Phone chat jobs are the best jobs for women who don’t want to do the 9 to 5 grind daily. There is no other work from home job that will bring you this kind of money without a degree. You don’t need a college degree or experience for this kind of work. You need a great voice, a dirty mind, a computer, a land line and a willingness to write and work. I make more money talking dirty than I thought was possible. Never did I think that being an adult operator would net me over a grand a week, but it does. I no longer worry about the electric bill or any bill. Now, I work hard for the money. But hard is not like the heavy labor of many jobs. My hard work consists of daily blog writing, being positive and upbeat and working my schedule which I design from week to week. Where else can you work and change your schedule week to week to fit your life. WBMT has the highest pay out in this business too. You can make a $1.10 a minute. Many companies take 50-70 percent of your hard earned money. Not at WBMT. This is a female owned and operated business, so no casting couch auditions. We are a group of positive and hard working women, a family of sorts. Apply today and join our family.