phones for this job. You need a modern laptop or desk top computer. No Chrome books. Macs do not work either because our work programs are designed for Windows. Cannot use your iPad either. You will need a fast loading Windows computer for this job. You need high speed Internet too. No mobile hotspot will support what you need to do here. A quiet workplace also is a necessity. You can be a stay at home mom if you can make sure your kids will not be heard on the phone. WBMT trains you on how to process credit cards, use Word Press for blogging and Google Sheets for your work forms. Experience is not necessary, but this is a blog driven company. You will not make money if you cannot write 200-300 word blogs a few times a day. Trust me, once you realize that blogs make your phone ring, you will want to blog. Phone sex is not rocket science; however, it is a job. And like any job, to be successful requires hard work and commitment. Apply today and start making money tomorrow.

Adult Phone Operator Jobs

adult phone operator jobs

Adult phone operator jobs are a great way to make money from home. I am talking a decent living too. When I joined the team at WBMT, I thought it would just be some extra income to help supplement the unemployment I was getting. I was furloughed from COVID. Honestly, I thought I would make tops a couple hundred dollars a week. Initially, it was slow for me, but as I blogged more and learned the ropes, I started getting more callers. After a few months of consistently blogging daily and working over 40 hours a week, I started making more than I was getting in unemployment. And 6 months later, I was making more than I did at my job before I was laid off. I do not think I will be going anywhere anytime soon. I love this job. WBMT Is drama free. WBMT has the highest per minute rate on talk time than any other company. That pay rate is structured differently too. You can earn up to a $1.10 per minute on your talk time based on your effort. Most companies making anything over $1 a minute is contingent on you making over 1,000 minutes. Here at WBMT the harder you work, the more you earn. Your earning potential is endless, but it is tied to hard work and consistency.

Phone Sex Operator is Retro Term

phone sex operatorBeing a phone sex operator sounds so 80’s or 90’s to some, but it is 1000% the 2020’s thing. In an era of pandemics and riots, it seems the safest bet is to stay home. There are Stay Home orders in the year 2020. Businesses were closed, schools closed, everything was in a bit of a stand still. The social thriving groups suffered the most. Businesses struggled and closed. It was a worldwide disaster and it’s heading into the next wave. The phone sex industry is thriving and thriving hard at that! We work hard for our money and it’s the most enjoyable job ever for me. I can be creative, make money and stay home with my doggies and care for them properly. I like my home and really rather enjoy the opportunity to be in my home more than out of it. I spent so much time in commutes, traffic, dealing with working with a high fever etc and as a waitress it really is still a crapshoot on what you make no matter the efforts. You can’t call out sick or you get fired, your car doesn’t start, you get in a wreck rushing to or from work, you spend a total of 8hrs in your home, that you pay a lot to live in and to make nice only to not even enjoy it because you have to work. See. Yes working from home is my answer to that mania.

Phone Sex Jobs will Change Your Life

phone sex jobs

I never thought about phone sex jobs until I saw a movie about two girls starting a phone sex line from their home. It was a cute comedy, but it got me thinking about the industry. I was in a job I hated. I had no room for growth. I hated the job. I disliked my co-workers. I was stressed. I needed a change. I thought the worst thing that would happen would be that I stay a few months, clear my head and look for something else. I liked WBMT. If I did not, I would not still be here two years later. It took me awhile to learn the ropes. It seems easy, but there is a lot to learn. If you have experience blogging on Word Press and using Google sheets, you will be ahead of the game. WBMT provides a two-week training period. They teach you daily during that time the things you need to know. It can be overwhelming, but the team of contractors here are very helpful. Unlike most companies, we build you up and want you to succeed. We see new contractors as a chance to grow as a company and not competition. Drama plagues this industry, but this company is zero drama. I took a chance and it paid off. You should toss the dice too.

Phone Chat Jobs Are Available Now

phone chat jobsWe have phone chat jobs available at WBMTLLC. This business is still thriving and one that survives many recessions. It’s especially crucial for mental health to have someone to reach out to and talk to in a time when there is a pandemic that may become endemic worldwide. These times are stressful for people and we all have ways to deal with it. In a period of quarantines the phone can be your best friend. You will be the voice that will help someone through a dark time, and it is fun!. It’s always interesting and please if you don’t have a healthy attitude about sex and sexuality then this isn’t for you. We talk about all kinds of things that are of a problematic nature in reality. It’s talk, freedom of speech and delving into the human mind of fantasies. You must be non judgemental on touchy subjects because they are calling our services to not be criticized. So it’s the reality of this work, sometimes it is unsettling but it is exactly why we survive in this industry. I just want to let you know it is a difficult job, a very rewarding job and frankly you get paid better than you would as an actual counselor.

PSO Jobs Pay the Bills

pso jobs

PSO jobs will keep a roof over your head. Trust me, this industry pays well on a couple conditions. The first condition is you work at the right company. Some companies pay you pennies on your talk time while they take 80% of your work. Some companies do not pay their girls at all or on time. WBMT has no hold times. You can make up to a $1.10 a minute on your talk time here. Maybe some places will pay you $1.05 a minute but that usually is only if you make over 1,000 minutes a week. Not here at this company. We pay you based on effort. That brings me to the second condition which is your work ethic. The pay scale is piece meal. You earn money with each thing you do like work 10 or more hours on the weekends; blog 5 times a week; do some social media promoting of the company and committing to 40-50 hours a week. The more you do the more you make up to $1.10 a minute. Plus, the owner offers contests and stuff to make extra money too. We are a team at WBMT. We have no drama and we support each other. We do not tear each other down. That makes WBMT a great place to work.

Phone Chat Jobs: Are They for You?

phone chat jobs

Phone chat jobs are easy to find these days. As a vet in this business, I want to warn you about just applying anywhere. Some companies make it extremely hard for you to make a decent living because of hold times and a low pay scale. WBMT is better than most phone sex companies around now. I have worked at a few of the less reputable companies. WBMT has no hold times. You are paid per minute of your talk time and that pay rate depends on you. You can earn 20 cents a minute with doing nothing. You can earn 50 cents a minute doing the bare minimum, or you can make anywhere from $1 to a $1.10 a minute working 40 plus hours a week and blogging 5 days a week. This is not a dispatch company. This is a direct dial company. You need to hustle to get that phone ringing. It is always harder to do in the beginning. You want to work 40-60 hours if you can. And you want to blog several times per your shift. This is how you get the phone ringing. Once it rings, you get hooked on the money and want to keep working hard.

Ask Yourself How to Be a Phone Sex Operator

how to be a phone sex operator

I am glad I asked myself how to be a phone sex operator. I saw an article in Cosmo of all places a few years ago about the industry. It seemed fun. It seemed like it could make me money. I was stuck at home after I broke my leg skiing. I was going through my savings quickly, so I wanted to work. That was last year. I started working here about this time last year. I was so glad when COVID hit, that I worked from home. My friends in retail and the food industry lost jobs. I made more money here than they did on unemployment or their jobs before they lost them. In fact, I got my best friend a job here. She needed to support her, and her daughter and her unemployment was taking too long. She never went back to her old job. She loves working as a PSO, just like I do. Paid well. Paid on-time. Drama free work environment. Training provided. Unlimited earning potential and you get to work with nice women like me and my bestie. You just need a landline phone, a modern computer, a quite place to work and high-speed internet. Apply today, work tomorrow.

I Enjoy Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorI did not think I would enjoy being a phone sex operator. I will admit that I was on the fence about the no taboo talking involved in this kind of work. I had a healthy sex life when I applied. I enjoyed sex, but talking about taboo subjects, I was not sure I could do it. Turns out I could. When the price is right, you find out quickly you do not have as many limits as you thought. I look at it like acting. I get to play a part. It is also like therapy. We are helping men release stress and come to terms with their fetishes. Plus, we make great money at WBMT. This company has the highest payout in the industry. Most companies pay you less than $1 a minute on your talk time. You can make up to a $1.10 a minute on your talk time here. It is great. Now, you do need to do some things to make that much like work more hours and blog daily, but neither is hard to do when you work from home. Think about the world right now. No one is really safe working in the public sector. You can work from home with us and still make a decent living.