I Love Being a Phone Sex Operator

phone sex operatorI love being a phone sex operator. But I love the money the most. Honestly, I had no clue how much I could make here. It was my first work from home job and my first PSO gig too. I’ve been here 5 years and I hope to be here another 20 years too. Sure, it was not a job I elected to do. My situation forced me to take an at home job.

After I broke both legs and my back in a car accident in 2019, I needed a job. And I needed decent money. Every google search I did suggested phone sex as the best at home work job for a woman. So, I applied to a bunch. But WBMT called me first and I’ve been here ever since. Even though after a couple years I could have gone back to my old job, I got too used to working from home. Plus, I was making more money than ever.

Many girls think they will do this part time because face it no one wants to scream they talk dirty for a living. But women stay and they stay long because phone sex means you are working smarter not harder. You work from home. Set your own hours. And make great money. More money than retail or waitressing for sure.