I could tell you that phone sex jobs are easy to come by, but I could also tell you that they are some not so good companies out there that will not pay you what you are worth or what they owe you. Do a quick search and see what I mean. Here at WBMT the owner makes sure we get paid what we work for. Our per min time can be as high as 1.10 a minute. We are a no taboo direct dial company. You do the work required and your time is well paid for. Please catty or drama because we are a family like environment of hard-working women. Show up when you schedule yourself, Do the work that is required, and this work helps you bring in clients we already have or new guys to you. I consider that a win win. WBMT showed me how to make money with my sexy voice. I knew the job, I just didn’t know how well I could be paid. I had gotten ripped off a couple of times by companies that promised never to do that. This is a competitive industry and good companies are hard to sort out I know. I have been here a couple of years. We do not have hold times, so someone can call you and hang up and reduce your money. NO one here wants you to fail. This company was created by a woman who has been in the industry for years, tired of seeing women get taken advantage of. Read the requirements if you can do all that and put your all into it then you can be a great money making PSO. I’m a real PSO and woman that knows what other companies can be like and I have found my home here and can support myself and feel good about myself!