We Have At Home Phone Operator Jobs for Women

at home phone operator jobsWe have at home phone operator jobs for women with a drive to make money. Let me tell you a little bit about what it is like to work for WBMT. I love it. And I have been here over 5 years. Other companies I worked at did not require blogging. However, I barely made $400 a week. And I was one of the top earners at those companies. I do not mind hard work, but there was nothing to do but answer the phone at those companies. But I worked a ton of hours. Like 80-90 hours a week for $400.

And I thought that was standard, until a girl I worked with came to WBMT and poached me. She made over $400 in her first week at WBMT. I waited a few months before I applied here to see how she did. And she kept making more and more. However, she told me there was a lot of work, but it was all to help girls make money.

And I am here and love it. Longest I have worked at a PSO company. But there is work. You need to blog several times a shift. You need to work 40 plus hours a week. We work on committed schedules here. You design your own schedule, but you cannot change the hours except when the three months is up. We can change our schedules every three months. We also do some weekly social media promotion here. But it is all worth it in the end. Because every rule or requirement we have here helps us make money.

The money here is light years above any other company I have worked at. But only if you work for it. If I did not scare you away, apply with us. We take women with experience and no experience.