WBMT Has the Best PSO Jobs

pso jobsPSO jobs are not for lazy girls despite public opinion. Phone sex work is a job like any job. Yes, you set your own schedule and work from home, but you can’t sleep or lay around all day waiting for the phone to ring and make decent money. You definitely cannot at WBMT. We are a company with a lot of rules and requirements, but before that scares you off, let me tell you that all those rules and requirements are designed to help you make the most money you can. The owner of WBMT was a PSO for decades before starting her own company. She worked for companies that were plagued with drama and bad management. She created something better. Something that benefits her phone sex operators more than herself. WBMT has the highest payout in this industry, but to work here you must do more than just talk dirty. WBMT is a blog driven company. The more you blog the more you earn and the more your phone rings. WBMT does require a weekly schedule but it is one that you design around your life. The more hours you commit to, the more per minute you make too. You can select 30, 40 or 50 hour work week schedules, but you can only make a $1.10 a minute with a 50 hr a week schedule plus another 10 hours worked whenever. This is a great company. Yes, we require work, but that work pays off in your paycheck