WBMT Phone sex operator job applications

phone sex operator job applications

Out of all the phone sex operator job applications you put in WBMT is the best by far. We hire pretty quick. I was making money the week I applied with them. I had no experience in working for phone sex and I had to be trained in blogging, company policies and how to make my per minute rate go up. Many weeks I got that Golden $1.10 per minute and it feels very nice. By the way, that’s top pay for a phone chat operator! You deserve more for your time than a few cents per minute while a company takes most of the money. We are direct dial and that cuts out the cost of an operator sending you a client. And that also means you get your caller directly and bill them yourself. I have heard horror stories of operators having beef with phone sex workers and not giving them calls. You don’t have to worry about that here, Your callers go right to you! I have been with WBMT for a few years now and it just gets better and better. We advance with technology and have a nice client base that to can tap into. You just need high speed internet and a phone line. Basic computer skills and the ability to be taught our simple blogging process. We provide top rate training to women who want to earn money and have their own success in their own hands!