At Home Phone Operator Jobs are in High Demand

at home phone operator jobsAt home phone operator jobs appear to be in higher demand since Covid. More women want to work from home. Some women even just want to have a job, any job because of this post Covid economy. Phone sex is the perfect at home job any woman can do. You just need a quiet place to work. I work when my kids are either at school or sleeping.

I am married, so I do have help with them, but they are at an age when they do not always follow directions. So, it is best that I do not work when they are home and awake, LOL. But when my husband lost his job during Covid, one of us needed to work to support the family. And even when my husband went back to his job, I stayed working because I love WBMT.

The money I make is great. I bring home about $1000 a week working 40 hours. And there are many girls here who make more than me. I set my own hours, and I can change them about every 3 months as needed. Even though this was meant to be a temporary job, the money was too good for me to not keep working here.