This place is amazing. I’m not exactly sure how to put it into words, but this company gave me the opportunity to pay off all my vet bills in 2 months! That’s something I never could’ve done with a typical 9-5 job. You get what you put in with WBMTT. It’s like the unicorn of phone sex companies LOL. Don’t believe me? Try it for a month or two. You’ll see the increase in your bank account rather quickly. They’re fair and encouraging. It’s the only PSO company I’ve ever worked for that makes less than you do per min. It’s one of the best at home operator jobs I’ve ever encountered. I’m a 53-year-old woman and I have worked for my fair share. As a 53 year old widow, you can imagine that it’s difficult for me to find decent work. I live in Southern California and this place is expensive. I am financially stress free for the first time since my husband died. The only reason I’m writing this testimonial is because I know that many struggling women can truly benefit from an opportunity like this. It’s rough out there. It’s either sink or swim in this world. This company let’s you swim and thrive.