Adult Phone Operator Jobs

adult phone operator jobsAdult phone operator jobs are for any woman who wants to work from home. You need a cell phone, high speed Internet, a quiet place to work and modern Windows operated laptop or desk top computer. You need good writing skills, and basic computer skills too. This is not rocket science, but it is a job that requires some basic English skills like blog writing. You need a voice that sounds happy to talk to a guy. You need good time management skills and excellent record keeping kills too. You can easily make over $1,000 a week at this company. Not right away. It takes a few months of consistency and blogging daily to build up your regular caller base. If you can work 40 plus hours a week with some time on the weekends, and blog every shift you work, you can build your regular base quickly. Our phone sex jobs have good Google ranking from blogging which helps your phones ring. We have over 10 years in the business too which helps men feel confident that we are a legitimate company. WBMT pays well on your talk time. They pay weekly. They tolerate no drama. WBMT trains you too. Best PSO job I have ever had.