PSO Jobs Might Be Better Than You Think

pso jobs

PSO jobs are likely not what you think. They were not what I thought. When the pandemic first hit, I was a working as a bartender. It had been my job for a decade. I did not want to keep working on my feet in my 40s, but it was the only skill I had, and I made decent money. The place I worked for did their best to keep paying us through the shutdown, or until we got unemployment but without tips it was not enough to live on. I thought I would get unemployment, but it was taking too long, so I applied for a phone sex job. I had no idea how much money I could make. Once I was out of the two-week training, I was making more than 300 a week, which was what my boss was paying me. I told her to stop paying me to save her wallet. Eventually, the bar closed. She did not survive the shutdown. After a few months at WBMT, I was making more than I did on my best week bartending. I have not gone back to bartending either because I do not want to work on my feet anymore. Not, when I can make more money from home. If you want to work from home for what ever reason, apply with us.